Mental Tools

Who Is Cyril Fox Givens?

There’s a shortage in the world today. A shortage of fox. No, not the kind well-bred English people murder for country entertainment. #sports #tradition #plebsgohome So, not canid foxes. Abstract foxes. These are the kind we all have in limited supply in our bodies and minds, yet go around giving all too freely. You can’t…

First Language, Best Language

We often ask people what their first language is. We often disclaim our inability to speak a language, saying “it’s not my first language”. But we literally don’t do this with anything else. We never hear a pilot say: “sorry, I can’t fly this type of plane; it’s not my first plane”. We never hear…

Doing Enough and Done Enough

Less than a week ago, I said this: “don’t ask if you’re “doing enough” (if you have to ask, you’re probably not 😉 )”. Today, let’s talk about why. So, occasionally, I’ll get an email from a seemingly very intelligent and diligent person, and he’ll go: “Khatzumoto! What’s up, my dude! I’ve been working hard…