- Forcing yourself to read a boring book is just irresponsible. If you're not in charge of keeping yourself entertained, who is? #
- RT @RIOs_carnival: RT @meigennavi_bot: 他人の妄想に振り回されるぐらいなら、自分の夢に振り回された方がいい。(流音弥) 【名言ナビ】 najo.jp/z/013/013109.php #meigen #
- It's not discipline if someone else is forcing you to do it. It's just coercion. #
- "自分の気持ちを押し殺してまで、周りの意見に従う必要はありません。" bit.ly/h7DsFM #
- "どうせ失敗するなら、自分の「夢」「妄想」を信じて失敗する方がずっとましです。
一回きりの人生なのですから。" bit.ly/h7DsFM # - There is nothing in this world so complicated that it requires you to take the advice of impolite, unhelpful people. 😀 #
- 無く無く無く無く無く無く無く無く無く無い? #
- It's not discipline if someone else forces you to do it. That's just coercion. #
- "Hit…Rhinospike so you have sentences that you actually _want_ to hear…'I went to Beijing' doesn't cut it." bit.ly/gNFH4C #
- "We worked with Chaser for four to five hours each day testing her on the words over and over again" bit.ly/hwpP6k #
- 【台詞コーナー 】「ガミーベアーの冒険」/ They Are, In Fact, The Gummy Bears | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time bit.ly/5Upfnh #
- "It’s really not about efficiency, but about finding…the methodology that /you/ will be consistent to" bit.ly/f8KhoC #
- "As long as I show up to the game every day, I will win." bit.ly/f8KhoC #
- "finding ways to make study more natural, fun, and less stressful is really the magic to language learning." bit.ly/f8KhoC #
- "I picked up writing and reading in Japanese before I started speaking it." bit.ly/cKHwNT #
- "As long as you’re progressing, *you’re progressing.*" bit.ly/i8ES5s #
- 「その英語、ネイティブには通じません 」 amzn.to/dOvy2l #
- "il est possible d’apprendre n’importe quel langage du moment que l’on respecte certaines règles d’or" bit.ly/buevG7 #
- "イギリス国王の言葉である。「Reign but not rule.(君臨すれども統治せず)」とは、どういう意味ですか?" bit.ly/ezuqqO #
- "Progress is made by experimenters and tinkerers. Be one of them." bit.ly/gFSUOY #
- "What basis is there for the ideas we have about learning Chinese (or anything else, for that matter)?" bit.ly/gFSUOY #
- 画面動画キャプチャーソフト CamStudio 日本語版 bit.ly/eLAbhR #
- 画面動画キャプチャーソフト CamStudio 日本語版 | twk @ ふらっと bit.ly/frikwC #
- 山口県熊毛郡大和町 石城山 "湖面に写る石城山、私の家から見たものはどこから見たものよりも美しく見える。" bit.ly/g3uUER #
- 本当は「映る」かな→"湖面に写る石城山、私の家から見たものはどこから見たものよりも美しく見える。" bit.ly/g3uUER
【写る】 bit.ly/eyOih8 # - アンドロイド搭載の軽量スマートフォン…契約不要、買い切り型 : BCNニュース : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/eDzWGA #
- Do something. Anything. A trivial amount of work in a nontrivial direction always has nontrivial significance. #timeboxing #
- "Do not neglect the basics. Memorizing seemingly obvious things is not a waste of time!" bit.ly/gFeUoY #
- "Control + CapLocks
(Twice quickly): This shortcut switches to hiragana input mode." bit.ly/eri3aI # - How to learn Japanese: (1) Turn on the TV at 6am (2) Turn it off 18 months later. #
- "When you're short on talent, discipline's the best substitute" ~ Dan Kennedy #
- "Discipline is remembering what you want." bit.ly/fA3eDv #
- I’m not sure if it’ll work, but let’s play anyway. Let’s try and see. Let’s do something that helps bit.ly/f1QE27 #
- Optimism doesn’t need to be justified.
