- "That's how you build consistency, not punishing yourself for failing to have it." bit.ly/hCL4uE #ajattplus #
- Looking for a Japanese monodic for your iDevice? Try this guy. デジタル大辞泉 bit.ly/daijisen #
- ua woman(ユーエーウーマン)/UNDER ARMOUR(アンダーアーマー) bit.ly/hKoE42 #
- Adding Bookmarklets on iPad and iPhone bit.ly/eoRQxE #
- 映画『キック・アス』壁紙・15秒スポット 完成!! | EnterJam – エンタジャム – 映画・アニメ・ゲームの総合エンタメサイト bit.ly/dRfAh1 #
- 2010年10月11日のブログ|MIDICRONICAブログ「米粒みたいな人格と宇宙の考察」by Ameba amba.to/huEgR3 #
- "Why monolingual dictionaries are better than bilingual dictionaries:" bit.ly/gj87pp #
- 『デジタル大辞泉』がiPadに対応! – 小学館iPhoneブログ bit.ly/i7hqDO #
- YouTube – 日本の美人像変化 Changing japanese perspective on beautiful woman bit.ly/f0MGsx BGM = 安室奈美恵/Girl Talk #
- "「私は自分自身を客観的に見ることができるんです。あなたと違うんです」" bit.ly/fkr4Ku | YouTube – あなたと違うんです! 福田辞任会見の決定的瞬間 #
- @srunnels That's the point, really 😀 ; that's part of the fun, part of the learning. A self-explaining Japanese book. #
- "勉強というよりも、何言ってるのか知りたい〜!という欲求" bit.ly/f9KwH4 #
- "metaphysical servant [the SRS] masters its master [the human]. REBEL!" bit.ly/gVufec #
- YouTube – AKB48 北原里英 指原莉乃 「脱出ゲームDERO!」 1/3 bit.ly/i2QUqV #
- "苦手なものを得意にするコツはなんでも同じです。それはひとことで言えば、何しろやらせて絶えずほめるということで" bit.ly/fjRfaU #
- サファリラリー – Google 検索 bit.ly/dTCFOe #
- New at AJATT Plus: The UnSchedule, Part 1: Study Logs, Birthlines and Timeboxes bit.ly/gCndDe #
- "you can sound like a native in any language you put your mind to." bit.ly/f71sZO #ajattplus #
- 新世界読書放浪 | IT立国エストニア bit.ly/dEl4Yi #
- IGPX – Wikipedia bit.ly/9SOu5C Did anyone else used to pronounce "gron pree" "Grand Pricks" when they were small? #
- YouTube – そんな無茶な事じゃないでしょ?人間紅葉饅頭! bit.ly/gYjg2P #
- "If you learn a language simply because others tell you to, you will fail.
Simple as that." bit.ly/hVd40t #
- 新城財經台財經網 bit.ly/eDU5wP #cantonese #business #news #onlinevideo #metroradio #
- "The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep on running" bit.ly/gYwinA #immersion #
- "The clichés we’ve been taught about…"giftedness" all come out of crude, early-20th century guesswork" amzn.to/fvVYsx #
- There are no difficult subjects, only poor presentation. #
- First Well (German): Read-along children's stories from BookBox bit.ly/9hnDhR #
- Don’t work to reach goals, work to create conditions and environments. bit.ly/bnEcWj #
- RT @shchklike12pp: 毎日がエブリデイ RT @Sashihara_bot: みなさん幸せなら口を揃えてこういいましょう。毎日がエブリディだよ! #akb | っざけんなよ!完全に洗脳だわw #
- Your TV doesn’t grow into a big-screen TV. That's unnatural. In nature, it totally would 😛
bit.ly/bnEcWj #growth # - "You'll never be "ready" before starting." bit.ly/eFJBir #
- ジブリ作品字幕COLLECTION bit.ly/ekKzm4 via #ajattplus | Studio Ghibli (Hayao Miyazaki) anime transcripts #
- YouTube – どっこい手書き職人は生きている bit.ly/iiS34h via #ajattplus | #kanji signwriter 看板職人 #
