Amir saw Kelsey Exeter’s inception success story, and so decided to share his own! Here’s our interview: Amir: I’m a success story too btw. Learned Japanese to fluency inspired by your site. 😉 Khatz: How did you get started? What was your language experience (home and school) pre-AJATT Amir: I started 4 years ago. Before I found…
Success Stories
Success Story: AJATT Inceptioned Me!
by khatzumoto
Kelsey Exeter (←not his real name), an AJATTeer, anime fan and professional musician from Murika, shares his success story: Hello, I first found your site 5 years ago when I became interested in Japan, and it was my first introduction to the idea that you could learn a language without taking a class. I didn’t…
From the Mouths of Babes: A High School Girl Shares Her AJATT Success Story
by khatzumoto
Hey Khatz, I just thought I’d send you an (almost done) success story. My name is Mariah, and I’m a junior in high school; I’ve been doing the AJATT method on-and-off since the summer of 8th grade, but more on that in a bit. I was originally going to send you a success story after…
It Worked For Me, Why Not You? The Success Story of a Frenchman In The Netherlands Who Learned English (and Now Japanese) The AJATT Way
by khatzumoto
Good day to you, Mr. Khatz It’s morning here in cloudy Amsterdam, and I just thought I’d kill some time sharing my little story with you while eating yesterday’s leftover sushi. There is nothing quite like raw fish in the morning. I really just want to thank you for your website. There, I’ve said it.…
You Are What You Eat, You Write What You Read, You Speak What You Hear
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 9 of 12 in the series Secrets of SpeakingThe attentive will recall that Jamie (an AJATTeer) came up with what I still consider to be the greatest analogy in the history of learning languages about a year ago. The attentive will also recall that a photo of Sarah Silverman on the…
Success Story: Using AJATT to Pwn Japanese Classes (Which Still Suck), And Moving On In Life…
by khatzumoto
Penname Shawn was an AJATTeer back when that meant something. Back before the violence and the hookers and the blow. Back before telling endless Mom jokes in footnotes became a substitute for content. Here, he shares his success and coming-of-age story in his own words: I signed up for AJATT+ again to check in to…