But the reason optimism doesn’t need to be justified…needs to be justified.
bit.ly/f1QE27 # - "Fark it, let’s give it a shot and see what happens" ~
@ jaybot
bit.ly/f1QE27 # - "I don’t feel I need any extraordinary optimism as long as I’m having #fun with what I’m doing." bit.ly/f1QE27 #
- New at AJATT Plus: 書籍の所有は文字の習得に先行する bit.ly/fkiL2P #
- Bad news: atypical results require atypical behavior.
Good news: "continually doing the small, obvious and helpful" is atypical. # - News. Bad: atypical results require atypical behavior.
Good: "doing something small, helpful and easy" is atypical. # - AJATT main site is back up and running. Thanks to everyone who got in touch with me 😀 #
- …about the glitch #
- "The young do not know enough to be prudent, and so they attempt the impossible, and achieve it" bit.ly/g5Rtue #
- RT @famous_lines2: てめーらの血は、何色だ!! byレイ(北斗の拳) #anime #meigen #
- RT @fukuchan_ja: [ビジネス名言] 至誠にして動かざるものは、未だこれ有らざるなり(吉田松陰、満29歳没) #meigen #kakugen #business #followme #
- "there is less than a 50% chance that the results of any randomly chosen scientific paper are true." bit.ly/hUrG48 #dayom #
- "small sample sizes…make most research findings false." bit.ly/hUrG48 | v. true on the sample size #
- "We should accept that most research findings will be refuted" bit.ly/hUrG48 #
- choose optimism not because it’s correct, but because it helps (self-fulfilling prophecy)
bit.ly/f1QE27 # - Meeting goals by having fun | p i x e l s c r i b b l e s | Heather Meadows | bit.ly/dDvi7N #
- "Luck is tenacity of purpose."
"Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure" bit.ly/hzMtjh # - "5歳児に説明するつもになるのも1つの手?" bit.ly/h65VNw | ysprout (yuayukei) on Twitter #
- 2010:iPad及Android崛起之年 on.wsj.com/huvXTC #
- "侍(さむらい)とは、簡単に言えば、大名に仕える人のことです。
元々は、 武器をもって貴族の警固に任じた者の事をいいます。" bit.ly/hJelu7 # - 「始まるのじゃ、クローン戦争が。/ Begun the Clone War has. 」
bit.ly/coIzQA | YouTube | 『スター・ウォーズ エピソード2/クローンの攻撃』 #Japanese #dub # - 秒速5cmで低速走行するマイブログ 秒速5センチメートル " 勝利じゃと?我々が勝ったと?
始まるのじゃ・・・キチガイ戦争が・・・(ナニ" bit.ly/fo0Gcq 爆笑 # - YouTube – STAR WARS:japanese police VS darth vader bit.ly/dFzCpd #
- ダウンタウンのガキの使いやあらへんで
bit.ly/gfc7Q5 | Japanese classroom. English video. Laughter → punishment. # - スター・ウォーズの鉄人!/レガシー "ダース・タロン Darth Talon" bit.ly/gXE030 #
- 「いまのヨーロッパはギリシャ・ローマの流れを汲んでるのは明らかだろ
■■■日本は中華文明圏の一員か否か?6■■■ bit.ly/fQwnVC # - "取り分け、教材が充実しているメジャーな言語は、語学教室の必要性は全く感じません。" bit.ly/cXRy4G #
- "言い訳を準備するな。" bit.ly/bvdgXp #
- 90% knowledge of 5000 kanji is worth infinitely more than 100% knowledge of 100 kanji. bit.ly/arrkxE #SRS #
- 「良いところ、悪いところを
amzn.to/fLnwbm # - You don't learn Japanese. Your body does. You're just the facilitator; you're just the host, helping the virus take hold #
- Your mental immune system will fight Japanese and try to "cure" you (=forgetting). Overwhelm it. #languageasvirus #
- 「毎朝職場にでて、最初にやるのがfinancial timesの閲覧です。これはもうなんというか、心理的な意味では吐き気をも催させる記事のオンパレード」 amzn.to/fLnwbm | 激しく同感(笑)。 #
- ショートカットキー集 bit.ly/g47OAU #Japanese keyboard shortcuts #
- サイエンス・ファンタジー – Wikipedia "「充分に発達した科学技術は、魔法と見分けが付かない」" bit.ly/hclnbP #
- I'm just going to use metaphors to gross you out from now on. #newrule 😛 #
