- Don't get it done well. Don't even get it done. First, just show up. #showup #
- Poke Dots Into Reality. There Is No Line
bit.ly/9aRfCL # - It's a (Japanese) Sign bit.ly/6bcpgT #
- "子どもたちは強制よりも自由を与えることで最もよく学ぶ" bit.ly/eyy6h0 #
- "ノーム・チョムスキーの政治的発言を日本語で紹介するウェブサイト。" bit.ly/gHxEUb #
- "You can't base your life on other people's expectations." bit.ly/fQ0SPv ~ Stevie Wonder #socialresistance #
- Everyone's going to think it's a dumb idea. No one's ever done it before. That's why you *must* do it. Go where you don't belong. #
- Go where you don't belong. Get padding and lawyers beforehand if necessary 😛 #
- As a general rule, writing takes as much time as you give it. #parkinsonslaw #timeboxing #birthlines #
- TV hypothesis: Your proficiency in any L2 is directly proportional to your access to "Cartoon Network" in that L2 😛 #
- Other people's job is to say "no; it can't be done". Your job is to do it anyway. It's callled division of labor. Do your job. #
- YouTube – BONGO FLAVA – Mzungu Kichaa featuring Proffessor Jay bit.ly/hSmbVb #swahili #
- We're very sloppy with language. Not "everyone" thinks anything. There's always someone somewhere who's on your side. #
- We're very sloppy with language. Not "everyone" thinks anything. Most people don't know, don't care and/or won't remember. #
- 私房菜【 醋拌蒟蒻絲】0熱量瘦身餐 – ♥ 梅子の美食∞生活∞旅遊∞手作雜貨 ♥ – Yahoo!奇摩部落格 bit.ly/eFxVo6 #
- YouTube – 營養三明治(中)【連愛卿】 bit.ly/g8XoHt How to make a sandwich in #Chinese 😀 #
- YouTube – 三明治做法 bit.ly/i3X5m1 | A bunch of Chinese videos about how to make sandwiches 😀 bit.ly/fc1Mkm #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "法式起司火腿三明治" bit.ly/esGfWl #
- YouTube – Girls' Generation(소녀시대)_RunDevilRun(런데빌런)_MusicVideo(뮤직비디오) bit.ly/huDjG1 #
- YouTube – [Official] 슈프림 팀 (Supreme Team) MV – 1집 "땡땡땡" ("Dang Dang Dang") bit.ly/eQjBKo #
- "他者と比較するのではなく、過去の自分と比較する" bit.ly/b0HT2Z #
- New at AJATT Plus: 怒って激論するぐらいなら日記に書け bit.ly/es57lp #
- YouTube – 548期 May Fung(馮美基)教煮扒芝士火腿三文治 bit.ly/fnn0wa | How to make a sandwich in #Cantonese #
- InfiniteLooper – 548期 May Fung(馮美基)教煮扒芝士火腿三文治 bit.ly/fSsPsD #
- "Nonnative speakers…(unintentionally) learn lots of uncommon words and never get around to learning basic words." bit.ly/fWaOcJ #
- "learn lots of uncommon words and never get around to learning basic words" bit.ly/fWaOcJ #whyfrequencylistshelp #
- InfiniteLooper – 蛋沙律三文治 bit.ly/hMcao3 | How to make an egg salad sandwich in #Cantonese #
- 捉迷藏 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书 bit.ly/hWpBF9 | Hide and seek #
- Wookieepedia bit.ly/gOAi85 #
- 玄田哲章 – Wikipedia bit.ly/i02OPs | Japanese voice of Morpheus and Mace Windu 😀 #
- "Ne crains pas l'avenir, ne pleure pas le passé." bit.ly/eEQC1n #
- "「失敗は回り道であって、行き止まりではない」"
bit.ly/ijYy6Y # - The First 100 Most Commonly Used English Words bit.ly/eXbazU | Look these up in Japanese. Consider using MCDs 😀 #
- 「引く」とは bit.ly/dHReff #goojisho #
- 「pull」とは bit.ly/ejoIpV #goojisho #
- Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms | Video on TED.com bit.ly/i40Bst #
- Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child | Video on bit.ly/eLtITn bit.ly/fQC0di #SRS baby 😛 #
- ニコラス・ネグロポンテ – Wikipedia "100ドルノートPC" bit.ly/fGJJDD #
- 無級生_watch me 2007 – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 bit.ly/eguOuu #
- "elite performers aren't genetically superior. They just do things differently" bit.ly/gc2BpZ #
- "no characteristic of the brain or body constrains an individual from reaching an expert level" bit.ly/gc2BpZ #
- "schools change slower than scholarship" bit.ly/hpMyDb #
- "nobody likes being told what to do, [not] even by themselves" bit.ly/dGDXFe #resolutionskindasuck #
- "rewarding of a partial behavior or a random act that approaches the desired behavior" bit.ly/dSIgpA #showup #doitbadly #
- アソーカ・タノ – Wookieepedia bit.ly/ibxOjX #
- "アソーカ・タノ[1](Ahsoka Tano)はトグルータの女性で、銀河共和国と独立星系連合のあいだにクローン大戦が勃発したさいにジェダイ・パダワンとして活躍した。マスターからのあだ名はスニップス(Snips)。" bit.ly/ibxOjX #
- Say "no, it can't be done" is someone else's job. Your job is to do it anyway. It's called division of labor. Do your job. #
- 「成功を阻む条件が、貴方をヒーローにする条件だ。」中谷彰宏 #
- "The things that stand in the way of your success are the very things that will make you a hero." NAKATANI Akihiro #
- "自從 1535 年英國政府出左 Law in Wales Act 1535 唔俾任何講威爾斯語嘅人
做政府官員之後……威爾斯上流人士就無咩人再講威爾斯語喇…." bit.ly/euaBCy # - "Divide your problem into smaller ones…until you have basic, atomic, problems. " bit.ly/dDldHE #
- "Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment." ~ Maxwell Maltz
bit.ly/aiZOf1 # - "Our self image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become." ~ Maltz bit.ly/aiZOf1 #SFP #identity #
- チンピラ思考 #
- 2Dcolvics : 2010 BEST SONGs In 日本語ラップ (Selected by gogonyanta) bit.ly/ezljgT #
- I AM KENTZ: Hope feat リヒト bit.ly/h2bpW2 #
- saying things the right way because that's the only way we know how to say them
bit.ly/fSRbV0 #SRS #MCDs # - Just Do One Thing: The Power of Small Steps bit.ly/dF3CG6 #
- "つか、これヤマトじゃないとか、あのキャラ違うとか、いちいち原作とクリソツにしたら実写版いらんのじゃ。" bit.ly/gkZFhk #
- "there is a whole world of excellent Japanese books that most foreigners never hear about" bit.ly/fiEv02 #
- The Quirky Japan Homepage "One Man's War Against Textbook English" bit.ly/fiEv02 #
- There's nothing worse than a 'good reason' to learn a language. A good reason just oppresses you. #
- "The fastest way to get yourself back on track is to delete" bit.ly/gA13No #SRS #
- "[Deleting cards is] the easiest, fastest, most consistently effective way to fix a deck" bit.ly/gA13No #SRS #
- YouTube – 抱抱俏佳人 [HD] (原裝預告) Perfect Wedding (Originial Trailer) bit.ly/hEyYrO #
- "every bit I learn will make watching dramas more enjoyable." bit.ly/ffK1UW #
- 脳細胞は年をとっても増える
「伸び縮み」する" bit.ly/hoILgB # - デイリーモーション – 方健儀新聞|藍 : 日本人鍾情火車〔模〕 – 自動車-バイク ビデオ dai.ly/etAe6i #
- YouTube – TVB记者方健仪在上海外滩做六点半新闻直播 bit.ly/grY7qH #
- アイドルTVキャプ画像庫 bit.ly/ikeTJL #
- "読みながら何気に思うんだけど、英語ってリズミカルだなって感じます。" bit.ly/fnOk13 #
- "悪気はないと思うんだけど
英語ってニュアンスが難しいよねえ・・・。" bit.ly/i2uGZ8 # - Fixed Versus Growth Intelligence Mindsets: It's All In Your Head, Psychologist Says bit.ly/abdU3Z #
- "若者の凶悪犯罪が起きると、ゲームやアニメで影響さらという評論家がいるが、酒のトラブルで起きた事件をなぜ酒の影響で起きたといわないのか?
