This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Secrets to Smoother SRSingIn arithmetic, whenever we have an expression, we don’t just go left-to-right, and we don’t just run our calculations all willy-nilly. There is what is called the standard order of operations. These are the rules of engagement, the sine qua non, what…
When You Just Don’t Feel Like Doing Sentence Reps Any More…
by khatzumoto
In response to this article on binging and purging, I got this really cool comment from Maya, one of AJATT’s best link-suppliers: Just out of curiosity, does anyone have any examples of when they started to fall behind in something and they eventually caught up by making it more fun/changing their style? I’m not doubting…
[Movie Transcript] Gladiator Speech — Maximus Reveals Himself…in Japanese, Of Course
by khatzumoto
Hey. It’s chilly outside. It’s toasty inside. I’ve got this…Honeywell space heater action going here. Movies get watched, okay? Today’s transcript is from Gladiator. One of my favorite movies. I didn’t get round to seeing it until about 2005. Being a man of extensive huevos, I personally did not cry at the end, but, my…friend…
[Movie Transcript] Crimson Tide Captain’s Speech in Japanese
by khatzumoto
The mid-1990s movie speech nostalgia party continues. Today the objet of our adulation is that space-themed romantic comedy romp, Crimson Tide, starring Denzel Washington and Aragorn. Gene Hackman’s Captain Ramsey gives that speech early on in the film before they board the U-boat. It’s one of my favorites, so I went ahead and transcribed it.…
ID4/Independence Day President’s Speech in Japanese…Transcribed!
by khatzumoto
I was feeling nostalgic last night, so I swiss-cheesed Independence Day like three times — in fact, I’m watching it as I write this. Anyhoo, that famous President’s speech is so cool, and the subs in the Japanese version are so unlike the dub (most likely made at different times, on different timelines, with different…
Why The Way We Read Sucks and How to Fix It: Part 3 — The Unified Reading Process
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Why The Way We Read Sucks, And How To Fix ItThis is the third post in a continuing series on Why The Way We Read Sucks and How To Fix It. Go here to read the series from the beginning. Please take all this advice…