- foobar2000 bit.ly/9arVfb | Worthy Winamp replacement #
- 新城廣播有限公司 Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited bit.ly/9cocsg #
- 健康好生活 – 生育、不育大解構 – 健康 – 新城知訊台資訊網 bit.ly/bCVSl6 #
- @xatlasm Do it. Make it happen. 😀 If AJATT's making itself unnecessary, that's a good thing. in reply to xatlasm #
- @arashikat Well, if Japanese is worth knowing…it's worth knowing 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 + years from now, too. The time will pass anyway 😀 in reply to arashikat #
- No need to let the first decade of your life make all the rules. After all, most of your life will be spent in the other decades. #
- #Immersion in 3 words: "better than nothing". As long as you meet/beat this goal…you're in. #
- function immersion { while(breathing) { if (getJapaneseExposure() > 0 ) return WIN; } } #
- Don't try to become fluent in Japanese. Just try to know more Japanese today than you did yesterday. #
- 粵語劇本 – Google 搜尋 bit.ly/aZw3Za #Cantonese movie scripts #
- 粵語(電影/小品)劇本-粵語學習網 bit.ly/8ZT8ac Lots of #Cantonese movie scripts (transcripts) #
- Drama Fever: Watch popular Korean dramas for free, the best of kdramas bit.ly/cJWonO #
- English Translations, Where and Why Not « Mikoto's Adventures in Japanese bit.ly/ajtkwa #
- "学習者が自分でいくらでも出来る繰り返し練習に時間を割いているような教室に通うぐらいなら、自分でテープを聞いていたほうがましです。" bit.ly/cXRy4G #
- In a way, the only difference between a good habit and an addiction is the sign of the results (+/-). #
- When we say "I want to build good habit X", what we're really saying is: "I want to develop an addiction with net + results" #
- @Kanjiwarrior うう~ん、全然。(^^) in reply to Kanjiwarrior #
- If you want some ideas on how to structure your Japanese learning: オペラント条件づけ – Wikipedia bit.ly/bUEhaZ #
- "ヒトを含む動物が自発する広範な行動が条件づけの対象となり、日常生活の中のいたるところで偶発的に生じている。" | オペラント条件づけ – Wikipedia bit.ly/bUEhaZ #
- The less creative you are within your L2, the more you win. Do not be an innovator. Simply regurgitate native usage. #
- "I…apply…SRS to University studies…I know things much better one year after taking a course than a (cont) tl.gd/1mmqoh #
- "the human brain remains plastic, changeable and trainable well into old age" amzn.to/deBtPL #
- "no matter how old you are, if you’d like to be smarter–get to work!" | or play as the case may be 😀 amzn.to/deBtPL #
- デンさんの広東語相談室 bit.ly/aiBfUM | Thx, 慈英武素! [Think of this site as a #Japanese AJATT for #Cantonese #
- 全球定位系統 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 "恰當" bit.ly/cTXFLp #
- Don't be ashamed of your commitment to your L2; you're not a freaking drug dealer or murderer. Read, watch and listen with pride #
- @papajohn 呵呵. Not everyone's gone over to "the other side" (地理cally & 心理ly) like 你 and I have 😀 in reply to papajohn #
- @papajohn If your「老外」are anything like our「外人」, a lot of them are afraid of 被看為 "noobs”/"posers" & losing face… 😀 in reply to papajohn #
- "Everywhere you step takes you one step closer to somewhere else" [via @funnyav] bit.ly/dpIcEp #
- @papajohn I'll buy that 😀 in reply to papajohn #
- @UnclePolyglot Wow, really?! Would you mind introducing me/giving me his contact? I'd really like to meet/interview him 😀 in reply to UnclePolyglot #
- "自分でできることは教室ではやらない" | Website of デンさん's #Cantonese school, where they don't do stuff you can do on your own! bit.ly/abDW6G #
- The quantity of your L2 exposure is much more important than its quality. Read and watch all the L2 trash you want 😀 #
- Oftentimes, the crappy, half-buttocked job you actually do is ∞ly more valuable than the perfect job you merely imagine. #SRS #
- Don't hold out for the perfect time to start. It'll never, ever come. Do the Japanese that's in front of you right now #immersion #
- Hate That I Love You 歌詞 | 歌詞 | Cheung Hins 張敬軒's Lyrics bit.ly/ahgbXj #