- Japanese is a disease. You need to be exposed to contaminated material until you start coughing (=speaking) involuntarily. #input #
- Cheap shipping to Japan and low prices make it feasible to order ONE book/DVD at a time from books.com.tw and amazon.cn #asia #landofdreams #
- Fun catalyzes learning. Boredom crushes it. #
- YouTube – Star Wars Episode IV The New Hope in japanese Part 4/13 bit.ly/g3vX13 「勿論知ってるとも。この儂だ。」 #
- "サンドキングズ
1981" bit.ly/fXnuL3 # - Be that as it may, I feel it pertinent to inform you that this is, in fact, the city-state of Sparta. #sayitnicely #
- Your curiosity notwithstanding, I question your ability to mentally digest the raw facts of the situation at hand. #handlethetruth #
- お言葉で御座いますが、貴殿の主張は兎も角と致しまして、ここはスパルタという都市国家である事実に変わりは無いかと存じますので、大変恐れ入りますが、どうか速やかにお引取りになって頂けませんでしょうか。#sayitnicely 😀 #
- It's not hard. Other people have just been doing it wrong. #JapaneseIsEasy #
- Don't believe in the method, believe in yourself. Methods are a dime a dozen. Methods are interchangeable. You're irreplaceable. #
- You are the core artifact in the system. The method must be cut to fit you. Don't amputate your legs: Get longer pants. #
- 陳冠希 – Yahoo! Music bit.ly/eE6bRH #
- @don_rivers @LizLearns I am Khatzumoto, and I endorse this message. #
- SAMURAI BACKPACKER PROJECT サムライバックパッカー 〜世界一周プロジェクト〜 bit.ly/hikarO #
- 下北沢古着屋SANKA(サンカ) bit.ly/hZOK5L | American Used Clothing…凄いね #
- "勝てば官軍" bit.ly/i3HRxw #
- "Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows." bit.ly/gWn2O3 #megatimeboxing #
- YouTube – Stanley Huang – sound wave bit.ly/gE4nIw #tw #hiphop w/electronica feel 😀 #
- YouTube – F.I.R. – 月牙灣 bit.ly/eWiNmR #
- F.I.R. – Wikipedia "F.I.R.(エフ・アイ・アール)は、男女3人によって構成される台湾の音楽ユニット。" bit.ly/hVCJQg #
- "A lot of us would like to move mountains, but few of us are willing to practice on small hills." bit.ly/gwKDIw #SRS #
- "The gained mental ability was equivalent to that which is typically lost by older people over a 7-14 year period." bbc.in/ibrgg0 #
- "those given 10 hours of training…showed marked and lasting increases in cognitive ability." bbc.in/ibrgg0 #
- "What you do when you get 5 minutes of dead time, *that* is your real life; *that* is your destiny" Akihiro NAKATANI #SRS #
- YouTube – A Whole New World (Chinese-Cantonese) bit.ly/ijQvNX #
- YouTube – 『INSIDE YOUR HEAD』-三浦大知 bit.ly/ghL60t #
- You're always too old. You never have the right gear. It's never a good time. So do it anyway. #timeboxing #
- 体感 皆既日食の神秘 | クローズアップ現代 | NHKエコチャンネル bit.ly/heFLgL #
- Potheads, Planners and Players | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time bit.ly/9aRfCL #
- "New Year’s Resolutions are behaviorally unsound." bit.ly/h5Z3RO #
- "In order to keep doing something, we need periodic reinforcement, like recognition or reward." bit.ly/h5Z3RO #
- "Forget the New Year’s Resolutions stuff. It’s not helpful." bit.ly/h5Z3RO #
- SuperMemo 理論を応用した、最強の記憶ツール「spicyelephant」 – japan.internet.com bit.ly/8YUqoq #
- "beating yourself up is just a few steps away from quitting" bit.ly/bDFbvg #
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