Adam over at JapaneseLevelUp has kindly prepared an on-the-fly English dub/interpretation of the first Japanese video I ever put out. You may remember Adam from the success story he shared a little whole ago (using SRS to ace law school painlessly and with that beautiful, systematic inevitability that you get with SRS).
Anyway, enjoy the vid! 😀
Check out these other posts, motherlover!
勝元's日本語初ビデオだよコノヤロー/Khatzumoto Japanese Video Debutほーらアップしたじゃん?!もう「ホンマに日本語できるのかコノヤロー」とか抜かすなよ!こう見えてもオマエ作るにゃ超時間掛かったぞ。撮影だの変換だのWMMの故障だの。まあ、これからも兀々(こつこつ)投稿しながら向上して参りたい所存ですので、4649お願いしまーす! Look...ok?...It was late; we were talking; the camera's on; I have strange quirks and…
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