This ad was posted on a train a while ago, and I’ll be frank…I chuckled. Perhaps you will enjoy it. So here it is with an explanation. Intel Centrino Duo. 世界各国の評価サイトで 大絶賛。 胸を張る代わりに、 シールを 貼って見ました。 The Intel Centrino Duo. Acclaimed on ratings websites worldwide. Rather than stick out our chests, we thought we’d just try…
10,000 Sentences: More on What Sentences to Learn
by khatzumoto
@Update: 10,000 Sentences is Dead. Let the MCD Revolution Begin! | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time OK, so part of the fun of learning Japanese using this method is that the whole Japanese world becomes your textbook, if you will. Anything and everything that are in Japanese are fair game for you…
Are You a Three-Day Monk?
by khatzumoto
Some people, no — a lot of people — have asked me, “18 months? WOW! But that’s a miracle! Isn’t that a bit short? Are you BSing us? You must be really smart”. Well, let me tell you three secrets. First, I am not BSing you. Second, I am not preternaturally intelligent. I’m just normal,…
How to Use the Sanseido Web Dictionary
by khatzumoto
One of the more intimidating things about using a Japanese-Japanese dictionary for the first time is, well, that it’s all in Japanese. What’s a Japanese-loving student to do? How do you even use the thing? Well, I’d say that learning the vocabulary you need in order to use the dictionary is part of the fun.…
Isn’t Real Japanese Too Hard for Beginners?
by khatzumoto
This is in answer to an email which raised some really cool questions, so here it is for your benefit (I’m all “because I know what’s best for you!!”)…Whatever, anyway: “…I can certainly see how an emphasis on reading sentences leads to a large vocabulary and an intuitive sense of grammar and usage. However, what…
How to Score Yourself on Repetitions
by khatzumoto
This advice applies specifically to Mnemosyne, KhatzuMemo and SuperMemo, since they all share a 0 — >5 scoring system. It may well apply to other SRSes, too. The “readings” are of course pronunciations for characters. The “meaning” is the meaning+context+intent of the sentence. Of course, many sentences can have slightly different meanings in different contexts;…