One is reminded of Juggernaut from X-Men 3: The Last Stand. For a fan of the X-Men comics, the movie version of JG was too small, but that’s beside the point. Juggernaut is an unstoppable force. And if time is real, and if time is like Juggernaut — unstoppable, inexorable in its passage, then perhaps…
Mental Tools
Why is Hedonistic Learning Good for You?
by khatzumoto
If your process sucks, then your life sucks. And if your life sucks, then (get this…wait for it…) your life sucks. And no milestone can change that. No milestone will erase day-to-day suckage. No peak of achievement will make it taste sweet. Not for more than five minutes. Maybe an hour of afterglow. And if…
When Are You Going to Stop Trying to Score Only Three-Pointers, Start Making Friends with Mediocrity and Start Realizing That Excellence Comes From the Rejection of Perfection?
by khatzumoto
This entry is part of 11 in the series Mediocre Excellence“You must always work not just within but below your means. If you can handle three elements, handle only two. If you can handle ten, then handle only five. In that way the ones you do handle, you handle with more ease, more mastery, and you…
Why Don’t You Learn Like You Eat?
by khatzumoto
The point of eating food is not simply to get full. The point of learning a language is not simply to memorize a really big vocabulary, or even to get good at the language. Well, unfortunately, it is for most people. But there’s a Japanese aphorism (don’t act like you didn’t see that coming) that…
Why Do You Keep Spending Your Time Doing Things So You Can Have Fun Instead of Just Doing Fun Things?
by khatzumoto
So, big Ayn Rand fan here. Big. Bulbous. I’ve worn out many a pillow fantasizing over that woman. No, seriously, though, I just got done reading a couple of the new Ayn Rand bios that came out…what…the other year? And it struck me how interesting it was that her philosophy came to be embodied in…
Why Do You Keep Asking For Advice From People Who Have No Business Giving It?
by khatzumoto
Here’s a couple of life tips for ya. Free of charge. Don’t ask non-thin people how to get thin. Don’t ask non-rich people how to get rich. Don’t ask illiterate people how to learn to read. Because they will give you advice and it will suck. It’s always flattering to be asked for advice and…