- I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor – Cantonese, Please – nyti.ms/fAT7lx
bit.ly/dQQ5cR # - "Iranian-American speaking fluent…Cantonese…has never been to Mainland China or Hong Kong." bit.ly/gXyCjf #
- Shinji MIYADAI (unknowingly) describes how he used #SRS and #timeboxing to ace his Todai entrance exams! bit.ly/hq7Cqj #
- "That awkward moment when you don’t know if your grammar is correct" bit.ly/elml9g #
- <div align="center">を使わずにCSSだけでセンター表示する方法? – HTML – 教えて!goo bit.ly/e70LqK #
- YouTube – AWESOME Augmented reality Glasses "StarkHUD 2020" from FUJIKAWA bit.ly/i0uiJb #Japanese #
- "I'm knowing which particles to use without even knowing why and it's freaking me out." bit.ly/hkpQ34 MCDs #
- 本物の笑いとイケメンは国境を超える~ あの「ジョニー・デップ」を英国コメディ的角度から覗いてみる その1 bit.ly/f7PJ9r #
- Paul Whitehouse "ポールホワイトハウスは、THE FAST SHOWの主催者、脚本家です。もともと、ハリーエンフィールドのスクリプトエディターをしていたようなのですが、自分でも演じたいと思っていたようです。 " bit.ly/euCxXU #
- "useful reasons are all well and good, [but] without the addiction, it is hard to continue." bit.ly/fK8wKM #
- "漕げ、漕げ、ボートを漕ごう
人生は夢なのだから" bit.ly/gwKwpd # - "What you do while commuting or waiting is what determines your destiny." ~ NAKATANI Akihiro #
- Dead time is prime time. #SRS #listening #contact #immersion #
- If you want to control what enters your head, all you need do is control what gets parked directly outside it. #environment #immersion #
- Dead time is game time. #SRS #listening #contact #immersion #
- Dead time is show time. #SRS #listening #contact #immersion #
- You'll never win a game where all you want to do is win. You always win games where all you want to do is play. #fun #
- "「なりたかった自分になるのに、遅すぎるということはない」" bit.ly/egvkto #
- Don't do the right thing. Just make the right thing too convenient to not do. #environment #behavior #immersion #contact #
- "Learn everything in your basic phrasebook. Do not start with the first pages of a textbook." bit.ly/ab7nRH #
- YouTube – 杜麗莎//眉頭不再猛皺.(HQ) bit.ly/bEjMd5 #sukiyaki #
- New at AJATT Plus: Korean MCD Examples, Part 2: Moving On Up… bit.ly/f1mepg #
- "したい人、10000人。始める人、100人。続ける人、1人" 中谷彰宏 #
- You'll never win a race where all you want to do is win. You always win races where all you want to do is run. #fun #
- YouTube – 【CoD4】隠れ鬼ごっこルール紹介 bit.ly/gBdT0t #
- YouTube – ★プロが伝授!とれない靴ひもの結び方★ bit.ly/eCJEo8 #
- Your job isn't to learn Japanese. Your job is to make Japanese appear in your life frequently. Japanese will learn itself. #
- It's not discipline if someone else is forcing you to do it. That's just coercion. #
- Japanese is easy to learn, it's just not necessarily convenient to learn. Your job is to make it convenient. #
- "No one gets told that their language ability is good when it’s actually good, that would be absurd." lol
bit.ly/gmUl5C # - "go from “man this is boring, how much longer?” to “I only have 5 minutes, how much can I get done?”" bit.ly/aCngvz #timeboxing #
- Deep Japan Report bit.ly/dJ8m8j #
- "70% of a chess master's skill rating is a direct function of the amount of deliberate practice invested" bit.ly/fU1eQx #
- "Allocating Student Study Time
"Massed" versus "Distributed" Practice" bit.ly/a7U4iE #SRS # - "Break big ideas down into small pieces that can be easily practiced" bit.ly/a7U4iE #SRS #MCDs #
- "Everything is difficult before it becomes easy!" bit.ly/gacyUT #
- 黒人英語 – Wikipedia "黒人英語特有ではないが、いわゆる「三単現の-s」は存在せず、主語の人称によって動詞が変化することはない。" bit.ly/evrTmu #
- 日が伸びたね #
- Don't deprive other people of the chance to make fun of you. That's their job. You don't people going: "they're takin er jerbs!", do you? #