酔って暴れたNHK職員、公務執行妨害で逮捕" bit.ly/bblucO # - "We blame video games when some kid goes crazy. Why don't we blame alcohol when some grown-up causes trouble?" bit.ly/bblucO #
- "You don't have to start with something staggering." ~ Jim Rohn #birthlines #timeboxing #justdoone #
- The medicine must be coated in as much sugar as is necessary to make you want to take it consistently. #fun #
- If necessary, let there be more sugar than medicine. #fun #
- "People commonly use the word "procrastination" to describe what they do on the Internet…" bit.ly/d4dnPq #
- "It seems to me too mild to describe what's happening as merely not-doing-work." bit.ly/d4dnPq #Internet #
- "We don't call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of working." bit.ly/d4dnPq #Internet #
- "それでも、ある活動をしたグループの成績が向上したとしても、それが当該活動のおかげとは言い切れない。スポーツジムのロッカーをよく使う人は、まったく使わない人よりも概して健康だろう。ならばロッカーが健康増進のカギなのか。" bit.ly/id0GKd #
- "認知力向上の仕組みについては、ほとんど知識がない。だから偽情報に踊らされやすい。" bit.ly/id0GKd #
- "続 ニッポン大好き!
「和」の凄さは外国人の匠に聞け!" bit.ly/dZQIQE # - YouTube – Teriyaki Boyz feat. Kanye West – Teriya King [HQ] [2009] bit.ly/h2aOou #
- YouTube – Teriyaki Boyz / Zock On! Feat. Pharrell And Busta Rhymes bit.ly/fRQflD #
- "Don't be a follower, be a student. Take advice…not orders" ~ Jim Rohn #
- "There is no reason in the world you cannot learn Japanese. No. Reason. Whatsoever. So stop with the pretense. " bit.ly/ab7nRH #
- "you never learn anything; you just get used to it." bit.ly/dhxfIJ #
- 今アメリカ、イギリスで人気のあるコメディ番組は? | OKWave bit.ly/diX7Rz #
If you would like to support the continuing production of AJATT content, please consider making a monthly donation through Patreon.
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AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-01-09
by khatzumoto
- Don't get it done well. Don't even get it done. First, just show up. #showup #
- Poke Dots Into Reality. There Is No Line
bit.ly/9aRfCL # - It's a (Japanese) Sign bit.ly/6bcpgT #
- "子どもたちは強制よりも自由を与えることで最もよく学ぶ" bit.ly/eyy6h0 #
- "ノーム・チョムスキーの政治的発言を日本語で紹介するウェブサイト。" bit.ly/gHxEUb #
- "You can't base your life on other people's expectations." bit.ly/fQ0SPv ~ Stevie Wonder #socialresistance #
- Everyone's going to think it's a dumb idea. No one's ever done it before. That's why you *must* do it. Go where you don't belong. #
- Go where you don't belong. Get padding and lawyers beforehand if necessary 😛 #
- As a general rule, writing takes as much time as you give it. #parkinsonslaw #timeboxing #birthlines #
- TV hypothesis: Your proficiency in any L2 is directly proportional to your access to "Cartoon Network" in that L2 😛 #
- Other people's job is to say "no; it can't be done". Your job is to do it anyway. It's callled division of labor. Do your job. #
- YouTube – BONGO FLAVA – Mzungu Kichaa featuring Proffessor Jay bit.ly/hSmbVb #swahili #
- We're very sloppy with language. Not "everyone" thinks anything. There's always someone somewhere who's on your side. #
- We're very sloppy with language. Not "everyone" thinks anything. Most people don't know, don't care and/or won't remember. #
- 私房菜【 醋拌蒟蒻絲】0熱量瘦身餐 – ♥ 梅子の美食∞生活∞旅遊∞手作雜貨 ♥ – Yahoo!奇摩部落格 bit.ly/eFxVo6 #
