Classes suck. But could they be made to suck less? Even, *gasp* worthwhile? A reader named Kurojohn asked me that, and I got carried away with the response, so for the purposes of easier discussion, here it is as an article. First, the question: Khatzumoto, I know that language classes are not highly regarded by…
How To Read Out The Things That Aren’t Written Explicitly In Japanese: Military-Style Numerals
by khatzumoto
Ever wanted to know how to read numbers in military situations in Japanese? Of course you have. So here you go. But be careful — unlike in English (where military culture has mixed into popular culture more), relatively few people in Japan know these numbers…you probably can’t use them successfully on the phone with a…
How To Banish Boredom from Sentence-Mining (Sentence-Picking)
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series Secrets to Smoother SRSingA few days ago, a reader of this site sent me this email: The problem I’m having is that it takes me an awfully long time to add these sentences. Even when I just copy and paste them from the Yahoo dictionary…
Shaping: What The Immersion Environment Does For You
by khatzumoto
As you are aware, this site is called “All Japanese All The Time”, reflecting the fact that I shoehorned Japanese into every little crack and corner of my life in an effort to get fluent at it. I don’t know the full extent of the effect that this immersion project had, but I read a…
Shopping Japanese Online Stores from Abroad
by khatzumoto
So, as you know, I make a lot of recommendations for items at Most of these items are books, so you can have ship them for you directly. However, there are some items (like video games and dictionaries) that Amazon Japan chooses not to ship abroad. For these kinds of situations, there is…
Further Reading On どんだけ
by khatzumoto
Here are some sites discussing the recent どんだけ (dondake) phenomenon, in which I was (am?) an unwitting (subliminal?) participant (indecisive?) of sorts, as earlier discussed. All the articles are in Japanese, to keep y’all happy. Hatena Nikkei Neologism Dictionary Shibuya Financial Times Uncyclopedia Wikipedia