- スターゲイト SG-1 – Wikipedia bit.ly/a5z0ob #
- Don't try to do the thing, just focus on increasing the probability of it happening
bit.ly/crFiPf # - @Brokenvai Looking forward to reading it 😀 in reply to Brokenvai #
- A child was born in Japan today. Your choices from this point forward will determine whether he is your kanji teacher, or you his #
- ジャスミン茉莉花 – Wikipedia bit.ly/988rzO #
- "日本の小学校・中学校に通っていたため、日本語会話は勿論、漢字の読み書きも出来る。そのため、日本語の新聞・雑誌もよく目を通す。" | 当たり前やろ(笑)。つーか学校通わなくたって、字ぐらい読める様になるけど bit.ly/988rzO #
- YOU (タレント) – Wikipedia bit.ly/9FdOhn #
- There is only one way to suck at your L2: being inventive. Just say things the way native speakers say and you win. Copy and win. #
- 100% Japanese expression that expresses 80% of the idea > a 0% Japanese expression that encompasses 100% of the idea #
- You're almost always better off sacrificing some accuracy for natural usage than sacrificing all natural usage for total accuracy #
- 無症候性キャリア – Wikipedia "保菌者" bit.ly/96ePmU #
- デニス・ロッドマン参戦! 日米ストリートバスケ頂上決戦 AND1 presents STREET2ELITE bit.ly/b6JZCJ #
- "世界の外準に占める円の比率が1年ぶり高水準に"
| Reuters
bit.ly/9m7a23 # - @zhongruige Oh, yeah, definitely. Actually, I was referring to word choice (translation) back there, not pronunciation/grammar/anything else in reply to zhongruige #
- 超デカ地図が印刷できるマピオンの「超印刷」 : ライフハッカー[日本版] bit.ly/aUIwMm | via #ajattplus #
- Never refuse to move an inch just because it's not a mile. Do what you can now with what you have now from where you are now. #
- You are the seed of the future you. Nurture yourself now, or there will be no future #immersion #
- 明報新聞網-要聞-要聞–兼兩職儲老婆本 好仔暴斃-20100725 bit.ly/by8184 #
- Been using "incremental-then-decremental" #timeboxing with great success (enjoyment) lately
bit.ly/dqy39u # - Dictionary lookups are/can be fun and enlightening. But unnecessary, superfluous, OCD-like lookups only cause pain and stress. #
- スターゲイト SG-1 – Wikipedia bit.ly/a5z0ob #
- 星際奇兵:SG-1 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/9shGfG #
- 宇宙論 – Wikipedia bit.ly/a8VuxU #
- 宇宙定数 – Wikipedia bit.ly/9d8zjZ #
- 計量テンソル – Wikipedia bit.ly/bTeb98 #
- 隨機化演算法 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書
bit.ly/bOzErY # - 乱択アルゴリズム – Wikipedia bit.ly/cAlTc0 #
- 乱択アルゴリズム – Wikipedia "確率的アルゴリズム" bit.ly/cAlTc0 #
- AKS素数判定法 – Wikipedia bit.ly/bqbfOv #
- "[AJATT] is the epitome of laziness. And that’s what makes it awesome!" |This kid…gets it. bit.ly/ckpngV #
- "Surf the web and do stupid stuff, as long as it’s in your L2." bit.ly/ckpngV #
- "A language is not a subject of academic study…people who treat it that way…burn up and drop out." bit.ly/ckpngV #
- @japaneseonadime I'm in the "not a method" camp, personally. I don't have methods; I just have toys — stuff I tool around with. in reply to japaneseonadime #
- @japaneseonadime All this obedience robs people of fun & creativity. I would never follow my advice to the letter if I were an AJATT reader. in reply to japaneseonadime #
