- 勝元’s外来語換言提案:
序にグラフィカルユーザインタフェースも「視的操作界面」に。 # - 『週に 1 回の ALT ・・・による授業を通して、「聞く・話す」英語力育成もはかっていきます。』って、週に1回なんざ足りる訳無えぇだろ?一層の事英語を止めて国語に集中した方が好いぜ #
- Thanks to Joe for links to great dubbed content, including the Simpsons and South Park.
bit.ly/3YP0y # - 勝元’s外来語換言提案第2弾:タンジブルユーザインターフェース→「触覚操作界面」。そして
グラフィカルユーザインタフェース→「視覚操作界面」に。 # - Surusu: Backup in progress #
- 『頭のよがすべてではない。成功者がもっている特質「Grit」とは何か?』
bit.ly/2b4qya # - Rejoice! Thanks to a very kind (and UNBELIEVABLY handsome) AJATTeer, AJATT has a new domain! You can now simply type in www.ajatt.com #
- It doesn’t matter how much you suck now. All that matters is that you are on a path that, if continued, will lead you to ownage someday. #
- サンダルに靴下ってそんなに悪いの?・・・靴下無しじゃ普通に街歩いてると足が凄んごい汚れちゃうやろ?ね?ね? #
- Immersion-timewise, if it truly can’t be helped, then it can’t be helped. What matters is what you do with whatever time you *do* control. #
- The skills we acquire for their own sake are perhaps the most powerful. If only because we tend to take them to the highest level. #
- “The high status of education in the Confucian tradition rests upon the presumption that everyone is educable.”
bit.ly/ystkV # - You’re not a foreigner.
You’re a native speaker who’s not yet done putting in the time. # - Another QRG Review!
bit.ly/14BCJ # - “there are few — if any — geniuses in this world”
bit.ly/PCEYG #
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