This entry is part 17 of 17 in the series The Art of War of LearningSometimes our worries are too luxurious. But this is not the only worry failure mode. There are other forms of irrelevant worry. The kind we’re going to talk about today is perhaps even more pervasive and more pernicious than your…
Mental Tools
Nobody Cares How You Feel (And Why This Is Actually a Good Thing)
by khatzumoto
Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s Maybelline. I don’t know. But let me just put this out there for you and see how it hits you. Nobody cares how you feel. On the surface, this may seem either: Obvious Sad, or Both of the above The correct answer, however, is that (4) none of the…
WTF Is Wrong With You? Why Do You Keep Asking Obese People for Diet Advice?!
by khatzumoto
Accept temporary ignorance, not permanent impotence Don’t ask fat people for diet advice Don’t ask panhandlers for family advice Don’t ask panhandlers for grooming advice Don’t ask panhandlers for farking anything. They done farked up. They should be the ones asking you how to shoot straight and fly right. Don’t ask dark-skinned people who aren’t…
[Random Linkage] Never Too Late
by khatzumoto
This entry is part of 6 in the series Random LinkageYou’re never too young. You’re never too old. You’re never too early. You’re never too late. If it’s today and you’re alive, then now is your time and here is your place. You are always the right age. You are always in the right place.…
Too Clever By Half: Don’t Become So Smart That You Forget the Blindingly Obvious
by khatzumoto
“I decide to continue my own study of human behavior in the Mensan game room, which is down the hall in something called the Verrazano Room. Here I find an impressive stack of games: Scrabble, Boggle, Taboo. You name it, they got it. I watch a game where a gray-haired man is trying to get…
Who(m?) You Need To Save and How To Save Them
by khatzumoto
The problem with left-wing economic ideology isn’t its wrongness or rightness but its near-total ineffectiveness: while always naive, it is often deeply well-intentioned — the only slightly inconvenient problem is that it literally never works. Socialism causes stagnation; communism causes outright starvation. Every time. Everywhere. Why, though? Well, because the numbers and dynamics just don’t scale.…