- "Remember, it’s never a good time so you might as well get cracking." bit.ly/ab7nRH #
- "Subtitles do a great job of making you focus on the story but a terrible job of making you [focus] on the language." bit.ly/ab7nRH #
- "If you don’t know to read it, you don’t know the language." bit.ly/ab7nRH #
- Don't worry about doing the wrong thing. That's never going to be your problem. The only "wrong thing" is "nothing" #immersion #
- Except "romaji"…romaji is pretty close to being THE wrong thing (in a cosmic sense). 😛 #
- @tylerandalyssa Unfortunately, no one can be told what the RTK is. You have to see it for yourself. in reply to tylerandalyssa #
- @tylerandalyssa …Remembering the Kanji / Dr. James W. Heisig, Esq., PWN, L33T in reply to tylerandalyssa #
- 「特異点が爆発し掛けてますよ」|スターゲイト SG-1 レビュー S10#200 – GATE of VICSION BLOG bit.ly/9ZHlEw #
- You're unlikely to discuss your way to the best method. Better to get started with what you have and tweak your way to victory. #
- Get started. Momentum is more precious than well-argued ideas. #immersion #SRS #
- YouTube – YouTubeの動画を自動再生する方法! bit.ly/9F4bmX #
- YouTube – youtube動画を自動再生させる方法 bit.ly/cOpOo8 #
- YouTube – 噂のパソコンEeePC bit.ly/aOPEZZ #
- "ダースベイダーのボイスチェンジャー
あなたの声がダースベイダーの声に変わります。" bit.ly/9gOFN5 # - アーチー・コミック – Wikipedia bit.ly/clSQCE #
- "this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down" | Mary Pickford #immersion bit.ly/cW6WIi #
- "If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. Men will believe what they see." #methodarguments bit.ly/cW6WIi #
- YouTube – Ái Quân Như Mộng 10/10 (愛君如夢) #Vietnamese dub of a #Cantonese HK movie 😛 bit.ly/aUnbUC #
- "Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is." | Isaac Asimov bit.ly/aq2AJq #
- 擬似乱数 – Wikipedia bit.ly/d7YaPm #
- 米勒-拉賓檢驗 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/aK1ZJH #
- ミラー-ラビン素数判定法 – Wikipedia bit.ly/b1WUfC #
- If you can't do the right/correct/perfect thing, at least do something that helps. #immersion #
- YouTube – ポカホンタス- Listen With Your Heart (Japanese) Subtitles bit.ly/c5fBSM #
- YouTube – Pocahontas -Just Around The River Bend (Russian) bit.ly/bVrpxG #
- YouTube – The Lion King – Be Prepared (Zulu) bit.ly/aOWyXE #
- YouTube – Be Prepared {Japanese} "Be Prepared from The Lion King. Japanese. " bit.ly/a2xHUH #
- YouTube – The Lion King – I Just Can't Wait To Be King (Japanese) bit.ly/9ZukyA #
- 32 ライオン・キング ー 歌詞 "王様になるのが待ちきれない
僕は王様だ 敵はいない
こんな少ない たてがみ見たことがない" bit.ly/cPvn8K # - OK牧場の決闘 – Wikipedia bit.ly/cptjw0 #
- 32 ライオン・キング ー 歌詞 bit.ly/cPvn8K #
- 「あったら困る」シリーズ第2弾!- friendly fire – Applecheese in Rakuten – 楽天ブログ(Blog) "「味方による誤射」" bit.ly/a5cA4I #
- YouTube – A Whole New World (Chinese-Cantonese) bit.ly/a4Ghgx #
- @marcusbird Yay! 😛 Haha…I always wonder if it's not just 余計なお世話 😀 in reply to marcusbird #
- "learning a language means mastering the basics" bit.ly/adAwN8 #
- Grammar’s Dead. Yay? « Japanese On A Dime bit.ly/958dLV #