- YouTube – 營養三明治(中)【連愛卿】 bit.ly/g8XoHt How to make a sandwich in #Chinese 😀 #
- YouTube – 三明治做法 bit.ly/i3X5m1 | A bunch of Chinese videos about how to make sandwiches 😀 bit.ly/fc1Mkm #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "法式起司火腿三明治" bit.ly/esGfWl #
- YouTube – Girls' Generation(소녀시대)_RunDevilRun(런데빌런)_MusicVideo(뮤직비디오) bit.ly/huDjG1 #
- YouTube – [Official] 슈프림 팀 (Supreme Team) MV – 1집 "땡땡땡" ("Dang Dang Dang") bit.ly/eQjBKo #
- "他者と比較するのではなく、過去の自分と比較する" bit.ly/b0HT2Z #
- New at AJATT Plus: 怒って激論するぐらいなら日記に書け bit.ly/es57lp #
- YouTube – 548期 May Fung(馮美基)教煮扒芝士火腿三文治 bit.ly/fnn0wa | How to make a sandwich in #Cantonese #
- InfiniteLooper – 548期 May Fung(馮美基)教煮扒芝士火腿三文治 bit.ly/fSsPsD #
- "Nonnative speakers…(unintentionally) learn lots of uncommon words and never get around to learning basic words." bit.ly/fWaOcJ #
- "learn lots of uncommon words and never get around to learning basic words" bit.ly/fWaOcJ #whyfrequencylistshelp #
- InfiniteLooper – 蛋沙律三文治 bit.ly/hMcao3 | How to make an egg salad sandwich in #Cantonese #
- 捉迷藏 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书 bit.ly/hWpBF9 | Hide and seek #
- Wookieepedia bit.ly/gOAi85 #
- 玄田哲章 – Wikipedia bit.ly/i02OPs | Japanese voice of Morpheus and Mace Windu 😀 #
- "Ne crains pas l'avenir, ne pleure pas le passé." bit.ly/eEQC1n #
- "「失敗は回り道であって、行き止まりではない」"
bit.ly/ijYy6Y # - The First 100 Most Commonly Used English Words bit.ly/eXbazU | Look these up in Japanese. Consider using MCDs 😀 #
- 「引く」とは bit.ly/dHReff #goojisho #
- 「pull」とは bit.ly/ejoIpV #goojisho #
- Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms | Video on TED.com bit.ly/i40Bst #
- Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child | Video on bit.ly/eLtITn bit.ly/fQC0di #SRS baby 😛 #
- ニコラス・ネグロポンテ – Wikipedia "100ドルノートPC" bit.ly/fGJJDD #
- 無級生_watch me 2007 – 視頻 – 優酷視頻 – 在線觀看 bit.ly/eguOuu #
- "elite performers aren't genetically superior. They just do things differently" bit.ly/gc2BpZ #
- "no characteristic of the brain or body constrains an individual from reaching an expert level" bit.ly/gc2BpZ #
- "schools change slower than scholarship" bit.ly/hpMyDb #
- "nobody likes being told what to do, [not] even by themselves" bit.ly/dGDXFe #resolutionskindasuck #
- "rewarding of a partial behavior or a random act that approaches the desired behavior" bit.ly/dSIgpA #showup #doitbadly #
- アソーカ・タノ – Wookieepedia bit.ly/ibxOjX #
- "アソーカ・タノ[1](Ahsoka Tano)はトグルータの女性で、銀河共和国と独立星系連合のあいだにクローン大戦が勃発したさいにジェダイ・パダワンとして活躍した。マスターからのあだ名はスニップス(Snips)。" bit.ly/ibxOjX #
- Say "no, it can't be done" is someone else's job. Your job is to do it anyway. It's called division of labor. Do your job. #
- 「成功を阻む条件が、貴方をヒーローにする条件だ。」中谷彰宏 #
- "The things that stand in the way of your success are the very things that will make you a hero." NAKATANI Akihiro #
- "自從 1535 年英國政府出左 Law in Wales Act 1535 唔俾任何講威爾斯語嘅人
做政府官員之後……威爾斯上流人士就無咩人再講威爾斯語喇…." bit.ly/euaBCy # - "Divide your problem into smaller ones…until you have basic, atomic, problems. " bit.ly/dDldHE #
- "Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment." ~ Maxwell Maltz
