- 「悩んだり迷って居ても前には進めません。
走り出せば、必ず何かを得る事が出来るんです。」 bit.ly/dBpk94 # - My current audio split settings: 8-second split, 4-second forward overlap; 12 seconds total. bit.ly/bSyeLF #
- Met a tour group from Hong Kong this morning (here in Japan). Got to speak #Cantonese with the operator 😀 #
- Momoko's just-so-crazy-that-it's-bound-to-work idea=go on a tour right in your home town/country with a group from your L2 country #
- "下手な鉄砲も数撃てば当たる" bit.ly/aBDmIt #
- "下手な鉄砲も数撃てば当たる"
bit.ly/cZPVBy # - "Every legend starts from zero." bit.ly/d1E4Xo #
- WSJ finally have a Japanese edition: I think this only just launched. ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版WSJ.com bit.ly/bL88fM #
- "2009年6月に・・・設立された・・・ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル・ジャパン株式会社によって、2009年12月15日からウェブサイトを開設し日本向けに金融経済ニュースを配信している[5]。" bit.ly/cxpeYx #
- "I consider that all that I have learned of any value has been self-taught" Darwin bit.ly/9fhJ0y #
- "オバマ流医療保険制度改革は在米日本人を救えるか(前編)" bit.ly/bhdAot #
- "all culturally transmitted artifacts…are learned, not innate, including human languages" bit.ly/bR9CG7 #
- トム・ピーターズ – Wikipedia bit.ly/aEKgPX #
- Are you getting damaged? bit.ly/ai99jH #
- イベント・ホライゾン – Wikipedia bit.ly/aK6wW8 #
- 人名の短縮形 – Wikipedia bit.ly/90JOHb #
- YouTube – "ビジネスマナー講座 第1講.敬語会話編" bit.ly/bTY6XI #
- 標準語 – Wikipedia "歴史的にみれば、長らく日本の実質的な標準語は京都方言であった。" bit.ly/clnKLb #
- Taiwan Entertainment – Watch Taiwanese Dramas, Variety shows, and Movies online! | SUGOIDEAS.COM bit.ly/9vmHnB #
- Black & White Episode 01 | Taiwan Entertainment – Watch TW Dramas, Variety shows, and Movies online! | SUGOIDEAS.COM bit.ly/aFD00m #
- "SRS memories feel different…" bit.ly/aKlAI9 #
- 浅見の基礎から学ぶ数学I・A (単元学習編)|ブロードバンド代ゼミTVネット bit.ly/b3WSbL #
- ブラックホール – Wikipedia "その重力は光の速度でも抜け出せないほどになるに違いない" bit.ly/9Au5EH #
ZEEREE[JIRII⋅ジリー] bit.ly/bCif4X # - YouTube – 潘玮柏 – 誰是MVP video.playinmel.com bit.ly/b1iQLh #
- YouTube – 潘玮柏 – WuHa ktv.playinmel.com bit.ly/9S43LP #
- YouTube – Leyla speaks 한국어…NOT ! "한국어" bit.ly/cOYMnf #
- YouTube – 沖縄オバァ烈伝#4 bit.ly/dhyCN2 #
- "It's absurd to look at a toddler and say, "this kid can't read or do math…he's never going to amount to anything." " bit.ly/bkrFtL #
- アップル – iPad – ウェブ、メール、写真を体験する、まったく新しい方法。 bit.ly/cTNS6W #
- アップルiPad
各界の専門家が分析 – デジタル – 日経トレンディネット bit.ly/cGT8fL # - Bilingual 日英 blog of kaz, a living legend over at @rhino_spike | Silent J Scraps "SILENT J SCRAPS" bit.ly/aamo6x #
- It's never too early or too late to do something small and useful with regard to your L2. #
- YouTube – 男生可以女生不行?台大生倡露腋毛 bit.ly/cUYfzf #
- YouTube – 拔腋毛易罹乳癌 有這麼嚴重嗎? bit.ly/beEtGb #
- YouTube – #30 恥ずかしいけど見せます -Shows though it is shameful- bit.ly/armATN #
- @cdknutson lol in reply to cdknutson #
- Dude, sleep is the new sliced bread. I am so on the *ball* after getting some sleep 😀 #
- @Nekesu Hahaha…she's hilarious. bit.ly/armATN in reply to Nekesu #
- "accomplish the great task by a series of small acts." bit.ly/9RHHzc #
- bequeath (遺): an expensive (貴) thing moving (之) between generations…#kanji #randomness #
- "I read tons of reviews for…電子辞書…on the Japanese Amazon site. *That* is a great way to practice your japanese" bit.Ly/bvxgkq #
- Another day, another bowl of Awesome Flakes (r) from the people at @rhino_spike 😀 #
- Japanese Internet radio, son!
