This entry is part 6 of 10 in the series Social Resistance“Do what you love and not be hated? Now you’re just being greedy!” NAKATANI Akihiro “Better, I think, to make a difference and run the risk of failing sometimes, of being made fun of, and yes, appearing arrogant. It’s far better than the alternative.” Seth…
Mental Tools
It’s Not The Years, It’s the Seconds: A Stack of Washingtons Is Not Worth The Same As a Stack of Benjamins
by khatzumoto
Measuring language “study” time in years is like trying to count mixed cash by weighing it. Hello? Denominations…
Practice Time, Game Time
by khatzumoto
Broadly speaking, there are two modes in the sport that is language. Practice time Game time. I’m not just pointing this out in order to create filler content here. I’m not doing this for my health. I’m making this distinction because far too many people get practice time and game time confused. They come to…
Don’t Compare, Don’t Despair
by khatzumoto
There are only three people in the world you should ever compare yourself to: Yourself in the past. Yourself in the future. A baby who was born on the same day you started playing. End of story.
Japanese Is Useless And A Waste of Time: Stop Learning It
by khatzumoto
“In psychology, procrastination refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of low-priority, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time.” Wik The Pedia “No human thing is of serious importance.” Plato The Republic Procrastination is putting off important things. But Japanese isn’t important. Why do you have to know it? You already…
Bad Goal, Good Goal
by khatzumoto
Animaniacs started it. We’re going to finish it. Bad goal, good goal. Bad goal: Skate for N hours/day Good goal: Show up at rink Even better goal: Put on skates Better still: Leave house with gear Bad goal: Skate N hours/year Good goal: Show up at rink N times/year Bad goal: Practice puck-handling for N…