- “Maasai Tribesmen / Japanese Magician” | Japan Probe bit.ly/cHesYM #
- Jaybot hits you with some pictures of food packaging #Japanese bit.ly/c5pCX4 #
- 乗組員解散!
bit.ly/bbQZYb # - This anime is hee Larry us. 英語で言うと「Oh Moshi Roy」
YouTube – ギャグマンガ日和+ ルノアールVSセザンヌ bit.ly/c7pHKm # - TechCrunch Japan bit.ly/9rjKBa #
- YouTube – The Storm Warriors 風雲 (Storm Riders 2) Music Video bit.ly/bECowu #Cantonese #
- スネオヘア/ワルツ
YouTube – Waltz – Suneohair bit.ly/9GWpvN #PV # - Sort of like Rockapella, but in Japanese
YouTube – Rag Fair- Hallelujah bit.ly/ctuY6A # - Sort of like Rockapella, but in Japanese
YouTube – Rag Fair- ハレルヤ bit.ly/ctuY6A # - Putting the reading on the front of the card is a good a good way to get familiar with it in a passive, low-impact way #SRS #Kanji #Hanzi #
- Putting the reading on the front of the card is (1) a memory aid (2) a good way to get familiar with it passively #SRS #Kanji #Hanzi #
- YouTube – 恋におちたら Crystal Kay bit.ly/aW96L8 #PV #
- Follow Crystal of Kay on Twitter: RT @MoooshMooosh @ajatt I really love this song. Shes on Twitter btw. @CKAY26 #
- YouTube – RDB & Nindy Kaur’s Aloo Chaat” Music Video bit.ly/crpZdC #
- YouTube – ギャグマンガ日和西遊記 bit.ly/a5Kijv #
- What “keeping it real” sounds like in Japanese. #TooProudToImitateNativePronunciation YouTube – ギャグマンガ日和ハリスインパクト 前編 bit.ly/93r9oZ #
- Don’t read books. (1) Browse them. (2) Let “reading” happen on its own when something draws you in. (3) “Draw” wears off; go back to (1) #
- Trying to do it all in one go is sort of like…trying to chug a drink in one breath — you just end up choking. Relax. Sip. #Timeboxing #
- Experimenting with rolling dice as a decision-making tool (where [making decision] > [decision itself]). Sort of like doing janken alone. #
- YouTube – にゃんこ the movie bit.ly/9225dx #
- Learning Japanese with romaji is a lot like learning English with katakana. フォー ワン シング、イット メイクス ユー サウンド ライク アン イージット #
- *Small*action*verbs*. Learn ’em. Ever met a Japanese person who can say “postpone” but doesn’t know how to use “get” or “have”? Yeah…that. #
- *Small*action*verbs*. The gift that keeps giving. The power that keeps empowering. Learn them. Love them. Even at the expense of other words #
- @mankub86 Negative, Ghostrider. What is George and Keiko? YouTube link humbly requested! 😀 in reply to mankub86 #
- It’s not your hand, it’s how you play it. Bob can live, marry and procreate in Japan and know 0 Japanese, while Alice immerses to ownage. #
- I don’t like the word “immersion” that much. “Contact” is better. Contact (small, discrete actions over time) leads to familiarity, intimacy #
- Unclench. Chill. Have a smile.
