Source/sitch: One of the many legendary exchanges in The Matrix. This is from the scene where Morpheus first teaches Neo about agents.
Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?莫菲斯:不,尼奥。我想告訴你,到了一定的時候,你不必躲。
Morpheus: No, Neo. I’m trying to tell you that when you’re ready, you won’t have to.
Note: while the official “spelling” of “Neo” is 「尼奥」, Morpheus pronounces it more like 「尼爾」.
Hhaa this is great! 🙂
My kind of stuff. Anyone know where to get more Mandarin media? Amazon has exuberant shipping for Australia, and YesAsia has few Mandarin dubs of interesting stuff.
I know what you mean about YesAsia. I finally just bit the bullet today and bought a whole bunch of dubbed movies from
Also, jeez, is there any good source of Mandarin podcasts. I recently switched from Japanese to Mandarin and now I’m all confused.
That 尼奥 pronunciation is strange. It does indeed sound like 尼儿, which is a pretty silly pronunciation mistake to let slip through. I wonder if he’s actually saying 尼奥儿, and the 奥 is just getting so totally sublimated into the 儿 that we’re not hearing it.
This was one of the first Japanese dubbed movies I bought. It’s a good dub, though one of the three agents has an outrageously loooow voice (maybe in the original, too, but I don’t remember it). Like “makes James Earl Jones sound like he’s using falsetto” low.
Mandarin Mini-Transcript / The Matrix (1999) / Dodge Bullets | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time
>“makes James Earl Jones sound like he’s using falsetto” low.
Dude, I 知道 exactly what you mean. Your 意思, if you will. LoL.
其實 Rico’s voice in the Mando dub of “Starship Troopers” 星艦戰將 sounds just as you describe.
Probably the same actor (?)
Gosh, I love that voice.
Maybe I’ll put it up sometime.