bit.ly/aiZOf1 # - "Our self image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become." ~ Maltz bit.ly/aiZOf1 #SFP #identity #
- チンピラ思考 #
- 2Dcolvics : 2010 BEST SONGs In 日本語ラップ (Selected by gogonyanta) bit.ly/ezljgT #
- I AM KENTZ: Hope feat リヒト bit.ly/h2bpW2 #
- saying things the right way because that's the only way we know how to say them
bit.ly/fSRbV0 #SRS #MCDs # - Just Do One Thing: The Power of Small Steps bit.ly/dF3CG6 #
- "つか、これヤマトじゃないとか、あのキャラ違うとか、いちいち原作とクリソツにしたら実写版いらんのじゃ。" bit.ly/gkZFhk #
- "there is a whole world of excellent Japanese books that most foreigners never hear about" bit.ly/fiEv02 #
- The Quirky Japan Homepage "One Man's War Against Textbook English" bit.ly/fiEv02 #
- There's nothing worse than a 'good reason' to learn a language. A good reason just oppresses you. #
- "The fastest way to get yourself back on track is to delete" bit.ly/gA13No #SRS #
- "[Deleting cards is] the easiest, fastest, most consistently effective way to fix a deck" bit.ly/gA13No #SRS #
- YouTube – 抱抱俏佳人 [HD] (原裝預告) Perfect Wedding (Originial Trailer) bit.ly/hEyYrO #
- "every bit I learn will make watching dramas more enjoyable." bit.ly/ffK1UW #
- 脳細胞は年をとっても増える
「伸び縮み」する" bit.ly/hoILgB # - デイリーモーション – 方健儀新聞|藍 : 日本人鍾情火車〔模〕 – 自動車-バイク ビデオ dai.ly/etAe6i #
- YouTube – TVB记者方健仪在上海外滩做六点半新闻直播 bit.ly/grY7qH #
- アイドルTVキャプ画像庫 bit.ly/ikeTJL #
- "読みながら何気に思うんだけど、英語ってリズミカルだなって感じます。" bit.ly/fnOk13 #
- "悪気はないと思うんだけど
英語ってニュアンスが難しいよねえ・・・。" bit.ly/i2uGZ8 # - Fixed Versus Growth Intelligence Mindsets: It's All In Your Head, Psychologist Says bit.ly/abdU3Z #
- "若者の凶悪犯罪が起きると、ゲームやアニメで影響さらという評論家がいるが、酒のトラブルで起きた事件をなぜ酒の影響で起きたといわないのか?
酔って暴れたNHK職員、公務執行妨害で逮捕" bit.ly/bblucO # - "We blame video games when some kid goes crazy. Why don't we blame alcohol when some grown-up causes trouble?" bit.ly/bblucO #
- "You don't have to start with something staggering." ~ Jim Rohn #birthlines #timeboxing #justdoone #
- The medicine must be coated in as much sugar as is necessary to make you want to take it consistently. #fun #
- If necessary, let there be more sugar than medicine. #fun #
- "People commonly use the word "procrastination" to describe what they do on the Internet…" bit.ly/d4dnPq #
- "It seems to me too mild to describe what's happening as merely not-doing-work." bit.ly/d4dnPq #Internet #
- "We don't call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of working." bit.ly/d4dnPq #Internet #
- "それでも、ある活動をしたグループの成績が向上したとしても、それが当該活動のおかげとは言い切れない。スポーツジムのロッカーをよく使う人は、まったく使わない人よりも概して健康だろう。ならばロッカーが健康増進のカギなのか。" bit.ly/id0GKd #
- "認知力向上の仕組みについては、ほとんど知識がない。だから偽情報に踊らされやすい。" bit.ly/id0GKd #
- "続 ニッポン大好き!
「和」の凄さは外国人の匠に聞け!" bit.ly/dZQIQE # - YouTube – Teriyaki Boyz feat. Kanye West – Teriya King [HQ] [2009] bit.ly/h2aOou #
- YouTube – Teriyaki Boyz / Zock On! Feat. Pharrell And Busta Rhymes bit.ly/fRQflD #
- "Don't be a follower, be a student. Take advice…not orders" ~ Jim Rohn #
- "There is no reason in the world you cannot learn Japanese. No. Reason. Whatsoever. So stop with the pretense. " bit.ly/ab7nRH #
- "you never learn anything; you just get used to it." bit.ly/dhxfIJ #
- 今アメリカ、イギリスで人気のあるコメディ番組は? | OKWave bit.ly/diX7Rz #