- YouTube – Hins Cheung 張敬軒 – Urban Emotions – Hate That I Love You bit.ly/9MqsRD #
- 開心果 – 楊千嬅 bit.ly/cItDMb I love how this song has a pure R&B sound to it, something I'm always looking for #Cantonese 😀 #
- YouTube – 楊千嬅MOOV Live專訪-《開心果》 bit.ly/dcdfOz #
- YouTube – 楊千嬅 – 楊千嬅KTV bit.ly/bAwts2 #
- "ネイティブと話すチャンスは全くなくてよい" bit.ly/cXRy4G #
- Learning a language isn't about discipline or commitment. It's about greed. You're a thief, stealing words from people in broad daylight. #
- "the brain is MADE for learning language. It naturally notices grammar and internalizes it." | The Arabic Student #
- The Arabic Student: Arabic Travel Show: Aishha Marra عيشها مرة bit.ly/9H4RW0 #
- @papajohnCould have been some overenthusiastic caching. Changed settings. How is it now? #
- YouTube – FAMA 農夫 – I BELIEVE U CAN FLY MV bit.ly/bNdb4v #
- YouTube – Fama農夫 – 舉高隻手 bit.ly/bAtpiS #
- YouTube – 農夫 – 農夫係你老死 bit.ly/bYGEUH #
- YT:Liza Wang 汪明荃 & Fama 農夫 再見 bit.ly/9M5fOG | My favorite Fama農夫 song to date 😀 Lyrics: "咁多年黎 都對住你" bit.ly/ckW9Cx #
- The longer the trip, the earlier you depart, right? Japanese is a long trip. If you want to make it in this lifetime, start *now* #
- The direction of your vector is much more important than its magnitude. If you're touching Japanese, you're already winning. #
- Waiting until you're "good enough" to use native materials is like waiting until you're no longer thirsty to start drinking. #
- それいけ!アンパンマン | キャラクター情報 | 株式会社バンダイ "空腹な人に自分の頭を割って差し出す「僕の顔をお食べ」の台詞は有名。" bit.ly/bEJTF5 #
- @JermaineJustice Exactly…it seems so reasonable. But of course, as long as one goes that way there'll be no fluency and no appreciation. in reply to JermaineJustice #
- onairpower.com – 24小時網上電臺 bit.ly/cKSXG8 24/7 #Cantonese Internet radio #
- I'm not showing off, I'm just saying that I now have GITS:SAC in #Cantonese
I'm just saying… | Sent from my non-iPad # - Prediction: we'll see huge leaps in people's language ability once media crosses borders and becomes readily (cheap + easy) available. #
- If more people are able to get, say, Chinese on tap, they'll become as good at Chinese as many Dutch kids have at English. #
- The reason Dutch kids know English but Anglosphere kids don't know Dutch is just that…(undubbed) media availability. #
- Drop by your cable/satellite provider in the US and ask for the Dutch Cartoon Network. 99.9% guaranteed "WTF?" stare. #
- @rikaisuru LoL. Surusu on the road? L2 eBooks and websites? Haha. in reply to rikaisuru #
- @rikaisuru Really, though…Everything's a toy anyway. Don't even bother make up BS reasons. Just find a decent way to get it if you want it in reply to rikaisuru #
- YouTube – 青山ワンセグ開発 ワンカットドラマ 山手線の女 1週目 bit.ly/9UUeDn #
- バスケットボール定型英語表現(ネガティブ編): エア~ボール bit.ly/bJrU66 #
- スポーツ英語 NBA編 bit.ly/ccnC9r #
- There are no foreign languages. There are just native languages you're learning with a time offset. #
- "At the beginning of Gretzky's NHL career, many critics opined that Gretzky was "too small, too wiry, and too (cont) tl.gd/1nmdtd #
- "Gretzky's basic athletic abilities were not considered impressive." bit.ly/ayeJgL #
- Gretzky spent more time on the ice in just one winter of his youth than most spend in their entire lifetimes. Coincidence? 😛 #
- So what if someone calls you a show-off? Japanese and faster-than-light travel…are worth showing off about. #
- YouTube – スターウォーズの効果音を必殺仕事人にしてみた bit.ly/d8jKhi | Star Wars as Japanese period drama | via #ajattplus #
- オペラント条件付け bit.ly/cXb0Zx #
- オペラント条件づけ – Google 検索 bit.ly/dfEdhP #
- ココロのカラクリ: 学習のココロ ~オペラント条件づけ~ "レスポンデント条件づけが受動的な条件づけなのに対して、
オペラント条件づけは、能動的な反応を条件づける、条件づけです。" bit.ly/db7ymt # - Don't ever "believe" in your methods. There's nothing to believe. You're just an experimenter tooling around, trying stuff out. #
