
Learning Like a Native どんだけ~

So, there’s this new word out in Japan: 「どんだけ~!!??」(dondake). Well, it’s new to non-fashionistas like me, but it dates back to at least 2-3 months ago among the trendy, which means that some consider it “old”. But I didn’t come here to discuss whether or not 「どんだけ~」is passé, I came here to share something even…

Chinese Project Notes 2: Went Monolingual

Today, July 20, 2007, I crossed the Rubicon and went fully monolingual in Chinese. I do sometimes look up a Japanese word to find Chinese example sentences for it. So I guess this, makes me a mix between Steps 3 and 4 as outlined in this post on how to make the transition. As far…

FAQ Section

There is a new FAQ page up. Feel free to give it a look, it might save you having to send an email and wait for a reply. Of course, if your specific question is not answered, feel free to ask! When this site first started last year, I was getting these questions for the…