- BD sends his regards: ☆ネットで学ぶ発音教室! – トップページ bit.ly/59ianS #
- YouTube – 流し素麺 bit.ly/6SSBMP #
- Don't get worked up looking for the "right" way to do something. Just keep pinging back to it and the right way will find itself. #
- YouTube – Rihanna ft. Hins Cheung (張敬軒)-Hate that I love you cantonese "Rihanna ft. Hins Cheung " bit.ly/6eEEQz #
- A playful competitiveness can be good. But it's not actually the competitiveness that helps: it's the playfulness. #
- 「習以為常」
教育部重編國語辭典修訂本 bit.ly/7jwTAU # - Everyone remembers my friend Keiko, right? 😀
We've done a few podcasts we together.
無論如何 here's her blog:
bit.ly/5JdfIa # - YouTube – Rhymester – B-BOYイズム "B-BOYイズム"
歌詞情報 – goo 音楽 bit.ly/8ZDyqi # - YouTube – Rhymester – ザ・グレート・アマチュアリズム bit.ly/4P9BkG
歌詞情報 – goo 音楽 bit.ly/6pABxv # - SRS Practices: What’s an SRS? | Spanish Only bit.ly/6Fywby #
- RT @irishpolyglot Is your language half full? A negative attitude is what holds people back from achieving their goals: su.pr/2bhYzz #
- Don't bother with method arguments. Tell people they're right: that's all they want to hear anyway. Then, go think whatever you want. #
- An SRS deck isn't for sitting in some database somewhere looking pretty and taking up space. It's for passing through your senses. #
- Got a vice? Don't go to war with it. Co-opt it. Give it money and a good timetable, and it'll sell out to you. Now you control it. #
- Techniquewise, there's some stuff I would blog about, but my opinion on it fluctuates back and forth a lot – often on the same day 😀 #
- Fallacy: if you disagree with someone, they have to know that you disagree with them and why. #
- Fallacy: you have to link your actions with your stated opinion. Decouple them. Speak diplomatically, but act pig-headedly. #
- Since you can only really act in one direction at any given time, taking action almost always entails a certain single-mindedness. #
- It's called "All" Japanese All The Time but maybe it should be "Some" Japanese All The Time" or "Anything (At All)" Japanese All The Time… #
- Until we have invested in ourselves the same time, faith and funds that we would in a child of ours, we have no excuses. #
- When pronouncing Chinese, I sometimes find that I literally have to let myself go. I can't be the usual me. I have (cont) tl.gd/573ft #
- 日本語で書いた方がいいのかなあ、そう云ふ地に足の付いていない「囀り」・・・(^^) #
- Memo To Me – Free Reminder Service bit.ly/4SpgYF #
- 世の中の面倒臭い事、その四:世の中の面倒臭い事をガタガタ五月蠅くリストアップする人。 #
- There are two types of language-learners: (1) Those that learn. (2) Those that have drama about learning. I've been both. #
- YouTube – Foxxi misQ - Ultimate Girls bit.ly/8UOPfS #
- With large projects, the only wrong answer is to get overwhelmed, give up and do nothing. Anything counts. Every little bit helps. #
- F w wr t trn Nglsh nt n bjd, wld t lk lk ths? #
- People who forcefully tell you to be mediocre like them, never seem as forceful in taking responsibility for the consequences of mediocrity. #
- Don't believe that you're dumb or smart. Just believe that, with practice, you can. #
- Often, extraordinary sucess requires extraordinary methods. This can easily put you at odds with those who insist on being "intraordinary". #
- Sometimes, you get to a point where being good at a particular thing is far more rewarding than being liked, understood or "cool". #
- Insofar as they put you at odds with social norms, intense pursuits do (unfortunately) share traits with "emerging religions". #
- We make fun of non-standard dialects, but really, maybe we secretly envy them; they're so full of "life-force". That doesn't sound fruity… #
- A language is like the monster plant from "Little Shop of Horrors" — feed it media and it grows… #
- YouTube – BONNIE PINK – A Perfect Sky bit.ly/4MYQ1m #
- YouTube – DBSK – Purple Line (MV) TVXQ [HD] bit.ly/7Cwwx6
Purple Line 東方神起 歌詞情報 – goo 音楽 bit.ly/4D7F3u # - A language is undemocratic in that it doesn't have to give you a good reason why it works the way it works. It just does. #
- "People think all Americans are arrogant but what they don't realize is that half of their Canadian friends are American". My friend Jang Mi #
- I swear, like, every few months, like clockwork, I feel the desire to rewatch GITS. Not disagreable people — the anime. #
- Books are objects. Treat them like it. Objectify them. Read what you like of them from where you like. Screw their "wholeness" and order 😀 #
- A healthy SRS deck is a moving SRS deck. #
- I find that the more I compete, the worse I do. The more I play, the better. #
- Counting how long you've been studying language in years is kind of like counting how much cash there is in your wallet by its shape alone. #
- Call it "stochastic tinkering" if you want. Either way, the lesson is the same: screw around. #
- A healthy SRS is a moving SRS deck — one that has turnover in the form of deletions, reps and additions (in order of priority). #
- Compete less. Play more. #
- People who put you down are often feel very insecure themselves. I know because I've been on both sides of that equation. #
- 有營伙伴 – BLOG – 麥長青 – 藝人 – tvb.com "成就要靠那份努力" bit.ly/9vPVo4 #
- YouTube – m-flo loves BONNIE PINK / Love Song bit.ly/9y77Jc #
- YouTube – Dragon Ash – Let yourself go, Let myself go.flv bit.ly/b6UISK #
- Each day, do whatever it takes to get yourself to take the initial step — everything is usually downhill after that. #
- 「別に」っていい言葉だね #
- Looks like someone SRSed his way to great success in the DAT (Dental Admission Test?)
