- 『ちなみにこの「金の脳」は、はい「メロンパン入れ」になってま~す♪ いらっしゃいませ~♪』http://tinyurl.com/2uv69rj #
- Francis Ng(吳鎮宇) VS Anthony Wong(黄秋生) tinyurl.com/35aqk5n … feat. 周杰倫 #
- "it is more important to get going than to get it right." #immersion tinyurl.com/3a49p63 #
- @e_dub_kendo 質問 for you >> RT @Cush1979: with lazy kanji, do still still use primitives to help you remember #
- "it is more important to get going than to get it right." #immersion tinyurl.com/3a49p63 #
- You can't just expect yourself to do the right thing. You have to make it worth your while…reward yourself somehow. #
- Don't make up rules and theories that don't help you. There's already enough difficulty out there without your contribution 😀 . #
- "途中で弱音を吐いても何にもなりません。弱音を吐けばマスターできるのなら、どんどん弱音を吐けばいいでしょう。" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- OMG! I was talking to a US customer service operator in English today, and I kept saying "はい" instead of "yes" #beeninjapantoolong #
- RT @wanzai: @ajatt sentence mining is actually fun! it's like figuring out puzzles, deciphering secret messages… #
- RT @chadwalker: Nice. Does Korean too. Flexible Renamer bit.ly/90LUzj #
- @andrewarm Yeah it was just some regular maintenance that dragged on a bit 😀 . All is well now. 😛 in reply to andrewarm #
- @pedante616 Don't quite understand the question…But, basically, I keep going because I want to. Because it's fun… in reply to pedante616 #
- @pedante616 Randomly scheduled rewards can also help #operantconditioning in reply to pedante616 #
- @pedante616 So like…after each game you could roll dice to see whether you get a reward — and if so, how much… in reply to pedante616 #
- @pedante616 So I guess I do understand your question…hehehe in reply to pedante616 #
- Think like a fountain; act like a funnel. #
- Cartoons are for kids. And you are a kid. Therefore…turn on that anime right now. #immersion #
- What matters is not the size of your actions but the direction. #
- Don't try to learn Japanese. Instead, try to have fun that just so happens to be in Japanese. #
- There are no undisciplined people. Only forgetful people. #
- RT @TheoOliveira: RT @ajatt: Thoughts & notes "Introduction to Deliberate Practice" bit.ly/9ThThJ #
- RT @HelloProctor: learning even 10 things a day may seem slower than 200 in 2 days. but (強い)10×365>>200×2(弱い) #
- RT @tcharo: 「私は人生で何度も失敗してきた。だから成功するんだ。」 RT: @ajatt: And finally…(the other) MJ on failure…bit.ly/bvmniu #
- "there is no such thing as being smart, just how used you are to [certain] stuff" | Einar bit.ly/aFohpm #
- Humble yourself. Observe toddlers. Then steal their methods. And watch as you surpass them in about 1/2 (not 1/10) the time. #