サイマルラジオ bit.ly/dy3oIE # - Occasionally it may become appropriate to give up on a specific method. But it's never the right time to give up on yourself. #
- "'[AJATT]' is the epitome of laziness…just procrastinate…in your L2." bit.ly/ct6iAr #
- SRS, Part 3.2: Twitter is Your New Dictionary « When English Attacks! bit.ly/aqUo8d #
- [Kreva — 成功] (Video) Thing #11 A Kindly Rap Man’s Effect-O-Magic Kanji Lesson « 100 Japanese Things bit.ly/9X3dAx #
- YouTube – Legendary Assassin – Part 3 of 9 [Cantonese] bit.ly/cAftTz #
- Tech update: links are temporarily disabled on AJATT Plus. I'll have them back up within 24 hours. #
- @Phizuol affirmative 😀 in reply to Phizuol #
- "the first thing is to not allow yourself to be intimidated by the language." bit.ly/dajTXR #
- "take what you can…from AJATT and leave what doesn't work…the most important thing to take…is the…attitude." bit.ly/9NinV1 #
- "Whatever you do, don’t argue. You will not win. And even if you do win, you won’t win."
bit.ly/cqWCZB # - You cannot do what you should have done. You can only do what you can do. So, as Bemer said: "do something small and useful now". #
- YouTube – インパルス/自転車 bit.ly/bcdPCY (お笑い) #
- Yahoo!辞書 – will "will" bit.ly/9IsbQ1 #
- "Studies of extraordinary performance run a wide gamut…None bears out the myth of inherent genius." bit.ly/8F6jja #
- "I know plenty of people who learned [a language] by simply being there. Showing up." bit.ly/ct6iAr #
- "copy the non-verbal patterns of native speakers" bit.ly/b7MF3A #
- Bandura自我效能論(self-efficacy theory) – 學習加油站 "Bandura自我效能論(self-efficacy theory)" bit.ly/bctg8m #
- Self-efficacy defined "A strong sense of efficacy enhances human accomplishment and personal well-being in many ways. " bit.ly/aPIpdL #
- @yuzuruyuzuru Depends if I find the mix distracting or not 😀 in reply to yuzuruyuzuru #
- Analysis paralysis(分析麻痺症候群):ナレッジ!?情報共有・・・永遠の課題への挑戦:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ bit.ly/boVetK #
- "You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it." Buxton bit.ly/9Rq66K #
- "「普通」「当たり前」。
bit.ly/9uZkPb # - "forget about…the fastest way to learn a language, because quitting is the fastest way to not learn a language!"
