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Don’t Think Of It As A New Year, Think Of It As A New Day…

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series New Year's Is Stoopid

No, a new minute.


A new second.

Business author Brian Tracy once said something to the effect of (and I paraphrase): “The most successful 1 people in our society are those who think of the longest time horizon when using 2 money, and the shortest time horizon when using time” 3.

Once again, it’s a new year and, as usual, people be acting crazy, yo. So the big numbers have changed on the calendar…yay. Big whoop. The smaller ones change every second, every hour, every day and every thirty days 4. And those are the ones that really count. Success is how you collect your seconds and all that.

Perhaps you’re picking up the vibe already, but I actually kind of hate special occasions — New Year’s especially; I always have. It always seemed to me to be a rejection of the other tens of thousands of days 5 that people right now typically live; it always felt like (and, in some times and places, has actually been) a way of getting people to suck it up and take crap the rest of their lives by giving them these “special days”.

For more on the social control function of “special” days, read Frederick Douglass’ autobiographical account of the release-valve-via-inebriation function that Christmas/New Year’s had during the time of ‘Murican chattel slavery; people were encouraged to get as drunk as possible so that they would associate freedom and time off with painful hangovers; those in bondage who didn’t drink were looked upon with great suspicion, revealing as it did an independent and enterprising spirit. A willingness to take one’s destiny into one’s own hands was not a desirable quality in “human property”.

So whenever I hear people describe a birth, wedding or graduation in superlative terms — “the happiest day of my life” — I feel a great sense of “if this corny-a$$ rite of passage is it for you, then FML to you too, sir”. Maybe it’s just an expression and I’m being childish and churlish and taking things too literally, but you don’t want a life where it takes so much preparation, pageantry and/or blood simply to make you happy. You don’t want a life where it takes that much alcohol, catering and rented clothing just to make you happy. You don’t want a life where years — the big numbers on the calendar — need to change just so you feel you can make new life changes and experiments.

Let it take a lot less to make you happy. As Tony Robbins once so wisely suggested, lower the threshold for what it takes to make you feel happy. Way, way low. Also, notice how I’m telling you to be happy while whining about other people’s opinions on their own lives. No hypocrisy to see here, folks. Move along 😉 …

Like children in an American school, I want every day to be special. I don’t want to be told when to feel special and brand new, especially not by an authority of some random religion. Greg 13 doesn’t run other aspects of my life; I don’t see why he should run this one; he’s not the Jedi f’n Council! 😛 I’ll be the judge of which days are special, thank you very much.

Anyway, so, enjoy your Wednesday! And enjoy these:


Series Navigation<< Practical Tips on What To Do Instead of New Year’s ResolutionsStop With The Resolutions, Start With The Crack >>


  1. in terms of SES
  2. and, no doubt, acquiring
  3. Tracy gave the contrasting example of day laborers (whose time is typically measured in days and remuneration in, well, days, if not weeks and months), versus high-powered consultants and professionals (whose time is measured in minutes and remuneration in years) — Dan Kennedy extends the comparison to successful entrepreneurs, who no longer even measure income but net asset value…and me over-qualifying all these statements is really draining them of expressive power; this is what happens when you read too much academic writing during the winter.
  4. Assuming you use a digital clock-calendar 😉
  5. (maybe in the near future it’ll be millions of days, eh lads? Eh?)

  6 comments for “Don’t Think Of It As A New Year, Think Of It As A New Day…

  1. Ari96
    January 2, 2014 at 08:38

    I quite agree with you. I’ve never understood why people are so focused on these occassions like Christmas and New Year. And I’ve really begun loathing this concerning about presents, writing Christmas cards each other… I suggest we all should live every day as if it’s a special ceremony, celebration, holiday and so on.
    At the moment I’m acquiring English and I think I don’t do it that bad. Now I want to watch another season of Little Britain to sharp my listening comprehension and my British accent 🙂

  2. Thequadehunter
    January 3, 2014 at 07:02

    Right on. Every year on new years eve my mom talks to me about her new years resolutions and how she’s going to start exercising more and all that crap. If you’re going to do something, why wait until after new years? Why don’t you stop talking to me about how you’re going to do it and start doing it?

    • Lazysan
      January 12, 2014 at 01:45

      Hahaha, I know how you feel. I don’t really have a New Years Resolution, but my brother wants to make me to go to a gym.

      He’s the same NEET who wants to make sure I never learn another language, ever. Think of a annoying video game character who thinks English is the best thing since sliced bread. And just so people knows, he is another person who thinks Japanese is the hardest language ever.

      やれやれ, just letting off some steam.

  3. Livonor
    January 3, 2014 at 09:32

    I like special dates, 七夕 and all that stuff

  4. Romuś
    January 9, 2014 at 16:26

    It really doesn’t take 10000 hours to learn a language. Neither does it take a second. It takes 20 hours.
    Watch a talk by a TED fella Josh Kaufman:

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