- 文字化けしたMP3タグ情報(ID3タグ)の直し方 « Like@Lunatic Blog bit.ly/9FdnSE #
- TagScanner – k本的に無料ソフト・フリーソフト "高機能かつ使いやすいタグエディタ" bit.ly/9FWYsI #
- "漢字検定(日本語漢字能力検定)の勉強用に、
過去に出題された過去問題を参考にした練習問題(無料)です!" | via #ajattplus bit.ly/d1wcf4 # - @tomoakiyama (笑) in reply to tomoakiyama #
- YouTube – ほろよいどうぶつ劇場 002「しゃべったやつ負けゲーム」 bit.ly/bSTGxV #
- I'm back into lazy kanji and even lazier than before thanks to bookmarklets 😀 . #
- "books don’t only teach grammar but also provide the most painless means of obtaining vocabulary"
bit.ly/9n0Q8P # - "Remember to pace yourself, so that you don't get burned out from kanji study fatigue. "
amzn.to/bJS37I # - "I'm studying about 100 kanji a week and taking a break after every block of 500 to intensely review"
amzn.to/bJS37I # - "TV is an excellent way to learn languages because it often shows the face in close-up"
bit.ly/9n0Q8P # - "copier le processus d’apprentissage d’un locuteur natif. Renaître figurativement dans…une autre langue." bit.ly/buevG7 #
- "the most useful aspect of sentence mining is just continuous exposure to real, authentic Japanese" bit.ly/bUE2A3 #
- "I just copied Japanese that I heard and used Japanese that I had copied." bit.ly/aPfEIG #
- @LadyMissie こめじるし in reply to LadyMissie #
- Typing Japanese Special Characters bit.ly/cmrngR #
- "英國國旗似個中文嘅「米」字,所以有個花名「米字旗」。" bit.ly/9O8sil #
- 不成文憲法| "相較於成文憲法,不成文憲法是指中央政府權利義務並沒有集合成一部單獨的憲法法典" bit.ly/dyv4bU #
- "ゲシュタルト崩壊は「意味飽和」とも呼ばれ、意味のない記号のような感じがする第一段階、こんな時でよかったかと感じる第二段階、初めて見る字のような新鮮な感じがする第三段階の3つの順序で起こります。" bit.ly/ayMli1 #
- "ロシア:黒人候補で地方選挙騒然" bit.ly/bf8rDX #
- The 日本のごはん。‐ニコニコ動画(9) bit.ly/9iVLKU #
- 亜米利加で人気の日本アニメ
bit.ly/8Y1GFf # - YouTube – A Whole New World (Chinese-Cantonese) bit.ly/a4Ghgx #
- 過去に書いた自分の文章・・・凄んげ~恥かしい(泪) #
- もーこれ以上恥かかすなっつーの!と・・・過去の自分に言いたくなるくらい(笑)。 #
- "the most important thing for the learner of Japanese is knowing all the general-use kanji. Everything stems from this" bit.ly/byxPtM #
- "knowledge of ALL 2000 odd characters is essential as they ALL appear in news no matter what Internet idiots may say" bit.ly/byxPtM #
- 日本経済新聞 bit.ly/dqKC43 #
- "『読売ニュース ポッドキャスト』 2009年12月29日で休止へ" bit.ly/ae8992 #
- News i – TBSの動画ニュースサイト bit.ly/dnqRhU #
- "there is no magic to watching the news. You just have to get used to it" bit.ly/bdurZD #
- YouTube – Aladdin – A Whole New World [Japanese Version] bit.ly/dysRly #
- 新的世界 (電影"Aladdin") 歌詞 | 歌詞 | [雜錦碟]'s Lyrics bit.ly/aItnrx | Disney/Aladdin/A Whole New World/#Cantonese #Lyrics #
- More #lyrics for Disney/Aladdin/A Whole New World (Chinese-#Cantonese) bit.ly/92m7Vw #
- YouTube – Kick The Can Crew — マルシェ bit.ly/9gnUNy #
- "You don’t need to worry about anything else, just procrastinate, and do it in your L2" bit.ly/ckpngV #
- "You don’t need to worry about anything else, just procrastinate, and do it in your L2."
bit.ly/ct6iAr # - YouTube – SBK – EPISODE Ⅴ feat.Kj from Dragon Ash bit.ly/cw8XKC #
- "Forget who you are and where you came from, the language does not care.