bit.ly/bDFbvg # - "beating yourself up is just a few steps away from quitting" bit.ly/bDFbvg #
- "mental tactics are much more important than physical study techniques. " bit.ly/bDFbvg #
- "I’m not an advocate of any…theory…I just…spend as much time as I can on Korean…and do what feels right" bit.ly/aVKVNI #
- Presence of fun is more important than purity of method. #
- Yahoo!辞書 – "get" bit.ly/chVpSw #
- "our language is so F'ed up that we hold national competitions to see who can even spell it" bit.ly/crd9mx #
- "frequency equals or even exceeds quantity in the long-run of every long-term project." bit.ly/9lkNKV #
- "people in said country should try their best to not be [bodypart]wads during the process. " bit.ly/crd9mx #
- 洗脳 – Wikipedia "日本語の「洗脳」は英語の「brainwashing」の直訳であり[1]、英語の「brainwashing」は中国語の「洗脳」の直訳である。" bit.ly/cdgfUR #
- It is natural for you to speak, read and write your L2. It belongs to you. It is unnatural for you to be without it. #
- "Japanese is no harder than any other language. That’s probably the best advice I have to give to a beginner" bit.ly/cSmOpV #
- 漢文を復活させよう "古文を読めば(現代文でも)漢文からの引用は山ほどあるわけで、漢文をやれば
自然日本の古典や明治の文学等もすらすらと読めるようになるでしょう。 " bit.ly/a1l9nb # - 漢文を復活させよう "漢文は外国語じゃないぞ。「国語」とは自国語の意。
すなわち、文部省は漢文を日本語と定義している。 " bit.ly/a1l9nb # - You can't learn Japanese instantly (yet :D). But you can get one step closer…instantly. bit.ly/aRoaVQ #
- "What appears as talent is almost always the
result of…repetition" bit.ly/bTzhv3 # - M理論 – Wikipedia "M理論(えむりろん)とは、現在知られている5つの超弦理論を統合するとされる、11次元(空間次元が10個、時間次元が1個)の仮説理論である。" bit.ly/91qcNt #
- @tomoakiyama "ラテン語を無理やり英語で読むようなもの!" (笑) in reply to tomoakiyama #
- ドラゴン桜 "誰だってちゃんと勉強すれば必ず頭が良くなれるよ。" bit.ly/d9lNUS #
- "気が散りやすい時にはとにかく具体的でシンプルな勉強をすることで、集中力をキープしろ。" bit.ly/d9lNUS #
- @ebonifiyah だよね~ in reply to ebonifiyah #
- YouTube – 菅原明子のエッジトーク 苫米地英人 part1 "「マトリックス」の喩えは分かりやすいですね。実際の五感ではないインターフェイスを用いても、五感で感じているように脳を勘違いさせられるわけですね。" bit.ly/bHfx93 #
- @higashi 「一言で俺に教えてくれ」(笑)知らねーよ!(^^)。 in reply to higashi #
- "細かく割り勘する人→チョイ割オヤジ" bit.ly/9yRoeo #
- Read some of Dr. Tomabechi's actual papers…
苫米地英人博士公認サイト | 論文一覧 bit.ly/aQLD7C # - NASAの1人乗り電気飛行マシン『Puffin』(動画) | WIRED VISION "1人だけを腹臥位姿勢で乗せる" bit.ly/d3I8Te #
- CNET Japan bit.ly/a0uiKx #
- YouTube – Kenyan boy, Turkish poem (ADI MEHMET) bit.ly/a5V6Rz #
- chinaSMACK "Koreans Seek More Chinese Character Education" bit.ly/d4Yl1x #
- YouTube – 同事三分親-鬼妹啲廣東話口若懸河http://bit.ly/agJuwD via bit.ly/9ZoHfm #Cantonese #role #models #
- 三省堂 Web Dictionary
bit.ly/d0nmbV # - 「二割読んで「完讀」と同じ結果を得る」|齋藤 孝|『「読む・書く・話す」を一瞬でモノにする技術』
bit.ly/7Gxog5 # - ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/a10rTF #
- 携帯市場に転機…SIMロック解除 : 企画&リポート : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/95f2Xq #
