
About SRS/Sentence Writing Practice

A funny thing happened on the way to my email: Hey Khatz, I’m currently using my SRS to practice sentences, but I’m having trouble keeping up with the workload. In your recommendations you say you should be able to write (copy out) each sentence. Do you recommend copying out the sentence every time it shows…

【台詞コーナー】攻殼機動隊・・・全部だよ/ Exact Japanese Dialog Transcripts for Ghost In the Shell, Son!

[Update 2011/07/30@0917 JST: The old transcript site died, but a new one has been found by enterprising AJATTeers! Right here: 攻殻機動隊関連 : 攻殻機動隊 : CMSB. Also, as a precaution against deletion (domestic Japanese site setup and maintenance prices are about ten times higher than the US, leading to high website attrition), there’s a mirror of this…