- It's no good losing hope before you've even tried. Lose hope *after* trying…100,000 times. bit.ly/ezH5Y8 #
- ウィレム・デフォーを死なせないと気が済まないよね、ハリウッドって。つーか死なせ過ぎw #
- Feeling stress when #SRSing usually means that you're trying to make important things that aren't important. #
- You don't start training because there's hope of success. You create hope of success by training. #
- [エビングハウスの忘却曲線:人間の記憶機能と復習の有効性] bit.ly/eZVNl4 #
- 復習が大切な理由 " 「学校で1回だけ学習するのでは不十分。予習や復習が大切」" bit.ly/i65el3 #
- DS PSP初心者用講座 : iPadに描いた絵がそのまま動き出し絵本になるアプリ 「カケルブック」が面白い – ライブドアブログ bit.ly/ihtPUM #
- Analytically intelligent but practically stupid. Speaking from experience, this is a place you don't want to be. #
- You don't start training because there's hope of success. In fact, the more you suck, the better a candidate you are for training 😀 #SRS #
- New at AJATT Plus: Batch File To Automate Critical Frequency Contact (Exposure) bit.ly/gNHMAg #
- YouTube – Nitro Microphone Underground – カマゲン (Official Music Video)
bit.ly/ezNwzy # - YouTube – Black Juice – DABO, DELI, GORE-TEX, SUPER CRISS, MASTA SIMON bit.ly/eNwCOR #
- "台湾でも日本統治時代の遺風の「々」が使われることがある。例えば中国語の「謝謝」を「謝々」と書く。" bit.ly/gDPony #
- Don't expect yourself to get it right the first time. That's the point of practice. You're not born knowing how to walk. #
- "Give up more. Retreat into fluffy, indulgent native media that will entertain and tickle you." bit.ly/dR1Geq #
- "only use sentences that make you happy, laugh, want to learn more, etc." bit.ly/dR1Geq #SRS #
- Bad question: "Am I doing well?".
Good question: "Am I creating conditions that make improvement inevitable"? # - "I’m really beginning to believe that the best method is the one you invent yourself." bit.ly/dZGJ62 #
- "practicing language is important" bit.ly/gyWDKN #
- "The trick is hearing it, oh, say 160 times in 15 minutes" bit.ly/gyWDKN #
- "You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight" bit.ly/gcHT1s #
- Outside your comfort zone? Sure. Go for it. Outside your fun zone? Inexcusable. #
- "It is foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness." | Cicero FTW bit.ly/i3mcpq #
- "motivation will always be >>>> the specifics of any method." bit.ly/dZGJ62 #
- "Sometimes moving your focus off the direct path and giving a personal twist to your work /motivates/ you" #sotrue bit.ly/dZGJ62 #
- "I have only been doing MCDs for a little over a week now, and I have already noticed amazing improvements." bit.ly/hhCM0T #
- "MCDs…have…given me the confidence to go monolingual " bit.ly/hhCM0T #SRS #
- "Realizing that I can just skip over words I don’t know…feels great." bit.ly/i8iWMb #SRS #MCDs #
- If you were to wait until you could read to start owning Japanese books, you’d die waiting. bit.ly/hsTxXX #
- False: can’t read Japanese ∴ own no Japanese books.