- Multitasking itself isn't the problem. Active multitasking is. Passive multitasking, we do all the time. You're breathing, right? #
- Active/output multitasking is a recipe for stress and frownies. Passive/input mulitasking is a ticket to Awesomeland. #
- And so a lot (most?) of #immersion consists of…passive multitasking. #
- "シンガポールより! 外国語大好きおじさんのブログ
英検1級、中検1級、仏検1級の三連覇を達成しました!" bit.ly/c41ByF # - "Transformer chaque élément du quotidien en une opportunité de rentrer en contact avec la langue cible. " bit.ly/buevG7 #
- "学校は知識や人間関係を学ぶための非常に効果的な手段だ。
しかしいつの間にか学校に通うことが目的になってしまっていることが多い。" bit.ly/bKF1eH # - "自分に合わない本や勉強法は潔く捨ててしまおう" amzn.to/ccQD27 #
- "アンスクーリング(英: Unschooling 反学校、非学校教育の意)とは、教育を受けていないという意味ではなく、学校に通っていない、あるいは堅苦しい学校に似た環境で教育されていないことを指す。" bit.ly/c7B38q #
- @UnclePolyglot 呵呵 不要客氣啊。 就是因為你太厲害了!(^^) in reply to UnclePolyglot #
- "著名な独学者
■ソクラテス – 哲学者
■ゴットフリート・ライプニッツ – 哲学者、数学者" bit.ly/9VJYPe # - Single output. Multiple inputs. Listen to music while you walk, etc. #passivemultitasking #immersion #
- "tiny acts done daily compound to a remarkable level
in a very short period of time." bit.ly/98Qnb7 # - "マックとかで小学生相手に
なんて言ってるの見るとなんだかなあと思うよね " bit.ly/9kOkBL # - "l’apprentissage d’une langue ne découle pas de la magie, d’un quelconque talent secret" bit.ly/buevG7 #
- @Samehada_Z 英語&北京語&広東語&日本語全部 in reply to Samehada_Z #
- @funnyav Please do! 😀 in reply to funnyav #
- "a significant proportion of native English speakers are unable to understand some basic sentences"
bit.ly/bRS0Eg # - "『いやぁ。地震をばですねぇ。人工的に起こすなんてことはこりゃ可能なんでしょうか?』 " |トリックの台詞http://bit.ly/9ySF1j #
- "『いや、我々は「小さなことからコツコツと」つぶして行かなあかんのですよ。よう言うやないですか。刑事はカタツムリ。
ね?「牛鍋」とかいてカタツムリ!』 " |トリック/台詞
bit.ly/bPSoFM # - 生さまのページ "大阪弁。。生さまじゃないと出せないようなニュアンス。
『実はねぇ。先生にひとつお聞きしたいことがあるんですよぉ。笑われるような話かもしらんのですけどぉ。』 "
bit.ly/9ySF1j # - @Unholyburger I mostly learned/figured it out in order to write the series that way, which just underscored to me how non-essential it is. in reply to Unholyburger #
- @Unholyburger So I knew Japanese, but could not explain its whys&wherefores. So I worry that the explanations in D&J were useless/confusing in reply to Unholyburger #
- "火事になって死ぬ確率と、電磁波の影響で死ぬ確立を照らし合わせたら、
火事になって死ぬ確率のほうが高いんじゃないかと思ってしまうね。" | 【オール電化 IH】電磁波対策の法整備を勧告 2ちゃんねる
bit.ly/aDxTUU # - "みなさん「本を買っただけで読んだ気」になっていませんか?" bit.ly/ckf8VH | (笑) #
- We waste too much time looking for the top priority task. It's not the task that counts: it's the direction. #
- As long as your direction is right you can pick ANY task you want. So pick the easiest and funnest. #timeboxing #immersion #SRS #
- We need to cut up our work into pieces so tiny and so easy that we no longer know we’re working. bit.ly/dxXFWv #
- We need to cut up our work into pieces so tiny and so easy that we're no longer aware that we’re working.
