- YouTube
– 陳奕迅 – 愛是懷疑 ktv.playinmel.com
bit.ly/bhKgy2 # - 心理学は科学ですか? – Yahoo!知恵袋 "心理学は、哲学から派生して、「哲学離れ」「科学の仲間入り」をずっと志向してきた学問分野です。" bit.ly/bB8IZG #
- YouTube
– 周杰倫 – 火車叨位去 [KTV] ktv.playinmel.com
bit.ly/bClcgA # - Has a nice Bone Thugs N' Harmony vibe to it 😀 YouTube
– 陳冠希-香港地KTV
bit.ly/cAI13D # - ハッカーと画家 vs Joel on Software bit.ly/dwDfOo #
- The true purpose of rules and routine is not to make you "disciplined" (read: "obedient") but to create fun and ease. #
- 知識探索サイト:ジャパンナレッジ bit.ly/b4JPPm #
- My kanji process is like the Matrix: there've been many versions, but we only ever really talk about the one that achieved pwnage. #
- Q: "Hey Khatz, I have an idea for a method X that you've never tried or even heard of! Will it work?!"
A: "Dunno. Try it." # - YouTube
– MIDICRONICA|rust [.co.lab] bit.ly/amXdVJ # - YouTube
"Dragon Ash – Let yourself go, Let myself go" bit.ly/b6UISK
歌詞情報 – goo 音楽 bit.ly/dyKHU3 # - YouTube
– サカナクション/アルクアラウンド
bit.ly/awQf5l # - Chinese Characters Spliced into English Text | Sinosplice bit.ly/d3yoUC #
- @nicksan カルメンサンディエゴに聞いてみて(^^) in reply to nicksan #
- YouTube – 男兒當自強 成龍 "男兒當自強 成龍 " bit.ly/dsOtLj #
- YouTube
– 4L5O 的頻道
bit.ly/90lFFN # - “Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.” bit.ly/brhwGA #
- @neharungta Already. Did. Mine. Now to upgrade my Mac OS installation… :)~ in reply to neharungta #
- TI-89 シリーズ – Wikipedia bit.ly/9T24HV #
- TI-92シリーズ – Wikipedia bit.ly/aFlO8O #
- @lordsilent LoL it was a big day for links yesterday 😀 … thanks for the note in reply to lordsilent #
- "It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little – do what you can. " bit.ly/cV5PPZ #
- "血で血を洗い" bit.ly/9hY8l0 #
- Langalot Blog | "11 Language Learning Blogs You Should Read" bit.ly/bbfMyG #
- "無意識にであれ" – Google 検索 bit.ly/9OFM4y #
- SuperMemo | FAQ: Knowledge Structuring "You generate redundancy with prolific cloze deletions." bit.ly/a2TcHL #
- ブラック・スワン[上] bit.ly/cduCgX | 'ブラック・スワン[下] bit.ly/crxIVL #
- RyanLayman.com | Stop the Grammar Study and Enjoy the Process bit.ly/bslC2F #
– DOPING PANDA – majestic trancer feat.VERBAL(m-flo)
bit.ly/bQOvEt # - "Fear stops people from performing…[but] that doesn't mean they can't" bit.ly/bNfiTg #
- "Everything's gonna be perfect…get a luxury ride"
YouTube – Luxury ride feat. ZEEBRA PV- Foxxi misQ bit.ly/drBd0H # - "the more people perform
mental activities…the better they get at them." bit.ly/aOS4lz # - There's a new version of "QRG: The Movie" out with no background music, so…yay. 😀 bit.ly/deZpdh #
- "self-esteem appears to be an important variable in second language learning" bit.ly/aEjEjP #
- RT @AlexGervais Fun at Seijin Shiki, Tokyo (Japan) – bit.ly/c2ZkyU #
- "adding more kanji generally reinforces many of the ones you’ve already learned because they share so many elements." bit.ly/cTzQ5H #
- Ask not "am I getting good at my L2", ask "am I getting more used to my L2?" #
- @sevarg Cheers 😀 . Momoko made it 😉 in reply to sevarg #
- The real question is not "how could am I at language X?", but "how accustomed am I to language X?". #
- Have you given yourself opportunities to get more used to your L2 this hour? #
- 1980年の20ギガバイトと2010年の32ギガバイト:ビタミンDX bit.ly/dqjvcn via @nac_est #
- なにここたのしい!:ビタミンDX bit.ly/cdX9PL #
- 日産:ノート [ NOTE ] コンパクトカー Webカタログ ホーム bit.ly/9OvHkr #
- オリゴ糖 – Wikipedia bit.ly/ahmKK6 #
- You may or may not be able to change your position instantly, but you always have control over your general direction. #
- Latest experiment: record a Chinese friend reading aloud to me (Star Trek@Wikipedia), then use the recording in SRS sentence cards #
- YouTube
– Girls' Generation(소녀시대)_RunDevilRun(런데빌런)_MusicVideo(뮤직비디오)
bit.ly/dnyEeO via @AnayaKay # - YouTube
– Wyolica feat. Kenji – kaze wo atsumete
bit.ly/bPwUkh # - ”名曲すぎる泣" YouTube
– wyolica『星』
bit.ly/aKuoRD # - @sevarg Sweet! It really does work out, huh? Content that you want, WITH a transcript and with natural pronunciation… in reply to sevarg #
- @sevarg It feels to me a lot like the "oral transmission" of natural pronunciation, speaking/reading conventions etc. that natives get… in reply to sevarg #
