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(Super Easy Barely An In)Convenience Is Destiny

Next time someone tells you that X “isn’t a real innovation” and “only made Y more convenient” or “only popularized Y”, I want you to punch them — and their small children — in the throat.

Don’t punch their older children — they may be strong enough to fight back and then you’ve got a multi-front war on your hands.

Convenience is not a “mere” improvement. Indeed, no improvement is “mere” anything, but this is especially true of convenience. Convenience isn’t just a nice-to-have (even though it, like, literally is, nice to have…pleasant to possess…good to get. Convenience isn’t something you put the word “just ” in front of.

Convenience is destiny.

“Blue LED lights previously installed at stations, bus stops, airports and various high danger zones around cities have been reported to induce a calming effect on people in the area, which helps to reduce crime, anti-social behaviour and suicide attempts.” [Preventing suicide at railway stations – Railway Technology]

“According to CityLab, Japanese railways have been attempting to stop train station suicides throughout their metropolitan areas for some years now, but the implementation is tricky. Tokyo is currently working towards their goal of installing preventative barricades in all 243 of their stations by 2023 – but the barriers are expensive to construct, and many train stations lack the infrastructure to support the barricades.  So until a more efficient solution is used, stations are relying on the calming effects of blue light as a means of dissuading potential suicide victims.” [Suicide Rates at Japanese Train Stations Have Plummeted by 84% Thanks to Simple Solution]

People do not do what is good. People don’t do what’s right People don’t do what’s wrong. People don’t do what’s helpful or harmful.

People do what is convenient.

If you make something convenient, people will do it (more).

And if you make it inconvenient, people will stop doing it, or do it less. It doesn’t matter how important or unimportant the thing is. What matters is how convenient or inconvenient it is to do.

This is true of everything — even things where life is on the line. ARV drug compliance, train suicides, diet, friendships and life partnerships. All are led — not just “influenced” but truly and literally led — by convenience.

You are “people”. I am “people”. We are all, fundamentally the same. We are so genetically close it’s like incest up in here.

The differences — and they can get very big — lie primarily in our software, that is, our personal and cultural programming. So here’s a little feature to add to your mindware — your mental software: stop trying to do the right thing and start making the right thing convenient to do. Quit working on yourself and focus all your attention in tweaking your personal environment. Your environment will then work n you for you.

This is definitely something I’ve said before, but it HAS to be said again, because if it isn’t, you’ll forget it. Hitler and Goebbels knew this — they knew that we believe that which we are told most frequently. Probability and plausibility don’t really factor into it. It’s all about that frequency. What is told/heard frequently becomes easy– convenient — to recall. And what is convenient to recall, we assume to be true.

Whatever you make convenient will not just be easy but super easy, and what’s super easy get’s done. Convenience is destiny. If you want to change your destiny, change your conveniences.


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