- Once you stop dis/believing in methods, then you have no position to defend. You just have stuff you're messing around with. #
- @e_dub_kendo Yeah. Often, things seem to take care of themselves if you just leave them for a while (days, wks, mnths) and come back later. in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- Japanese survey links video games to learning English — Joystiq bit.ly/acIoRC | via #ajattplus #
- Go for good enough most of the time. More than nothing, less than perfect. #immersion #
- 「ネイティブと話す機会は全く無くてよい」
「留学するな」| デンさんの広東語相談室 bit.ly/aiBfUM # - "you are building a base that you can't even feel is there" bit.ly/aejDES | ダンちゃん of #ajattplus on the benefits of Heisig #
- "Keep listening to music. Keep watching comedy or kids' shows. You're building a 10,000 brick house 1 brick at a time" | ダンちゃん of #ajattplus #
- 心理学COCOROの法則: オペラント条件づけ bit.ly/cyTojU #
- 5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted | Great ideas on how to structure your work/study bit.ly/9cZxxe #
- More interesting ideas on how to structure your work/study. Again, operant conditioning meets video games. bit.ly/bIyz3Z #
- De-hewd. The GOM player command line handles wildcards. #
- @yuki_satoshi Write yours so I can read it and link to it! in reply to yuki_satoshi #
- @yuki_satoshi 😀 in reply to yuki_satoshi #
- @yuki_satoshi You could even write a "contrast"style article, with your corrections? Maybe? in reply to yuki_satoshi #
- asahi.com:朝日新聞 新戦略を求めて ―ニュース特集― "アジアの多様性を生かしながら、市場の力と互恵の実益を重視して共同体づくりを進める。" bit.ly/bxYmcd #
- @yuki_satoshi Speaking of which….any BhvPsych books/papers you can recommend? 😀 in reply to yuki_satoshi #
- "innate intelligence…doesn’t really exist…Intelligence…is a dynamic, diffuse, and ongoing process" amzn.to/deBtPL #
- Any amount of time is an opportunity. #timeboxing #
- "make the levels really short so it's like eating potato chips. " bit.ly/9cZxxe #timeboxing #
- "ゴールに到達することよりもそこに近づき続けることに重きを置く" | 吉井雅之 #
- 1% done is better than 100% imagined. #timeboxing #
- 71 Year Old Bodybuilder Jim Shaffer bit.ly/bQAynX | Not a language learner. But learning languages is a sport anyway, so… #
- Don't try to lengthen the amount of time you do Japanese. Try to *shorten* the amount of time you *don't* do Japanese. #
- Focus your energy on shrinking and cutting into the gaps of time where you're not touching Japanese. #
- Seed even your most serious, hard-as-concrete English (L1) time with Japanese (L2) weeds. #
- The more you put your body into Japanese, the more Japanese puts itself into your body. bit.ly/ck8Lh3 #
- @bahiaportfolio Delete first, ask questions later. Yeee-haw! #SRS 🙂 in reply to bahiaportfolio #
- Don't ever "believe in" your methods. There's nothing to believe in. You're just an experimenter, tooling around, trying stuff out #
- @don_rivers ' "believing in a method" can also make you stick too long to something that doesn't actually work for you.' > v. true #
- Don't believe in the method. Believe in you. #LackOfReflexivePronounsAddsImpact #
- "留学が出来る状況にない方は、自分がなかなか習得が出来ない理由を、
留学が出来ないという状況に求めてはいけません。" bit.ly/dx9MZq # - AJATT is a non-method. AJATT is the absence of method. AJATT is the willingness to try whatever's fun and works. #LaoZiMoment #
- Free yourself from belief in the method, and all you're left with is a tool. And that's precisely where you want to be. #
- The method isn't alive. You are. The method is an inert tool. You are what gives life and meaning to the method. #
- @sutefeni Japanese Bands: The List bit.ly/drVn5Z
Japanese Bands: The List 2 bit.ly/a5Y425 in reply to sutefeni # - "You'd be surprised at how many things have been claimed to be genetic.