- "Training can have a miraculous impact on the human brain." bit.ly/gacyUT #
- 用Flashcard學外文 (2) « HKLinguists bit.ly/fThseM #
- [睇動畫 學日文]Angel Beats! 第5話 « HKLinguists bit.ly/hHyvj3 #
- New at AJATT Plus: Video Transcript: new balanceの正しいヒモの結び方! | How To Tie New Balance Shoes bit.ly/hoO6lU #
- New at AJATT Plus: Video Transcript: 解きにくい靴紐の結び方 / Tying Indestructible Shoelaces bit.ly/hKo8dm #
- "This is just what I needed to start Arabic!" bit.ly/f1mepg #ajattplus #
- Any tool or technique that helps you learn songs (music or lyrics) will almost certainly help you learn languages. #
- Passive listening doesn't help, you say? Well, how are you supposed to play a song you've never heard? #input #
- YouTube – 逃走中8~【王国編】 bit.ly/ha33S8 #
- "お金をかけた大人の鬼ごっこ" bit.ly/ha33S8 #
- "やればできます。やらなきゃできない、ただそれだけ。
毎日15分、ある日突然開眼します。" bit.ly/fqV9jS | YouTube – フリースタイル・フリスビー センターディレイ # - ”You never get anything done because you have too much time. As soon as your have no time, stuff will start happening." ~ 本田直之 #
- "You never get anything done because you have too much time. Scarcify time and stuff will start happening." ~ 本田直之 #timeboxing #
- Passive listening doesn't help, you say? Well, how are you supposed to imitate something you've never observed? #input #
- Try first. Ask questions later. #SRS #
- A language is just a massive a capella song. There's melody, there's rhythm, there are lyrics, but no instruments. #
- How are you supposed to do an impression when you've never seen the thing you're supposed to be imitating? #input #
- 這幾天再次翻閱了中文版的《Rework》,
書名叫《工作大解放》 @jesicalin – Powered by CO.CC bit.ly/h3H4DM # - "You may take Captain Solo to Jabba the Hutt after I have Skywalker.
スカイウォーカーを捕らえた後、ソロ船長をジャバ・ザ・ハットのもとへ連れて行くがよい。" bit.ly/hYu4ZO # - "Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me.
さあ、怒りを解き放て。わしを倒せるのは憎しみだけだぞ。" bit.ly/hYu4ZO #starwars # - Something > nothing. A trivial amount of work in a nontrivial direction always has nontrivial value. #timeboxing #
- スター・ウォーズの鉄人!/スクリプト bit.ly/gZHWVm |Star Wars scripts in #Japanese #starwars #
- If you really want to test a foreigner, don't have him read a newspaper. Ask him to explain the rules of hide-and-seek. #
- Common L2 oversight: learn words like "hotel" and "reservation" but skip out on stuff like "cut", "drop" and "squeeze". #
- New at AJATT Plus: Video Transcript: ★プロが伝授!とれない靴ひもの結び方★ | How To Tie Shoelaces Like A Pro bit.ly/hUuBt9 #
- Find excuses to include Japanese in your life. #immersion #contact #
- rubの意味 – 英和辞書 – goo辞書 "1 摩擦;こする[磨く]こと;マッサージ;マッサージクリーム[オイルなど]
give the silver a rub
銀食器を磨く." bit.ly/dHXyaJ # - rubの意味 – 英和辞書 – goo辞書 bit.ly/dHXyaJ #thebasics #
- There is only 1 wrong way to learn a language: The Boring Way. #
- "they're not smarter than you. They just learned the cause-and-effect relationships before you did." ~ Brian Tracy #
- "they're not smarter than you…Some of them are idiots. But an idiot who has the right formula will be successful." ~ Brian Tracy #
- The magic of AJATT isn't the method itself but the relentless metaprocess and mindset that would produce such a method. #
- Be humble enough to learn but arrogant and selfish enough to learn in a way that you enjoy. #mindset #
- The magic of AJATT isn't the method itself but the process and mindset that produced it. I am the idiot with the right formula 😀 #
- "Warm Hands Lead to Warm Hearts
Lawrence WilliamsおよびJohn Barghによる行動と思考の無意識の「プライミング(priming)」" bit.ly/idHJ8m # - Don't fix the past. Fix the future. You're going to be there for the rest of your life. #mindset #
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