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Where Did All the Poetry Go?

Recently, I sat back and wondered:

Human beings have been creating and reciting poems since before writing even existed. Poetry used to be the default form of both oral and written literature; most of the ancient stories were actually just really long “epic” poems 1. Back in middle school, they rammed poetry down our throats like it was clergy schlong (low blow…but I had to go for it). Now, though, you never seem to see much of it any more. Poetry, that is. Schlong is…around. So, where did all the poetry go?

Then I realized.

It didn’t really go anywhere at all. We just call it “rap music” now:

[(8) OZROSAURUS – 証拠(Short Ver.) – YouTube]

[Amazon Music – OZROSAURUSの証拠 –] (if you don’t have a Japan-issued credit card, “charge up” your account with a digital Amazon gift card first: [ Amazonギフト券: チャージタイプ: ギフト券]

“瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った

覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単

瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った

覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単

瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った

覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単

瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った

覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単”



  1. even some holy books are actually poems

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