- Hip hop in China
bit.ly/bPCdLd # - YouTube – Language & Chinese Rap bit.ly/dqjeEg #
- Hip Hop in China bit.ly/bwXkLj #
- Listen from about 3'06"…crazy flow 😀
YouTube – Hip Hop in China: Women in Hip Hop (Part 1) bit.ly/cMWVWX # - M's AC04 – 台詞資料 "ACE COMBAT 04" Japanese dialogue
bit.ly/aGE4ND # - YouTube – 大支 (feat MC仁, Joosuc) – 麥講廢話 bit.ly/alNGOe #
- YouTube
– MyYouTube 的頻道
bit.ly/9Y1WaS # - JReK – Japanese Sentence Search bit.ly/59ql5h #
- 日番谷冬獅郎 – Wikipedia "日番谷冬獅郎(ひつがや とうしろう)" bit.ly/b2HWGB #
- Read some simple instructions in #Japanese 😀
Windows Live Hotmailでいくつもあるメールアカウントをひとつにまとめよう bit.ly/9kKBZp # - Do you want to know the language or don't you? | Desires and Decisions bit.ly/9CZVxQ #
- " a long period of listening and developing comprehension prior to production. " bit.ly/cHUZva #
- 關於TPR(Total Physical Response)教學法的二三事 "關於TPR(Total Physical Response)教學法的二三事" bit.ly/bN5kOc #
- "correct quickly and often." bit.ly/apC3oq #
- Consistency: Frequency over Quantity: Because Frequency is Quantity "Frequency is Quantity" bit.ly/9lkNKV #
- 「ヅラリーマン」かよ(笑)
YouTube – 女装 bit.ly/aUBgWb # - Three things that make this video:
1) Crossdressing.
2) Japanese audio
3) Japanese subs
YouTube | 恋バナCampy | bit.ly/a1jMG0 # - @Arcsa Awwww…well, feeling bad is just a sign that you have high standards 😀 in reply to Arcsa #
- YouTube – 女装講座改訂版(3/4) bit.ly/dqZrWq #
- "日本語学習の有名ブログの一つ・・・だけど
確かにブログ主の日本語力はダントツだし、言ってることもある意味的を射てるんだけど " AJATT真理教って、言うじゃない~い 笑
bit.ly/ckyhJg # - "逆境から這い上がる意欲のある民族が新しい歴史を作る " bit.ly/cDiaYC #
- Work arrogantly. Work like your work matters to you. Why hold back to please people you either don't know or don't like? 😀 #
- Some people like to say that "people matter more than work". Depending on the person in question, that's not true *at all* 😀 #
- One way to relax when you get tense during reps: go on a deletion spree and don't stop until something makes you feel good. #SRS #
- アナログな日々 bit.ly/97chRw #random #Japanese #blog #
- 夜桜(ヨザクラ)写真
bit.ly/cm25Xp # - YouTube – リサ・ランドール 異次元への招待 Part.1 bit.ly/ciG6hZ #science (physics) #documentary #Japanese #
- Great voice actor. Did Neo in "Matrix", JB in "24" and physicist Brian Greene in documentaries. 小山力也 bit.ly/aYdMFZ #
- AJATT gets some love in Metropolis magazine 😀 | Metropolis – News & Features | Rethinking Japanese bit.ly/9nHqyi #
- Nihongojouzu | Mac/PC ads in Japanese bit.ly/d4lEEf #
- YouTube – Japanese Get A Mac CM 2 Subtitled "iLife" bit.ly/91lFiE #
- YouTube – 爆笑問題のニッポンの教養スペシャル 爆笑問題×東京藝術大学 予告 bit.ly/b7eAeQ #
- 今日の天気、凄い春っとしてるね。気持ちいい。(^^)新語はサービスです。(笑) #
- マグネター – Wikipedia bit.ly/a5bobE #
- YouTube – 銃社会アメリカの歴史 bit.ly/9cyZlq #
- YouTube – 米バージニア州銃乱射事件に見る米国の本音 bit.ly/bceveG #
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