Mental Tools

Why Are You Still Trying To Learn from Your Mistakes?

Failure has nothing to teach you. Don’t learn from your mistakes. There is one and only one bit of useful, reliable information you can safely glean from failure: “that didn’t work”. Which is wonderful, because now you know to consider maybe not doing that any more. But that’s all you get in terms of valuable,…

How Is Learning a Language Like Breathing?

Difference matters more than distance. The distance between nothing and something is small. But the difference is infinite. “Cause snobs” often talk about making a difference. They’re especially fond of overly combative, guilt-inducing statements like: “if you’re not part of the solution, part you’re part of the problem”. Arguably, they’re right. And if they are,…

What Is The End Game of Learning A Language?

Quick! What’s your end game with brushing your teeth? Where are you hoping to go with that? What are you hoping to do with it? What kind of jobs (ugh) can you get with yer clean-a$$ teeth? What’s the plan? Are you going to be a TV anchor? Huh? Are you planning on travelling to a country where they speak tooth?

Quantity Time is Quality Time

An adult isn’t just a big cell. A big zygote. Adding small, imperceptible changes (at the time) produces a big change at the end. Who you are now is not who you will be; who you are now is not even like who you will be; you will be a completely different person in ten…