bit.ly/b3lahF # - Limits are your friend. Just because you could do it all, that doesn't mean you should. Even ice-cream gets old. #Timeboxing #
- Trying to do the "correct" thing can be a great strain. Just set a finishing time, and let things decide themselves. #Timeboxing #
- IME, an aggressive card deletion policy makes for higher repcounts and retention. Thus, paradoxically, more deletion = more learning. #SRS #
- Now experimenting with deleting bad kanji cards as well. I figure if my environment tells me a character matters, I can add it back in. #SRS #
- YouTube – 永邦-魔鬼的眼淚KTV bit.ly/ckwPer #
- When you read my advice, don't try to fit yourself into my mold — change the mold to fit you. I myself am a work in progress. #
- Observation: native speakers, early on at least, never do anything boring in order to learn their language. #
- It's funny how we tell adult learners: you're a latecomer to learning language X, therefore not only are we going (cont) tl.gd/5j864 #
- Channel surfing (and hence excessive TV-watching) works b/c you exercise veto power: you say no to boring stuff. No veto→no fun. #
- If more people surfed (vetoed) books and parts of books like they do TV, there might be more book-reading. bit.ly/ad9gXB #
- Even if you delete a "useful" card, if you make daily contact with the language, you'll pick up that slack later — and in a funner way #SRS #
- YouTube – 椎名林檎 / りんごのうた bit.ly/bgUAPm #
- YouTube – マボロシ MABOROSHI – THE ワルダクミ bit.ly/bCC07z #
- An SRS deck only has meaning insofar as it undergoes turnover (deletion, reps, additions). No turnover, and it's just inert data. #
- Things that require you to look, act, speak and think differently from whatever is considered "normal" do tend to seem cultish. #
- How I Pick What to SRS « Liz Learns Japanese bit.ly/afhEzy #
- Sleazy tabloid news, baby! [Cantonese] YouTube – appleactionews 的頻道 bit.ly/6wBXaH #
- Sleazy tabloid news, baby! [Cantonese] YouTube – appleactionews 的頻道 bit.ly/6wBXaH #
- Even just 10 kanji a day, every day, will have you acquiring 3650 kanji over the course of a year. Just do one. Tortoises win big. #
- Each day, do whatever it takes to get yourself to take the initial step — everything more or less takes care of itself after that #
- Birthplace of the legendary "Bonnie Pink Strut"! YouTube – ボニーピンク So Wonderful bit.ly/7DDRic #
- Tortoises pwn hares. Don't worry about how fast you're going. Just make sure that you're going. #
- Tortoises pwn hares. Don't worry about how fast you're going. Just make sure that you're going. #
- 栓抜き – Wikipedia bit.ly/brjVta #
- Personal projects do not die of lack of organization: they die of neglect. In fact, stress from overplanning can itself cause neglect=death. #
- YouTube – ギャグマンガ日和1 12「名探偵っスか!うさみちゃん/名探偵だもの!うさみちゃん」 bit.ly/c7N77P #
- The delete button is to an SRS deck as a chisel is to a sculptor. #
- "when a person’s social identity is attached to a negative stereotype, that person will tend to underperform in (cont) tl.gd/5q9s7 #
- AJATT Blog maintenance about to start… #
- </AJATT Blog maintenance> #
- Spaced Repetition Goes Mainstream? bit.ly/bMnNTP #
- キタユメ。 bit.ly/d5ImnY #
- NHKオンライン bit.ly/bSoj61 #
- YouTube – Miss you (Video clip) COLOR bit.ly/b44o6U #
- YouTube – m-flo featuring Lisa – Love Can't Wait bit.ly/7Dsui3 #
- ""No man is ever whipped, until he quits — in his own mind." Napoleon Hill " bit.ly/6iAvsP #
- Doing something, anything, that moves you forward isn't slightly better than doing nothing. It's ∞ly better. #
- Get Your Read On! « Liz Learns Japanese bit.ly/cT0Y9E #
- "Next time you are faced with doing something small or nothing at all, go small. You'll always win." bit.ly/ckAtXs #
- YouTube – KTV 陶吉吉 小鎮姑娘 陶喆 bit.ly/aXw5GZ #
- Rainbowhill Language Lab: How To Begin Learning Japanese With Manga bit.ly/cjJGtf #
- Literally and figuratively, turn your Japanese down to low if need be, but don't turn it off. Starting up again takes a lot of energy. #
- Rainbowhill Language Lab: How reading Manga can be good for your Japanese bit.ly/cOQTGK #
- Better to read a book 100 times badly than once (or 0.x times) well. #URP #MultiPassReading #SwissCheesing #
- La Migra is Spanish for…The Migra! #
- 「ABC係我係我
ABC係我係我」YouTube – Jin 歐陽靖 'ABC' MV bit.ly/b2EwNr # - [Cantonese] RTHK is interviewing MC Jin live right now bit.ly/cNK9sg #
- [Thanks, D-star!] Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Quick Hits: Deliberate Practice bit.ly/b4CbR6 #
- "Stereotypes and the fragility of human competence, motivation, and self-concept" bit.ly/cEvCFd #
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