This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series What It Takes to Be GreatOne day, I’m going to make an acronym for everything. Like, that last sentence will turn into: “ODIGTMAAFE”, and people will be all: “OMG!? AAFE?! LOL!”. Also, a little warning — there are going to be a lot of links.…
Yearly Archives: 2008
Tools of the Trade: Headphones and Earphones
by khatzumoto
Creating a language immersion environment is almost inevitably going to require the use of headphones. In this post, I’d like to share with you the headphones that have pleasured my ears with Japanese and Chinese sounds, and invite you to share your own recommendations, advice and experiences. To start, I was faithfully served by a…
Git up, Git up, Git Down, JLPT is the Joke in Yo’ Town: Why I Hate the JLPT and Why It’s a Waste of Your Time and Money
by khatzumoto
About a month ago, I got an email from a very handsome man that went a little something like this. Very handsome man: Hi Khatz, just wondering what you think of the JLPT. Is it worth taking to measure your Japanese fluency, even if by some chance it’s not required when applying for a job…
Success Story: Motivation Brings Results Bring More Motivation Brings More Results
by khatzumoto
A reader named Kaba shares her AJATT success story. Yay! Hello there Khatzumoto~ though I’ve only commented once on your blog (by the name of Kaba), AJATT has almost taken over my life. It literally will when I quit my English-heavy preschool teaching job in August [Khatzunote-o: this was written back in June]. Anyway, my…
Secrets to Smoother SRSing, Part 5: Timeboxing
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series Secrets to Smoother SRSingThis is part 5 of a multi-part series on smoother SRSing. I’ve mentioned timeboxing many times before; it’s just one of those things that’s so useful you want everyone to try it. Timeboxing seems to be very beneficially lopsided in that it’s…
KBL: Khatzumoto’s Book List, August 2008
by khatzumoto
[Update: The people have spoken! In addition to links, alternative purchase links to YesAsia have been added where available! These may be useful to those outside of Japan, since YesAsia offer free worldwide shipping. Sometimes the markup makes it so that it evens out, but at other times it is a better deal for…