You never have to suffer to succeed. You just have to do what you can; this tends to be a lot more (and a lot easier) than most of us think. # “[Useless! All he did was]…practice…a series of moves over and over until he got fast” Hello? That’s the *point*. # Bad SRS…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-09-05
by khatzumoto
勝元’s外来語換言提案: タンジブルユーザインターフェース→「可触操作界面」。略して「触操面」。 序にグラフィカルユーザインタフェースも「視的操作界面」に。 # 『週に 1 回の ALT ・・・による授業を通して、「聞く・話す」英語力育成もはかっていきます。』って、週に1回なんざ足りる訳無えぇだろ?一層の事英語を止めて国語に集中した方が好いぜ # Thanks to Joe for links to great dubbed content, including the Simpsons and South Park. # 勝元’s外来語換言提案第2弾:タンジブルユーザインターフェース→「触覚操作界面」。そして グラフィカルユーザインタフェース→「視覚操作界面」に。 # Surusu: Backup in progress # 『頭のよがすべてではない。成功者がもっている特質「Grit」とは何か?』 # Rejoice! Thanks to a very kind (and UNBELIEVABLY handsome) AJATTeer, AJATT has a new domain! You…
Language Is A Martial Art
by khatzumoto
martial arts noun any of the traditional forms of Oriental [um…I think we were looking for a better word here] self-defense or combat that utilize physical skill and coordination. From Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009. We think too much. But we also think too little. The thing…
Success Story: From Frustration in Japan to Ownage in Japan
by khatzumoto
Gather round, AJATTeers, gather round. Every so often, when one is in a state of connectedness to this vast “Inter-Net”, one comes upon people with striking good looks and WONDERFUL taste in websites. One such person, a man with “victory” etched into his very name, sent me an email this very day. Now, I share…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-08-29
by khatzumoto
“Nobody is talented enough to not have to work hard” # Never conflate being disliked for being yourself with being disliked for actually hurting people. # “most of the variation in individual achievement…has nothing to do with being smart.” # “happily achieving today[,] not achieving to be happy tomorrow.” # “high levels…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2009-08-22
by khatzumoto
“foreign sounds paired with music will be…accessible for mental rehearsal and memorization” # “Music codes words with heavy emotional and contextual flags, evoking a realistic, meaningful, and cogent environment” # 自由イズフリーダム! # ‘ “structure of the day” methodology seldom teaches what it intends’ # “we must pay attention to the reality that…