Dick and Jane continue to learn more about Hansel and Gretel. Who are they, and where have they come from? And what’s Mr. Brown planning? Find out more! 第 十二 話 やで (PL2) Episode 12, Dude! 第 【だい】 ordinal prefix 十二 【じゅう・に】 twelve; 話 【はなし】 episode や[is] this is a regional dialect version of だ. For a more…
Dick and Jane
Dick and Jane, Episode 11
by khatzumoto
Wow! Laziness is hard work! As you know, I’ve been tweaking with ways both to create and display Dick and Jane more efficiently…mostly creation really. Anyway, here’s Dick and Jane in the new, shorter format. And now the text is vertical, for added Japanese realness! The excitement is killer, so try to keep your knickers…
Dick and Jane, Episode 10
by khatzumoto
We catch up with Mr. Brown, now firmly in the present, and discussing his plans and preferences. Mufin and Spot remain in a pickle. Can Dick, Jane, Hansel and Gretel things around? As always, please feel free to send your questions, suggestions and corrections by way of email or a comment at the bottom of…
Dick and Jane, Episode 9
by khatzumoto
Muffin and Spot have been found! Well, located. And not by Dick and Jane. By Mr. Brown, who new where they were all along. They’re kidnapped, people! What are Dick and Jane (and Hansel and Gretel) going to do? As always, please feel free to send your questions, suggestions and corrections by way of email…
Dick and Jane, Episode 8
by khatzumoto
Mr. Brown continues his story. Dick likes to take his time doing things. Asking questions. Doing introductions. Again, it starts to wear on Jane, not so much because she’s a harsh-talking tomboy, but because Muffin and Spot are still missing…which means that Mr. Brown was not talking about the past as he might have implied…
Dick and Jane, Episode 7
by khatzumoto
Mr. Brown’s incredibly long-winded story continues in this thrilling new episode of Dick and Jane! Edge-of-your-seat action awaits: Dick and Jane are now doing personal introductions. By the way, Muffin and Spot are still missing…Hmm… As always, please feel free to send your questions, suggestions and corrections by way of email or a comment at…