I was especially amused recently to see (cont) tl.gd/1on5f0 #
- "語学教室はなるべくさぼれ→ 少なくとも授業中は、お金を払う上に、時間も無駄にしなければならないのです。" bit.ly/cXRy4G #
- スタートレック VOYキャストリスト bit.ly/99xCN8 #
- "女性にしては低音の声質を持っており、アニメーションの声優としては少女~年配の女性を多く演じる・・・基本的には海外ドラマ・洋画の吹き替えが中心で、特に後者ではキャメロン・ディアスを当てられることがある。" bit.ly/a8cBob #
- 星際牛仔 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/aH5pkM #
- "日本国内では英会話の必要性が乏しい" bit.ly/crOnlr #
- Remember, the trick to "winning" at #immersion is to forget the quantity of Japanese you do and focus on the frequency. #
- "Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other" | Walter Elliot #
- The only difference between work and play is freedom. We put in obscene amounts of effort if we're having fun. Work = boring play #
- Lessons from the doctor's office: mispronouncing/Japanizing your English isn't just a fun exercise…it's a necessity 😛 #
- sustainable “deliberate practice” is much easier and much more enjoyable than most people currently believe bit.ly/crFiPf #
- Japanese is like food. We need it every day, multiple times per day. And if we skip meals…we start to suck i.e. get hungry #
- YouTube – 歡樂台 女人我最大 bit.ly/9Jkebz My favorite #TW variety show #
- @bri_tyan You're right. Poor choice of words. Although I do think "Toe-key-oh" is…とうきょう mispronounced 😛 lol But still, it is very…上から目線 in reply to bri_tyan #
- @bri_tyan …and just like you pointed out with 英語, no one says 音読み is mispronounced Chinese 😀 Dang, I'm one of those languagemixing ppl in reply to bri_tyan #
- "East Asian learners exhibit superior learning styles and academic performance to their Western counterparts" bit.ly/a5y0nT #
- @bri_tyan しかも海外の「大和言葉だけが本当の日本語だ」論者みたいに、誰も英語に対して真剣に「これからはアングロサクソン系単語だけでやって行こうぜい」なんて言わないしね。虐められてるね、日本人は(^^)。可哀想。 in reply to bri_tyan #
- @RavinDave Yah. Or sentence–>sound. Or…you could simply use English anyway if you're just starting out. in reply to RavinDave #
- @RavinDave Remember that "personal preference and convenience" is an element of the effectiveness equation, too 😀 in reply to RavinDave #
- The more you stick to Japanese, the more Japanese sticks to you. #
- "Too hard" just means "hasn't been cut up into small enough pieces".