True: own no Japanese books ∴ can’t read Japanese. bit.ly/hsTxXX # - Access to reading material must precede literacy. Before you pwn books, you must first own books. bit.ly/hsTxXX #
- "it’s never too early to begin reading ‘adult’ material" bit.ly/ehwu4m | No, not /that/ kind of "adult". You people… #
- 【專題】第十七屆五中全會–金黔專題 bit.ly/ii3Ziz #
- "Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." bit.ly/gcHT1s | Mastery(=repetition) of the basics. #
- "I've found that #listening to music or podcasts when I #sleep makes me wake up "thinking in Japanese"" bit.ly/gASEkM #
- How To: Changing The Language On Your Vista/ Windows 7 PC « TOPMIDCOMBO bit.ly/ejwTTK #
- "are you trying to learn a new language and would like to immerse yourself by changing the language on your machine?" bit.ly/ejwTTK #
- "Your behaviors can actually affect your attitudes and emotions." nyti.ms/es4N5p #
- "if you nod your head when listening to a persuasive message, you’re more likely to be persuaded." nyti.ms/es4N5p #
- sholfen的部落格:Ruby 程式語言 – 樂多日誌 bit.ly/gFt6Ts #
- セイコー、“地下鉄の騒音”を超える大音量目覚まし時計の新デザイン – 家電Watch bit.ly/hj2b6y | Yeah, baby. #
- セイコー、“地下鉄の騒音”を超える大音量目覚まし時計の新デザイン – 家電Watch "Super RAIDEN(スーパーライデン) NR523K" bit.ly/hj2b6y #
- YouTube – PSPと鯖の押し寿司奇跡のコラボレーション | Sushi that used PSP "買ってるんだから、どう使おうが消費者の勝手だよ。" bit.ly/eOqIhB | via #ajattplus #
- YouTube – ギネスに挑戦卵の上に立つ秘技 | How to standing on egg bit.ly/fQegPd | そりゃ割れるだろうオマエ(爆笑) #
- お前それでも人間か?!お前の母ちゃん××だ!http://bit.ly/h8p6yn #
- "You have probably not received as much input as a baby does before they start speaking, so don't try and force it." bit.ly/eefU0A #
- Only in Japan? Minute Maid “GooNew”! « mikaeraです bit.ly/fClQkN #
- BOOKOFF USA – BOOKS, CDs, DVDs, MANGA – A different type of used book store bit.ly/gitEsV #
- "I spent yesterday in NYC, in my two favorite places there: BookOff and Kinokuniya." bit.ly/cWn3iB #
- "I just can’t get over how awesome immersion is. Srsly." bit.ly/cWn3iB #
- "His second stroke of genius was to arrange kanji in a sensible order" bit.ly/9nHqyi #
- "I’m loving this." bit.ly/f6RP0a #MCDs #
- AstroArts: 投稿画像ギャラリー 天体写真・画像の投稿と閲覧 bit.ly/fEarav #
- 「週刊少年ジャンプ」の人気作品有料配信…Yahoo!コミック : BCNニュース : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/fQcypi #
- So I went to the dentist yesterday, and…she kept putting her fingers in my mouth. I'm not sure how I feel about that. #lifeinjapan #
- "An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises." bit.ly/epzNWU #timeboxing #birthlines #
- "笑いを催すために必要なこわばりとは非社会性なのである。" bit.ly/eEt19J #
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- New at AJATT Plus: Japanese Video Transcript: PSPと鯖の押し寿司奇跡のコラボレーション | PSP Case and Sushi, A Match Made In Heaven bit.ly/hDsjGC #
- "Kanji…has to be one of the coolest writing systems out there." bit.ly/fZ8RSk #
- You are not a foreigner learning a foreign language; you are a remedial learner of your own language. bit.ly/fZ8RSk #
- "Go for the low hanging fruit. Eat what is within easy reach. " bit.ly/gakDTS #SRS #
- "If you READ, WRITE, LISTEN to and WATCH any kind of media constantly, you MUST learn it." bit.ly/gkO6Nh #
- "Little by little, one travels far." bit.ly/fbNj2J #timeboxing #birthlines #
- "諸君も知っているはずだ。
目前全世界都可以算是美國。" bit.ly/erw2Zk #Japanese candidate for US president # - "アメリカの人口はもはや 60 億を超えているというのに、
そのうち参政権を認められているのはわずか 2 億人にも満たない" bit.ly/erw2Zk 爆笑 # - "People who think the world is going to end always manage to find a new thing that's going to cause it to end" bit.ly/gBzRYc #
- "「外国語は間違えるのが当たり前」では決してありません。正しい学習法を実行していれば、外国語は「間違えないのが当たり前」なのです。" bit.ly/cn0a7v #
- "Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." bit.ly/fWNyaL | Michael Jordan #
- Super Mario Galaxy 2繁體中文版 – 香港高登 bit.ly/fNnPpR #
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- "「ネブカデネザル・・こちらザイオン管制室、速力を維持して待機せよ」 " | マトリックス リローデッド (上)
bit.ly/ekiqbO # - "百分之二十的耕耘,可以決定百分之八十的收穫" bit.ly/fKAEMS | 博客來書籍館>80/20法則(二版) #
- "『パンが無ければ、ケーキを食べれば良いじゃない。』" bit.ly/eZFVKc #
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