- Linkification – Google Chrome extension gallery "Parses plain-text links into hyperlinks" bit.ly/eY2oOZ #
- "Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You"
amzn.to/hE9h5Z | Bad kanji attitude, but otherwise golden 😀 # - @Batni LOL! 😀 #
- A language is a habit, not a skill. You don't "know" it. You are it. #
- YouTube – Funny Japanese Commercial Kimchi Ramen
bit.ly/fwmqwx # - ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "Japanese Video Games Charts – Top 50, 6th February 2011 (TV Commercials / Adverts)" bit.ly/dKgMJt #
- YouTube – The Boondocks – Japanese Dub – season 1 ep 1 clip
bit.ly/hZtOgZ # - ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【バイオハザード】 日本語吹き替え 1-1" Resident Evil #Japanese #Dub
bit.ly/eLqjRT # - You're not "studying" any language but English right now, the TV is either on or it isn't. #immersion #
- You haven't been studying Chinese for 2 years unless, say, your TV was left set to Cartoon Network Taiwan for 1 million minutes 🙂 #
- People get busy. Don't despair. The only native speakers you really need are the ones that come with your PC. #punny #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE j.mp/hYJV0t 【バイオハザード】 日本語吹き替え 1-7 #
- Surusu is back online!!!! Sorry about the little interruption 🙂 #
- Go where you don't belong. Do what you're not supposed to do. #
- You're not a wannabe. You're a gonnabe. #immersion #mindset #
- "Without self-belief nothing can be accomplished. With it, nothing is impossible." ~ Felix Dennis #mindset #
- AJATT Main site is back up and running again. Thanks for letting me know 🙂 #highqualityproblem #
- You're not bad at Japanese, you're just Japanese-deficient. Malnourished. Eat. #immersion #
- YouTube – 死神 ドッキリ | This is so wrong…HAHA!
bit.ly/eGC3HX # - ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE j.mp/ijS7ul #Japanese #news #bloopers #immersion #
- GAINAX NET|Works|Animation & Films|新世紀エヴァンゲリオン|新世紀エヴァンゲリオン実写映画化! j.mp/gu1gGL #
- "去る5月20日、カンヌ国際映画祭の会場に於いて、「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」が米国で実写映画化されることが発表されました。"
j.mp/gu1gGL # - New rule: no using the words "the situation" in news reports. #好い加減にしろ( ̄▽ ̄) #
- YouTube – Fun is the Future: Mastering Gamification j.mp/h25U6P #
- ドッキリ – Wikipedia j.mp/hnZZgv #
- Don't worry about getting there. Just focus on heading there. Direction determines destination. #
- 口喧嘩 FTW j.mp/gT8Ew9 | Watch people arguing in Japanese. This kind of high-emotion stuff sticks well 🙂 #
- ケネディ大統領暗殺事件 – Wikipedia j.mp/gDeKXS #
- 「乗ってやるよ、調子に」(笑) Fight! 口喧嘩! ノブコブ吉村VSチャッター(抜粋) j.mp/hIbwyB #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE j.mp/fqzClM パターン #
- 「これはもっと評価されてもいい・・・・・・ww
碑文谷教授思い出したな」 j.mp/eJrDlj #
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