So, um…Today, there seemed to have been a little problem with this site. You may have seen an “Internal Server Error”. That issue has now been resolved. I’m not sure what it was exactly, but it may have been my fault (theory # 1: a database query gone wild; theory #2: an act of war on the part of the Goauld). Anyway, sorry for the trouble caused. You may now feel free to continue your regularly scheduled reading/SRSing.
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Right there ↑ . Go on. Click on it. Patrons get goodies like early access to content (days, weeks, months and even YEARS before everyone else), mutlimedia stuff and other goodies!
Good Lord, Katz. Don’t do that. What with the Russians flying low bomber missions today over Japan, we thought you was a goner!!! =p Glad you got the issue resolved.
Dude! Never underestimate the power of the Goauld!
They will crush you like a 蚊子 without even thinking twice.