Yearly Archives: 2008

KhatzuMemo Update: The Big Cellphone Fix, et al.

And all the people rejoiced. Hot on the heels of the previous update is…this update. Major changes: Snazzier UI…not that snazzy, but… Abbreviated labelling for easier display on small screens Improved repetition scheduling — priorities rebalanced to ensure that items imported from large files are not left behind The Big Cellphone Fix. Those paying attention…

KhatzuMemo Update: Speed-Up, View Stats

It has been a long time. And it was ill-advised of me to leave you devoid of a dope beat to which to step. To which to step. Doing this to hip hop songs is funny to me… Anyway, KhatzuMemo has been updated! Including: Faster question/answer transition — less data and images displayed on the…

The Now Habit: Language Acquisition as a Long-Term Project

Throughout the time this blook has been running, there has been plenty of what might be called “personal developmenty” or “motivationy” content. And there’s good reason for that. People are failing to learn languages for two basic reasons. For one thing, their methods suck. But even more fundamentally, their entire state of mind (confidence/lack thereof)…

軽病で執筆休止中なんだよゴルァ!/Khatzumoto = Sick

テメエら!というよりは、愛する読者の皆様。勝元で御座います。本人(=俺)は、病名不明な病気の為、現在休養中なので暫くは新しい記事をアップしますん(どっちだよ?!)。 兎に角じっと待っててね、そのうち直ぐ復帰するから^^。やっぱ膵臓ってイイね。もう絶対に馬鹿にしない(笑)。 Hey everyone. Young Khatzumoto (= me) is sick — too sick to even work at a computer long enough to get some proper writing done — with an as-yet-undiagnosed minor illness. Let’s just say he appreciates his pancreas more now than when it was second on his list of “organs I like to…