" bit.ly/b2GKeQ # - The Tao of language learning – The Linguist – language learning should be fun bit.ly/biO0qd #
- ラファエル・サバチニ – Wikipedia bit.ly/9LOFO7 #
- サルバドール・ダリ – Wikipedia bit.ly/d1WjVp #
- "漢字が排斥された結果、物事を考えるのに重要な語彙のほとんどが失われてしまったといわれる。とくに高い精神性と抽象的な事物に関する語彙の大部分が、多くの人々に縁遠いものとなってしまった。" bit.ly/bqnxXS #
- "漢字がないために抽象的な思考ができない。" bit.ly/bqnxXS #
- RSS Subscription Extension (by Google) "Adds one-click subscription to your toolbar." | Great for L2 blogs bit.ly/a0Xgmt #
- ロシアの美人スパイ帰る
bit.ly/daDItg # - プーチン首相 帰国したスパイたちと歓談、歌を歌い人生を語る 写真2枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News bit.ly/a7tqJ0 #
- Engadget 中文版 bit.ly/cejhTn #
- 超厲害配音!超爆笑粵語 – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 bit.ly/cz2Ab5 via @sinosplice #
- 超厲害配音!超爆笑粵語 – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 "好勁吖~~佩服佩服..
哈哈~而且好鬼死搞笑.." bit.ly/cz2Ab5 # - 睡公主搞笑(粵語)
bit.ly/asmBZ0 # - Primitives Deck – Three Pounds Flax bit.ly/cBjarM #
- "If we devote ourselves to the language we will be rewarded." bit.ly/biO0qd #
- "Do not fight the the language or it will defeat you." bit.ly/biO0qd #
- "If you hurry you will be delayed. If you tarry you will reach your goal." bit.ly/biO0qd #
- "Continue to learn with the intensity of a child at play." bit.ly/biO0qd #
- "Accept what you have achieved and you will achieve more." bit.ly/biO0qd #
- @UnclePolyglot マジで開けないんですか?おかしいね。じゃああ、ここならどー?【ハングルによる愚民化政策とその流出 – 北朝鮮問題 – Yahoo!ブログ bit.ly/cIFFEo】 in reply to UnclePolyglot #
- @JapanNewbie つーか何なんだよこれー?(笑)。遣り方わかんねーし。勝手に敗北宣言されてもね(^^)ハハハ in reply to JapanNewbie #
- バイク=motorcycle 自転車=bike #falsefriends #
- @IvanMeredith 今は? in reply to IvanMeredith #
- YouTube – Japanese Polyglot in Singapore bit.ly/dqC8F8 #
- @UnclePolyglot 哈哈哈 恭喜晒你呀 "多語人叔叔" (^^) in reply to UnclePolyglot #
- @eldonreeves 唔使客氣囉~ in reply to eldonreeves #
- What you do doesn't have to be big, it just has to help. #immersion #SRS #
- YouTube – Kobe speaking Italian!!! bit.ly/dD0frb #
- YouTube – Intervista Kobe Bryant in italiano su Sportitalia 1^PARTE bit.ly/a0lOaN #
- Hack a Uni Library « Liz Learns Japanese bit.ly/9VaxL7 #
- 紙媒体の本がなくなる? | 私の本箱 "紙媒体の本がなくなる?" bit.ly/cFYQ42 #
- NIHONGO eな – Portal for Learning Japanese – bit.ly/c3SOsO #
- 2ちゃんねる掲示板へようこそ bit.ly/cFHgPl #
- "消費者調査会社MyType社が行なった新しい心理分析的調査によると、『iPad』所有者は「利己的なエリート」であり、一方、iPadを持たずにこれに批判的な人は「自由なギーク」だという。" bit.ly/99wgCV #
- "GReaderに追加
表示しているウェブサイトのフィードをGoogleReaderもしくはiGoogleへ追加。" | 便利なGoogleブックマークレット12選
bit.ly/cm5H6j # - デジタル教科書、導入前に効果検証…文科省 : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)http://bit.ly/dp1jS8 #
- 家電旧モデルも人気…ネットで機能比較 : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/crdNDQ #
- 頭條日報 頭條網 – 寵物 bit.ly/9duNfe #
- 네이버 블로그 :: 포스트 내용보기 bit.ly/9VffuY #
- 陳旭《哥只是個傳說》原創音樂故事-蘇瑋明撞墻推薦 – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 bit.ly/apB5YL #