Potatoes suck raw. But they're awesome as chips. # - A lot of the time, 1% done is better than 100% imagined. #
- Often, doing the imperfect anything you can do is better than imagining the perfect everything you "should" be doing #immersion #
- @upyourbottom OMG. That's just cruel. LOL. in reply to upyourbottom #
- @o_delite You can. Remember, you don't "learn"Japanese. You develop a habit of contact with it, so frequent that you memorize chunks in reply to o_delite #
- Cantonese Phonetic IME – Cantonese Pinyin Input Software – bit.ly/bPsA4o #
- 「架空の登場人物にスポットを当てた、
虚構のシルバーモキュメンタリー。 」http://amzn.to/cVcCra # - Seems that a good number of famous HK film people (e.g. 林雪, 王家衛) actually moved there and learned Cantonese quite late in life. #
- For all the scaremongering, HK is actually an immigrant society, and Cantonese is a language that gets learned (very well) a heck of a lot. #
- YouTube – Stephen Chow full interview (周星馳)- PART 1 bit.ly/bx5kxN #
- YouTube – Stephen Chow full interview – PART 2 bit.ly/debJJn #
- Use an app like this to convert YouTube interviews to mp3 format, for listening to later 😀 | Video2mp3 bit.ly/cI4CoR #
- YouTube – 72家租客 – 林雪買電話 bit.ly/9raxQB #
- "一切発明しないためにはどうしたらいいのかといえば、発明しなくても済むように、予め全て暗記しておけばいいのです。" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- YouTube – Jin 歐陽靖 'ABC' MV bit.ly/ckh8CQ #
- YouTube – 星期日大班第8集嘉賓︰歐陽靖 (MC Jin) bit.ly/bfsugd #
- YouTube – sims2でFRIENDSを再現してみた。season3-7(part2) bit.ly/bNVIYH #
- 擬音語・擬態語 - 日本語を楽しもう! – カテゴリー別 Index bit.ly/9injho | #Japanese onomatopoeia dictionary w/examples. Thx, D-star! #
- – Bodhi 開心 Family – bit.ly/aLfqny Children's #comic in #Chinese #
- YouTube – 小琳 –事必關己 "事必關己" bit.ly/blideq #
- YouTube – 梁家輝"黑社會"訪問(上) Tony Leung Ka Fai : Interview on Election bit.ly/aoYqGZ #
- YouTube – 梁家輝-小寶寶食蛋糕 bit.ly/afsfl6 | This kind of thing is why 梁家輝 is the dawg (he's the one "singing" in this clip) #
- YouTube – 梁家輝-你回來吧 bit.ly/9DmQ1L #
- 美人すぎてクビの元シティ行員、また解雇? – Ameba News [アメーバニュース] bit.ly/c4dA1m | When I said #trash ..I meant it 😀 #
- 【セクシーすぎて解雇】 bit.ly/caFpOh | When I said L2 #trash ..I meant it #
- セクシー過ぎるためクビになった女性
bit.ly/93zVpY | No, like, I really meant it when I said…go for #trash in your L2 # - 「解雇されたのは魅力的過ぎるから」、元社員が米シティ提訴 | 世界のこぼれ話 | Reuters | yup…more L2 #trash bit.ly/b6ghsr #
- てか何語?(^^) #
- @e_dub_kendo lol 先輩's beside me 分析ing this case right 今 😀 in reply to e_dub_kendo #
- Tip: identify keywords (usually names of people) connected with low-brow L1 news, and Google them in L1, limiting search results to your L2 #
- Don't worry about getting "good" at Japanese. Just try to suck less today than you did yesterday. #
- Don't be a hero. Don't be an innovator. Copy. Copy that Japanese. Pretend you're doing impressions. #speaking #
- @asiababymama Bonnstance, I never said you could read my blog 😛 in reply to asiababymama #
- @cosleia And it was good 🙂 #
- @asiababymama No, really, though…I don't at all recall permitting you to read my blog…really… }:| in reply to asiababymama #
- "暗記された文の量がどんどん増えてくると、自分が今しゃべっている文がどこに出ていた文だか意識できなくなってくるでしょう。" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- YouTube – BoA AKIRA Zeebra – Palm Drive – Holiday bit.ly/dwZ2qq #
- "It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little – do what you can" bit.ly/cV5PPZ #
- 中古パーツのアップガレージ|日本最大級の中古カー&バイク用品チェーン bit.ly/auNHjW | via #ajattplus | used Japanese car parts 😀 #
- Remember, you're not choosing whether or not to learn the other languages, you're just choosing what to learn *first*. #
- You're not excluding other languages from your life, merely postponing them. They'll still be there when you're ready. #
- Animal trainer Karen Pryor shares operant conditioning techniques you can use on yourself and other humans amzn.to/bvz6Yz #
- FastCopy bit.ly/a11Tx1 #
- Be sure to change your default search engine to a Japanese one (small change…works wonders) bit.ly/bhoMfL #
- YouTube – Jonathan Wong 王梓軒 《你們好》(世界大同版) featuring MC Jin, INK @ Union bit.ly/9QQYQE #
- YouTube – 陳奐仁(feat. 歐陽靖)-買一送一 Mc Jin,Hanjin – 買一送一 (CD Version) bit.ly/cgM7SK #
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