
Motivation For Cynical People

If you’re like me…I don’t know whether you actually are, but…you know, if you are, then you came from a country and a culture that largely frowns upon overt displays of emotion. Especially overt displays of positive emotion. Forget displays — simply having a positive mental attitude might be social suicide(?) where you’re from. As…

QRG: Your Suggestions Wanted! I Mean, Humbly Requested!

Hey everyone. All this consulting and FAQing and emailing and commenting have taught me a thing or two. A lot of people have a lot of questions, particularly fine, detailed, low-level questions. My personal preference up until now has been to write at a more abstract level, both in order to stay more universal and…

Unrealistic Expectations That You Need To Stop Having

I get it all the time now. “Hey Khatsumodo! Love teh method! Your righting iz rully motuvashonul! I’ve been running my Japanese OS for 4 hours now, but i don’t feel much change! Hehe. Lolz!” “Hey! I really love all your talk about immersion! I don’t know kanji yet but I picked up a Japanese…