- MindNode bit.ly/aXViTN #
- @JapanNewbie 遣ってねーよ 笑 in reply to JapanNewbie #
- @tomoakiyama 「 舊假名遣ひ推進派の勝元様にお言葉ですが」(爆笑) in reply to tomoakiyama #
- @tomoakiyama ええっ?マジっすか?じゃ6番(6 何かをすることを、広く、または漠然という。する。行う。営む。「宿題を―・る」「今度の舞台で大星由良之介を―・る」「民宿を―・っている」)の場合は、漢字を使っちゃ全然ダメなの?辞書的にも? in reply to tomoakiyama #
- @tomoakiyama 要は、1番=派遣する「1 そこへ行かせる。さしむける。送り届ける。「子供を大学へ―・る」「使いを―・る」「手紙を―・る」」の場合にしか、あの字が使えないって事?ですか・・・教えて、センセー!(^^) in reply to tomoakiyama #
- "第22回 漢字検定(1級)
漢字6000字を操る“人間ATOK”を目指せ" bit.ly/dabD9z # - Heisig Kanji Index bit.ly/bBaOIL #
- "漢字を取り入れて「漢字かな混じり文」を生み出し、発展させてきたのがわが国の文化です。・・・いいものはいい" bit.ly/cBm1lp #
- "take a step back of learning Japanese with 'knowledge' and start learning Japanese with 'action'" bit.ly/9pyrt2 #
- ヤフー・グーグル提携、MS「競争を阻害」 : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/d1JS4N #
- かくちょうげんじつ【拡張現実】 : モニ太のデジタル辞典 : コラム : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/ccd1gm #
- Google 2010年科技產品熱門關鍵字:報稅軟體榜首 bit.ly/clbSvr #
- 蘋果也出充電器! bit.ly/da2icX #
- "William Wallace is seven feet tall.
ウオレスは大男のはずだぞ!" bit.ly/aLrzso # - "they may take our lives,
but they'll never take our freedom!
我らの命を奪うことはできても、我々の自由は決して奪えない" bit.ly/aLrzso # - "關於亞洲學生學習方法的類型,似乎有兩種互相抵觸的觀點:(1)他們的習慣方法是一種低層次,以背誦為主(或"表面")的習慣法;(2)他們有超乎比例的成就,尤其在高等教育方面。" bit.ly/bP1RkN #
- The Expert Mind
bit.ly/96P266 # - ノエイン もうひとりの君へ – Wikipedia bit.ly/awfT4M #
- When your rules are so few and easy that anything is good enough, you get a lot of anything, and that adds up. #immersion #
- "If you want to work on big things, you seem to have to trick yourself into doing it. " bit.ly/9Ng2xY #
- ポール・グレアム「良い後回し、悪い後回し」 – らいおんの隠れ家 bit.ly/9tPc0x #
- らいおんの隠れ家 bit.ly/cN120e #
- Repeat after me: Japanese is for procrastination. Japanese is for procrastination. Leave your seriousness for something else. #
- 通信衛星 – Wikipedia bit.ly/dy5i5W #
- 新城財經台財經網 bit.ly/bRH11H #
- スターゲイト SG-1 – Wikipedia bit.ly/a5z0ob #
- "一方、ニセ科学は科学者達のロジックを盗み、科学への信頼を利用して自説をもっともらしく見せかけるなど科学技術に寄生しています。" bit.ly/aILaja #
- Do not let L1ers interfere with your L2. They have no right to measure/discuss your L2 life. Your L2 is between you L2 natives #
- アスガード (スターゲイト) – Wikipedia bit.ly/bn4FBk #
- 「スタートレック VS スターゲイト」:どっちの“スター”がいけてる!?:コラム/レポート:海外ドラマNAVI bit.ly/awpk26 #
- "泥棒を逮捕するという法に反対するのは泥棒だけ" bit.ly/9hxIQX #
- "Facebook 1億用戶資料外洩" bit.ly/cl2cOI #
- "Le maitre mot : s’amuser !" bit.ly/agSimG #
- Don't kid yourself. Don't play the unrewarded martyr. Count your language-learning in minutes and hours, not years. #
- Counting language acquisition in years makes you think that you've been playing WAY harder than you actually were. #
- So, only count your language acquisition time in years if 1 year = 8760+ hours. If not…then…you know the deal. #
- Counting your language hearing time in hours is a HUGE reality check on Linkin Park linguistics ("I've tried so hard…") #