A common tragicomic behavior: trying agonizingly hard to relax and/or have fun “correctly”. # - Seriously…if it comes down to a choice between following the exact steps I’ve laid out, and having fun…choose the fun 😀 #
- 正字正假名遣ひ文を樂しみませう。 bit.ly/b1NSVw #
- 「兵は拙速を尊ぶ」
bit.ly/cb2Ffw # - 日本漫画新聞 bit.ly/bO95HZ #
- It’s not about the speed. Speed is nice, but contact matters more. Just keep making contact with your language. Touch. Tap. Click. #
- Textbooks and other more traditional language materials are good for bootstrapping. Decent place to start. Ridiculously sucky place to stay. #
- Deleting never goes out of style. #SRS #
- クラークの三法則 – Wikipedia “充分に発達した科学技術は、魔法と見分けが付かない。” bit.ly/cymgp3 #
- The most important Japanese thing to do is the next Japanese thing you’re going to do. bit.ly/aENY55 #
- 「嫉妬感じてる完全に、ライム力に対する焼き餅、新たな次元、銀河も新しい、銀河間・惑星的!」→何の訳か分かる?(^^) #
- MN’s RM ジブリ別館 「千と千尋の神隠し」全台詞集 “「千と千尋の神隠し」全台詞集 ” bit.ly/cVKq8f #
- メリー節分!!!って、言うじゃな〜い? #
- @ebonifiyah 絶ッッッッッ対にガセネタだろ、それ?違うか?o(^-^)o in reply to ebonifiyah #
- You have to be prepared to delete anything. Because hating SRS so much that you don’t want to do it is just that: deletion by avoidance #SRS #
- テレビ不要論と視聴率の調査方法 bit.ly/93iYYc #
- 炊飯器不要論って・・・言うじゃな~い?
「雑記。: 脱・炊飯器宣言。 」
bit.ly/9AqKcY # - テレビ不要論 – 他山の石書評雑記 「日本のサスペンスものは、どういうわけか最後になると、波が打ち寄せる崖の上で犯人が犯行を自供し、丁寧に経緯をしゃべってから連行されるというパターンばかりだ」(爆笑)有る有る、其れ。bit.ly/adLFd4 #
- @tomoakiyama (笑)確かにね。不肖このワタクシもそれに関しては前科持ちでございますチクショー(涙)。ハハ RT @tomoakiyama なーんかテレビ不要論を誇らしげに語る人々って、ステータスを気にして頑張っちゃってる人々に見えてならない。どこの国でも。 in reply to tomoakiyama #
- In geekier terms: no matter what your foreground process, always have a Japanese thread running. #Contact #Immersion #日本語 #
- だって生姜無いじゃん・・・・って、言うじゃな~い・・・? #
- ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 – 目次 bit.ly/9k5qZB #
- WOWtv bit.ly/cKnlrR #
- How To Tie Your Shoelaces #Japanese らばQ:これはおしゃれ、15の靴ひもの結び方 bit.ly/9nHpV9 #
- How To Tie Your Shoelaces…Again
YouTube – 解きにくい靴紐の結び方 bit.ly/bHCSLo #Japanese 😀 # - Take anything I say as ingredients at best: you’re the chef; you’re in charge; you make the actual meal. #
- Like horses, sometimes we need to put on a pair of blinders and shut out everything else in order to get anything done. #JustDoOne #
- 人間って競馬馬みたいなもんだよね。遮眼帯を付けて視野を絞らないと全力疾走出来ない場合があるから・・・ #Timeboxing #JustDoOne #
- YouTube – Gyagu Manga Biyori 01 bit.ly/c8d0uI #
- Vast quantities of content here…
RTHK Podcast Station bit.ly/cLNQdf #Cantonese # - Both literally and figuratively, turn your Japanese down to low if need be, but don’t turn it off. Save your energy by using energy… #
- It doesn’t matter what Japanese thing you do, just that you’re doing something in Japanese. #
- Food ingredient lists have always been one of my favorite things to read. Since you asked and all… #
- In truth, one doesn’t learn a language; one turns into a person who habitually comes into contact with it. #
- When one doesn’t know the language of a country, one can only experience a very coarse, warped, low-res version of the country. #
- With long-term projects, the only wrong answer is to do nothing. So, just pick the smallest, easiest “something” you can do. It counts. #
- Unnecessary, voluntary suffering is not beautiful or heroic. Make life easier for yourself. #
- I don’t much like the word “immersion”. “Contact” is better. Contact (small, discrete actions over time) leads to familiarity, intimacy. #
- “Sure, you can be a grammar lover, but please only be one when you’re already fluent at the language in question.” bit.ly/av4zZY #
- Both literally and figuratively, turn your Japanese down to low if need be, but don’t turn it off. It’s easier this way. #
- Both literally and figuratively, turn your Japanese down to low if need be, but don’t turn it off. Save your energy. #
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