- Some media (books, movies, etc.) gets 0.1 viewings. Some gets 0.5. Some gets 1 full viewing. Some gets 10. Some gets 100. Most gets 0 to 0.1 #
- As long as you know more today than yesterday, you are winning. #
- “Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.” – Samuel Johnson #
- Learning new L2 words is great. But even more important and fun is to learn all sorts of combos of the simple words you already know. #
- 「蝶のように舞い、蜂のように刺す」 #
- 「ゲシュタルト崩壊」→「持続的注視に因るパターン認知機能の低下と回復過程に関する研究」 #
- “immersion is what you do to yourself, not what your environment does to you. You just have to choose to be.” — Ken
bit.ly/2AFTbU # - AJATT Table of Contents — Now updated with new articles!
Yay! # - The QRG video (“the movie”) is almost ready!
Try to keep those panties dry… # - 「死に日和だ
(義務 勇気 名誉)
連邦の為死んでもいいぞぉ!」 # - It’s up!
YouTube – “AJATT.com QRG: The Movie” Trailer bit.ly/Bk61t # - S.H.E. reminds me of TLC
YouTube – S.H.E – 女孩當自強 KTV bit.ly/mKIDU
YouTube – TLC – No Scrubs bit.ly/RLIZk # - “In most domains, talent is overrated…partly because after a while determination starts to look like talent.”
bit.ly/1xRth1 #
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