- タイムパラドックスを回避する方法 | WIRED VISION bit.ly/bKThkT #
- Dailymotion – [W2D] 100728 More Charming By the Day – Khun [Eng Subbed] – a Film & TV video dai.ly/bESoJv #
- デイリーモーション – クレヨンしんちゃん/ひまのおもちゃだゾ – 映画& TV ビデオ dai.ly/aG117j #
- ライオン・キング – Wikipedia bit.ly/akVFF6 #
- "ムファサの声を担当しているジェームズ・アール・ジョーンズは、スター・ウォーズのダース・ベイダーの声を担当していることで有名であるが、本作の中でシンバに語りかけるセリフのひとつに「お前は私の息子だ」というのがある。" bit.ly/9a0RlR #
- シンバ – Wikipedia "シンバは、スワヒリ語でライオンを意味する言葉。" bit.ly/a4lX5K #
- ライオン – Wikipedia "ライオン(Panthera leo、獅子)は、動物界脊索動物門哺乳綱ネコ目(食肉目)ネコ科ヒョウ属に分類される食肉類。" bit.ly/adBlfR #
- 超光速航法 – Wikipedia bit.ly/92StRN #
- ZDNet Taiwan – Amazon推新Kindle只是垂死掙扎? – 企業應用 – IT技術 bit.ly/dj4Rq6 #
- YouTube – 【AKB48】 ヘビーローテーション PV bit.ly/9Pvvv7 #
- Adults are just children with bank accounts and large bodies
bit.ly/9A1fyk # - "you need to sample a wide range of sources in order to come to a judgement for yourself" bit.ly/9A1fyk #
- "the best road is equal parts cynicism to reject things, and optimism to accept good things" bit.ly/9A1fyk #
- The only thing in a book that needs to be read "in order" is the individual sentence, if that. #reading #immersion #
- apptoi: Air Video – パソコン上のビデオをリモートで鑑賞 bit.ly/cNWuwB #
- Been using index cards as page markers in the URP.
[+] Works well for library books. [-] Cards can slip out
bit.ly/7SYE7q # - Supermemo Adventures: How to Incrementally Read Anything bit.ly/9y00QZ #
- SuperMemo 理論を応用した、最強の記憶ツール「spicyelephant」 – japan.internet.com Webビジネス bit.ly/8YUqoq #
- Once you let go of "being yourself" and focus on using the L2 on the L2's terms, you get to be yourself *and* be good. #
- You'll always be you, that'll never go away. You'll just be an upgraded you. #
- You'll always be you, that'll never go away. You'll just be an upgraded you. #immersion #
- Years of effort will not learn you a language. Minutes and hours of contact will. #immersion #SRS #
- "It only took me a couple of hours to learn all of them, literally." amzn.to/dwgpHh #
- Hit your cat when he comes to you, and he'll stop coming. Beat yourself up when you #SRS and you'll stop SRSing. #
- Pretty much, if immersion isn't happening in these 5 minutes here and those 2 minutes there, then it's not happening at all #
- Don't procrastinate ON Japanese, procrastinate IN Japanese. #
- Dual Timeboxing – Michael's posterous bit.ly/9JhFEd #
- 語彙 – Wikipedia bit.ly/9lSHPz #
- 「スターゲイト コンティニュアム ザ・ムービー」 → この映画すっごい良く出来てる(^^) amzn.to/90q1ZV #
- 「スターゲイト コンティニュアム ザ・ムービー」 → まあ最後(結末)はちょっと急ぎ気味な展開になっちまったが、頑張ったは頑張った。観て決して損は無いのだ。(^^)http://amzn.to/90q1ZV #
- 佐々木誠二 – Wikipedia "洋画では、黒人の吹き替えを担当している事が多い。" bit.ly/duq2Li #
- "nested timeboxing not only gets done but is also more productive in terms of actually work done per minute" bit.ly/bKTtER #
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