- @dexdigi ハハハハハハ in reply to dexdigi #
- "A moth is not a moth in mother,
Nor both in bother, broth, or brother,
And here is not a match for there" bit.ly/d8T8qs # - Boundaries and limits will set you free. Provided they're you're own 😀 #timeboxing #
- " 全米で最も犯罪発生率の高い危険地帯としても有名な、 L.A SOUTHCENTRAL
"KRUMP"が発祥した地である" bit.ly/9PTjIC # - "時間がないから成果が上がらないのではない。
時間があるから成果が上がらないのだ。" bit.ly/bebGEO # - Boundaries and limits will set you free. Provided they're your own 😀 #timeboxing #
- "「組織は些細な物事に対して、不釣り合いなほど重点を置く」" bit.ly/ahikTk #
- — 派樂派對 HKPUG PDA Podcast bit.ly/d21rXM #Cantonese #tech #podcast #
- 網路藝人欣西亞和shane – {網路綜藝podcast}欣西亞在台近況-指險套part II bit.ly/b3QcoE #
- Don't be so smart that you know all about stuff you know nothing about. Be dumb enough to experiment, in some cases. 😀 #
- A language is a lifestyle, not a trophy. It's more pet dog than severed deer head. #
- iPadが15時間駆動に! 強力バッテリーを内蔵したドックスタンドケースが発売 : ギズモード・ジャパン bit.ly/bE2DRy #
- " 過ぎたことを悔やんでも、しょうがないじゃないか。目はどうして前についていると思う?前向きに進んでいくためだよ。" bit.ly/dDp0Ah #
- 世界で一番売れている携帯 : ギズモード・ジャパン bit.ly/bUkHpH #
- あきば女子寮:どんなお店? bit.ly/aYxfZQ #
- YouTube – スカイ・ハイ THE MAN FROM HONG KONG Japanese-dubbed version bit.ly/dAiaYj #
- 他者と自己の区別をしない神経細胞:ミラーニューロン | WIRED VISION bit.ly/b7GV7b #
- "夢は逃げない。逃げるのは、いつも自分だ。" bit.ly/cDAfu1 #
- "モノマネから出発して、独創にまでのびていくのが、我々日本人のすぐれた性質であり、たくましい能力でもあるのです。" bit.ly/9JVA5l #
- 英語とパソコン: アメリカの政治風刺番組 『ザ・デイリーショー』はおもしろい。 bit.ly/aNWBBw #
- "勢いで笑いをとるのではなく、淡々と手堅く、笑いをとっていく姿には好感が持てます。" bit.ly/aNWBBw #
- "whatever it is that an IQ test measures, it is not the ability to engage in cognitively complex forms of multivariate reasoning" | Colvin #
- 絕地武士 – 偽基百科 bit.ly/dAOwlw #
- Star Wars a Guerra dos clones: Abril 2010 bit.ly/9ywLzl #
- "the most effective deliberate practice activities are those that can be repeated at high volume" bit.ly/aQHHLW #
- Anything really is better than nothing. A trivial amount of work in a nontrivial direction always has nontrivial significance. #
- YouTube – ラッキーサイダー CM 佐々木希 (歌詞字幕付) bit.ly/9z02VV #
- NTTドコモ、4~9月期純利益9%増 :日本経済新聞 s.nikkei.com/9jRTYF #
- 現在開始或從此遺憾? 現在開始!! @ 周宗興的圖文創作部落格 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: bit.ly/bdpFkc #stevepavlina #mandarin #translation #
- "the correlations between IQ and achievement aren't nearly as strong as the data on broad averages would suggest" bit.ly/b38a0F #
- "the correlations between IQ and achievement aren't…strong…in many cases there's no correlation at all" bit.ly/b38a0F #
- "the correlations between IQ and achievement aren't…strong…in many cases there's no correlation at all" ~ Colvin bit.ly/b38a0F #
- "neither Tiger nor his father suggested that Tiger came into this world with a gift for golf" ~ Colvin
bit.ly/9lOFej # - "Asked to explain Tiger’s phenomenal success, father and son always gave the same reason: hard work" ~ Colvin bit.ly/9lOFej #
- "English is also a tonal language in some ways. We express
incredible amounts of meaning through intonation" #thirdear amzn.to/dtXWMX # - "Such findings do not prove that talent doesn't exist. But they do suggest…that if it does, it may be irrelevant"
bit.ly/95cxZU # - "researchers have found few signs of precocious achievement before the individuals started intensive training" ~ Colvin bit.ly/95cxZU #
- "the very existence of talent is not…supported by evidence" ~Colvin bit.ly/95cxZU #
- YouTube – INTERUSH JAPAN bit.ly/dca40r #
- "人と比べてはダメですよ。
つねに自分を基準にして、出発点からどれくらい自分が上がったんだろうã # - "『若い頃の苦労は買ってでもしろ』 という言葉があるが、 その言葉を作ったのは売る側の人間だ"
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