bit.ly/bzgD2e # - @Crowbeak Thanks for the note 😀 . How about now? >> bit.ly/bzgD2e in reply to Crowbeak #
- "the self of our most trivial thoughts and actions…is…the self we ought to get to know." nyti.ms/cMx9yU #
- YouTube – Путин и обкуренная девочка bit.ly/aMQXey #
- YouTube – スペイン史上初の決勝進出、歓喜に包まれるマドリード bit.ly/bDqfAw #
- CNET Taiwan Crave 科技瘋 "遠傳推電子書城跟 Hami 競爭 不支援黑白閱讀器" bit.ly/cxkroI #
- ドクター苫米地ブログ - Dr. Hideto Tomabechi Official Weblog : 対談の生録URL – ライブドアブログ bit.ly/9qyWAz #
- Knowledge is not a prerequisite for exposure, it is the result of exposure. #immersion #
- Read nonchalantly. Don't even "read", just "hold", "look" and "see". That's where you are right now. Enjoy it. #sayNoToNoobOCD #
- "virtuous circle: When you think you're getting smarter, you study harder" bit.ly/aIfWQS #
- Slow going never killed a project. "No going" always does. Do something. Anything. #immersion #timeboxing #
- "many of our problems come from simply lacking the instruments to understand who we are." nyti.ms/dkvtMS #
- "If you OCD over every new word that you come across in a 300-page book, you're going to make life difficult for yourself" | マヤ #
- "if you're reading a book and the book FEELS difficult…there's usually one main reason: you're expecting too much of yourself" | 真弥 #
- Behavioral Game Design | Lots of hidden hints on how to use #timeboxing bit.ly/99nsm9 #operantconditioning #
- むだんふぉろー【無断フォロー】 : モニ太のデジタル辞典 : コラム : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/bF33o3 #
- ウィキペディア専用リーダー「BWR-01」(BLUEDOT) : 周辺機器 : 新着 ハード&ソフト : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/bm25Fk #
- @don_rivers LoL…I'm like somewhere between a parent and a pointy-haired boss…complete with management slogans… in reply to don_rivers #
- "利用者の多いウィンドウズXP SP2や2000のサポート期間が7月13日に終了する。" bit.ly/c9hLWN #
- Nike Football – 未来をかきかえろ bit.ly/c8ty4C #
- 科學人雜誌網站 "2010年可稱得上是「華文電子書元年" bit.ly/bGEXYM #
- YouTube – キング@IWGP ~忘却の空_歌詞つき PV bit.ly/91nbCo #
- YouTube – SADS 忘却の空 bit.ly/cBZ5dV | 『IWGP』オープニングテーマ #
- YouTube – Gatsby Moving Rubber CM (ft. Takuya Kimura) bit.ly/8Z48zp #Japanese #commercials FTW! #
- YouTube – 廣告 Vaseline 凡士林 肌膚保養專家 關穎 2009 10 bit.ly/9FiHwR #
- 教育部重編國語辭典修訂本-主站 bit.ly/alPbRU #
- 教育部國語辭典簡編本 bit.ly/db4CNP #
- "記憶方面的有效強化法叫「間隔反復復習」 " bit.ly/9BpAKT #
- Perfunctory x 1 > Perfect x 0. Perfunctory x 10 >> Perfect x 0. ((((DO SOMETHING!) SMALL) USEFUL) NOW!) #timeboxing #
- Once you stop dis/believing in methods, you have no position left to defend. You just have stuff you're messing around with #
- @ikkiMikki Nice! What did you do/change today? in reply to ikkiMikki #
- 思うんだけど、オフサイドって要らなくね?余計にゴール数を抑えてるだけだし・・・どっちかつーと「いい思いしちゃアカンぞ~!」的な、英国ならではの悲観主義めいたアレだし。(笑) #worldcup #
- 秒速ニューろぐ 【三杉君困惑w】 FIFA会長「オフサイド……やめちゃおっカナ……」 " ホッケーでは1998年にオフサイドルールを撤廃。ゴール数やスペクタクル性が増したことで、
多くのファン獲得につながっている。" bit.ly/bPbWNs # - FIFA会長「オフサイド……やめちゃおっカナ……」|
サッカーの0-0は見てて最高につまらん " bit.ly/bPbWNs # - "1エンド45分が長い。30×3にしろ " bit.ly/bPbWNs | おおおおう!いいね~、これ。 #soccer #
- FIFA会長「オフサイド……やめちゃおっカナ……」 " これで小学校からどや顔でオフサイドアピールして説明しだすガキが消えるのか " bit.ly/bPbWNs (爆笑) #
- YouTube – 數碼暴龍DS 第31集 生化蓮花獸 VS 幻影迦奧迦獸 bit.ly/cPDcAj #
- 移民政策研究所 – JIPI – bit.ly/aTiJqx #
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