- @sevarg …and the SRS allows you to repeat it efficiently without bugging your friend to say it a million times in reply to sevarg #
- NHKオンライン bit.ly/bSoj61 #
- Resistance (against Mandarin) is futile, part 1 bit.ly/cBKJtr #
- Resistance (against Mandarin) is futile, part 2 bit.ly/a1Ui3X #
- しゃべくり007春の芸能界スキャンダル2時間半SP 2010年03月22日(月) | 批評の泉 bit.ly/c8XBvd #
- YouTube – しゃべくり007 1 bit.ly/bBJcvh #
- Relax. You'll do better that way. #
- Verbal static ("um", "ah") is part of the language, too. Seek it out. #
- 世に生を得るは事を成すにあり 坂本竜馬 - 名言から学ぶ幸せのヒント "
『世に生を得るは事を成すにあり』" bit.ly/dn1UEF # - 収穫加速の法則 – Wikipedia bit.ly/9exLrB #
- 黑米公主 – Princess Remy's Podcast bit.ly/9J8u0m #
- @danielpwright whoops! glitch…it's fixed now… 😀 in reply to danielpwright #
- I used to think that the fact that I returned most library books unread was due to some character flaw on my (cont) tl.gd/jqen1 #
- Discomfort and growth are not the same thing — if they were, people with ill-fitting shoes would be the (cont) tl.gd/jqgld #
- All Japanese is good, except the boring kind bit.ly/aZTNQs #
- ついにアメリカが「常識」の国にCHANGE 医療保険改革がついに(gooニュース・ニュースな英語) – goo ニュース
bit.ly/aSKpmN # - "Let the media motivate *you*: that’s its job. All you have to do is put yourself in the path of the media" bit.ly/bSyeLF #
- "I love to sing (yes I’m one of those people who sing in the car, shower, cooking, cleaning, ect.), and I love (cont) tl.gd/k23ee #
- 千代麿日記。 bit.ly/9JVmPY #Random #Japanese #blog #
- ザ・仁丹 – こでけんの小屋 – 楽天ブログ(Blog) bit.ly/apz8RP #
- キムは今・・・ | キム今~世界一周編2005年11月前半 bit.ly/aUD1CS #
- "Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thinks, he is free." | Emerson bit.ly/b1IQXD #
- (cont) tl.gd/k2uh7 #
- "Not even" Spanish speakers can spell *Spanish* correctly. Why don't they just give up on the written word altogether (!!!?!?!!) #
- @sinosplice John on getting rid of boring crap (actual technical term) from your SRS bit.ly/9NrxhQ #
- "Spaced repetition mentioned in JET Japanese learning materials. Made me smile." | HiddenSincerity bit.ly/cHnkCV #
- Babelhut's Thomas (@tummai) presents RhinoSpike : Foreign Language Audio on Demand! bit.ly/a006fJ #
- "Not possible" is emphatically not what gives people trouble with languages. "Not personally important enough to make possible" is #
- Emerson | "All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." bit.ly/9nyKO5 #
- "Some parts of the brain are just like a baby's and can grow new connections…" bit.ly/arVjIJ #
- One can never come to understand native-level material by avoiding it: contact precedes comprehension. #
- "We have the ability to learn new things our entire life. " bit.ly/arVjIJ #
- "[Using SRS] I know things…better one year after taking a course than a freshman who just finished the same course." bit.ly/cdM8P4 #
- YouTube
– Just A Band – Ha-He
bit.ly/bFb70H # - If you ever have to choose between keeping an item because you "should", and doing more reps, delete and do more reps. #SRS #
- I'm finding that 10~15 seconds is my ideal time for audio on SRS cards in terms of context/length. Too long = boring. #
- "這是最後的底線,絕不再退半步!他們應該付出他們該付的代價!" Resistance (against Mandarin) is futile, part 1 bit.ly/cBKJtr #
- Information is no respecter of persons. You either have the information or you don't. It has nothing to do with where you're supposedly from #
- YouTube
– Miss Luxury (PV) feat.MACCHO, GIPPER, KOZ, HI-D, Foxxi misQ
bit.ly/bU9B47 # - "Do not give yourself the option to suck." bit.ly/bNfiTg #
- サイマルラジオ bit.ly/aIk5Qi #
- というより、感動した。(^^)http://bit.ly/dlucAR #
- YouTube – 猫ラーメン 第01話 bit.ly/dlKSBq #
- YouTube
– インパルス – 美容室
bit.ly/bcUI5P # - YouTube
– インパルス インターネット自殺
bit.ly/9vDjeB (爆笑)。 # - お雇い外国人 – Wikipedia bit.ly/aQ6dZ2 #
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Just started following you on Twitter today after stumbling upon your website. Just a quick look today, but I will be back, very impressive amount of information with a unique style. Keep up the good work!