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Dick and Jane, Episode 8

Mr. Brown continues his story. Dick likes to take his time doing things. Asking questions. Doing introductions. Again, it starts to wear on Jane, not so much because she’s a harsh-talking tomboy, but because Muffin and Spot are still missing…which means that Mr. Brown was not talking about the past as he might have implied (starting in Episode 3), but the present.

Who is Mr. Brown and how does he know about the missing pets? The suspense is driving you crazy! Satisfy your curiosity: find out!

As always, please feel free to send your questions, suggestions and corrections by way of email or a comment at the bottom of this post. Enjoy!

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  2 comments for “Dick and Jane, Episode 8

  1. March 4, 2009 at 13:38

    笑!– I didn’t see that coming. And, who’d have thought that a “Suck-Blood-Ghost” would be a vampire. Hmm…. 有り難う御座いました!

  2. 星空
    November 7, 2010 at 08:25


    嫌ーーーーーー 嘘だもん

    this is all speculation but still 泣かせる

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