- A language is nothing but information. If you are capable of assimilating information, then you can learn a language. #
- If you can say even *one* word right in a language, then all you have to do is repeat that process until it scales up to fluency. #
- Playing with a new (and very lazy) kanji card format. I call it an "exposure" card. Front = kanji. Back = empty/optional info. Task = write. #
- ★ 【 死亡笔记 Episode 12 (2/2) 】 – YouTube連続再生 – ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE bit.ly/bBUtfD #
- ★ 【 multilanguage mix of intros to old cartoon series 】 – YouTube連続再生 – ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE bit.ly/aHk186 #
- Live Internet TV from Taiwan
構築僑胞永遠的家 歡迎收看台灣宏觀網路電視 bit.ly/dcU6So # - 「脱いじゃいました!」って・・・言うじゃな~い?
YouTube – 吉川ひなの「脱いじゃいました!」 資生堂新CM発表会で bit.ly/d4UUn8 # - YouTube – ドミノ倒しはいかが? bit.ly/aoe2dg #
- 「理解を超えたシステムが作動している」介さん #WeirdTweetsFromKhatzuMotosRLFriends #
- 「イメージモンスター」介さん #WeirdTweetsFromKhatzuMotosRLFriends #
- How much input do you need to speak English fluently? | Antimoon.com bit.ly/dpeVkG #
- Flava.
– no 1 panjabi
bit.ly/d9fjWq # - 「ウィー マスト プロテクト ジス ハウス!」って、言うじゃな~い? #
- SRS: Err on the side of deletion. #
- “In order to achieve something you've never achieved before, you need to become someone you've never been before.” Brian Tracy #
- “In order to achieve something you've never achieved before, you have to become someone you've never been before.” Brian Tracy #
- "Native speakers don't get to opt out: they just keep going until they get it." Jang Mi #
- "There is no such thing as discipline. There is only love…You are the result of what you love most."
bit.ly/bSfKrc # - "Romaji is like replacing your legs with dildos" bit.ly/9DLTGW #
- YouTube – 【特報】トリック劇場版3 霊能力者バトルロイヤル bit.ly/bGSjhi #
- "We need a variety of input and influence and voices. You cannot get all the answers…from one person or from one source." —Jim Rohn #
- "forget the notion that "genius", "talent" or any other innate qualities create the greats we call geniuses" bit.ly/8F6jja #
- Graduate from "ghetto pride" — pride in things that are actually crap. Having a foreign accent in your L2 is not part of your "identity". #
- "The tree of language fluency must be watered with authentic native media." —- Thomas AJATTson #
- "Failure cannot cope with persistence." bit.ly/cmaX9w | Napoleon Hill #
- "even the most ordinary among us should be careful about saying we can't do great things" bit.ly/8F6jja #
- "most people can do something extraordinary if they're willing to put in the exercise" bit.ly/8F6jja #
- It's not the language. It's not you. It's your habitual behavior. #
- "Action has its own logic" | @tom_peters
bit.ly/cwN7nH # - Jim Rohn on #immersion "1) Do What You Can, 2) Do The Best You Can". You can't do what you can't do. But are you doing what you can do? #
- Do what you can. Do easy. Easy gets done. #
- 「咁 關我咩嘢事呀~?」
★ 【 Mcdull need help(cantonese cartoon) 】 – YouTube連続再生 – ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE bit.ly/aOmtgL # - "verbal practice associated to musical information seems to be more memorable"
The Use of Music in Learning Languages bit.ly/ce8zoh # - 衛星テレビ受信の楽しみ bit.ly/aGB4D7 #
- YouTube – 華視新聞100203(周杰倫導電視劇 熊貓人周五上映) bit.ly/aapgn6 #
- 華視全球資訊網 – 首頁 bit.ly/cwkBqT #Taiwan #TV #
- M's AC04 – 台詞資料/Mission 01 張子の基地 "目標上空!投下!投下!" bit.ly/aajEp5 #
- YouTube – 吴浩康 – 38廿四 [KTV] ktv.playinmel.com bit.ly/9rNKpQ #
- YouTube – 爱来过/S.H.E bit.ly/a4QSKa #
- "If you keep reviewing stuff you should have deleted you’ll wind up burning out so fast…" | Kendo bit.ly/aL44QO #
- @rikaisuru I make 'em and/or search online for them 😀 in reply to rikaisuru #
- YouTube
– Americans Fluent in Japanese
bit.ly/ctq4Ck # - "Obstacles are like wild animals. They are cowards but they will bluff you if they can…" bit.ly/9ZGUus #
- Instead of wondering when your next break is, how about setting up a learning process you don't need to escape from? #Paraphrase #SethGodin #
- Just got this dictionary. Small. Fast (coverless). Light. Color screen. Backlit. Hot stuff 😀 bit.ly/aQYq1p [Canon Wordtank S501E] #
- Cons: The small buttons took some getting used to. No touch screen. bit.ly/aQYq1p [Canon Wordtank S501E] #
- YouTube
– She-Ra – Multilanguage
bit.ly/bW9h7n # - YouTube
– She-Ra Chinese
bit.ly/9QLzEm # - YouTube
– She-Ra: Princess of Power (Chinese Version) 非凡的公主希瑞
bit.ly/bRI1mF # - YouTube
– 中視版 "大英雄" (GI Joe) 卡通主題曲
bit.ly/bnsg34 # - @spanishonly I actually quit SRSing when I first came to Japan ("mission accomplished!"), but found that I lost refinement/high-level vocab. in reply to spanishonly #
- @spanishonly But that's just me…Personally, I have also found that (at least audio-less) SRS is no substitute for listening 😀 in reply to spanishonly #
- A #Japanese paper on input theory.
bit.ly/a5TW3o # - "It’s seriously not that hard to become fluent in Japanese…All it takes is time, enjoyment…immersion" | アメド bit.ly/aL44QO #
- #Japanese discussions of the input hypothesis 😀
インプット仮説 – Google 検索 bit.ly/9IGsss # - Cool discussion show in #Japanese YouTube
– 丸激トークオンデマンド
bit.ly/cbRpGb # - #Japanese reality (?) show. Two kids from Turkey looking to get venture capital 😀
– マネーの虎 トルコファーストフード1
bit.ly/c4wDM4 # - "Focus on input first. You cannot make mistakes when just listening or reading." bit.ly/9awV0m #
- "反復訓練を長期間続ければ・・・莫大な効果が得られる筈" bit.ly/avqUwA #
- There are points at which tough love becomes abuse and kindness becomes condescension. Where? Dunno. You decide(?) #
- YouTube
– Broadcast Yourself。
its Face/Off, in japanese" bit.ly/dmeW96 # - @Jaybot7 One cool feature Canon added on these is the ability to search for a kanji based on the reading of any component, not just radicals in reply to Jaybot7 #
- 「『なぜ洋画とかの吹き替えはしゃべり方が不自然ですか』
すげー気持ち悪いと思うんだけど。 』」 bit.ly/b9NAY9 # - 「
『芝居なんですよ、あれは。だから芝居がかった台詞回しになる。 』」 bit.ly/b9NAY9 # - 防風じゃねえか! #
- (爆笑)【なぜ洋画とかの吹き替えは喋り方が不自然なのか】
不自然にしていないと洋画を観たという達成感が無い。 」(^^)
bit.ly/9aJoHq #
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