Having noticed that a couple of people had trouble logging in to KhatzuMemo, let me note that you do need cookies enabled on your browser. Since KhatzuMemo’s designed to be used on a daily basis, the cookies allow you to not have to log in every day. Cookies can be enabled on a case-by-case, site-by-site basis, so you needn’t expose yourself to all cookies in order to use the application.
Please feel free to share your questions and comments either by commenting here, or by email at khatzumoto at alljapaneseallthetime dot com.
Part of that might have been me. I forgot my password as I’m still learning the Kanji at ‘Reviewing the Kanji’ and therefore not using it. I kinda worked through my username/password combinations till I got back in. Was only about 20 tries *blush*
LoL. OK, thanks for that, Matt; I did actually notice you! Sorry fot the trouble.
One of the things still to be added is a reset-password function.
i’m a student of japanese from ukriane and i’m writing a blog about japanese, linguistics and culture
what do you think about exchanging links?
Certainly :). Let’s do it.