- Surusu: backup in progress 😀 #
- よく「日本のユーモアに皮肉は無い」と外人は言う。けれど、本当は日本語の理解力が、まだ皮肉に気付くレベルに達していないだけなんじゃないの?心の琴線が触れられるには、先ずは琴 #
- “language is about putting in the hours. If you want to learn it fast, you just put in more hours a day”
bit.ly/rDXO8 # - “reading is one of those things that recedes if it is not used”
bit.ly/uciKy # - 『一般的な「天才」の定義は大いに誤解を招きます。
「天才」とは、ある対象に異常な愛着を持っている人です。� # - 複雑な練習は、練習じゃない。
これこそ練習。 # - 退屈な練習は練習ではなく、拷問。 #
- 「戦いは己の力を出し盡くした時こそが本當の始まりだ」
bit.ly/bWPYT # - Cantonese South Park.
‘Nuff said.
bit.ly/aFqvV # - Turn it into a game, and all work will stop. #
- If we’re going to play…let’s play to win. And winning means not just enjoying the end, but enjoying the means, too. Pain is not victory. #
- If we don’t allow ourselves to look to the best and expect the best, if we treat the best as if it’s too good for us, then it becomes so. #
- Pwnage will come to us if we believe in our right and ability to (eventually) have it. But if we treat it like something alien…no dice. #
- I’ve always thought of the SRS as a privilege rather than a mere tool. All the “thinking” and “planning” and quantifying it does for me… #
- South Park: Offically *the* best tool for learning any language. #
- Pre-attentive processing… #
- 男子漢 #
- It’s kind of a mistake to discuss “time” management. What we really have is “self” management with time as one of the tools of managing self #
- The point isn’t to actually be perfect, but to be consistently heading in a very good direction… #
- 做硬漢!!
YouTube – Jackie Chan – I’ll Make A Man Out Of You (Cantonese) MV bit.ly/3heR6d # - Surusu users will notice drastically increased speed in loading stats. No need to bow in thanks — I do it for the love of the game. Hehe 😀 #
- Figuratively speaking, you need to stop eating your Japanese “vegetables”, and start looking exclusively for your candy/dessert 😀 #
- “Positive thinking is hard. Worth it, though.”
bit.ly/3E1FbJ # - Definitely don’t enter or keep boring stuff in your SRS.
If you enter boring stuff, your reps will be (here it comes…waitforit)…boring. # - カートマン万歳! #
- Life is too short and good books are too many, for you to be wasting time on a boring one because you “should”/”it’s good for you”. #
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