- Japanese Listening (Advanced) bit.ly/f4UGBl #
- RT @mark95427: @ajatt bit.ly/f4UGBl | OMG, yes! This site rules. Real, natural, manly (lol) Japanese audio w/transcripts. #
- 学費でみる江戸時代の教育事情 発掘!お金の話 – gooマネー bit.ly/cqutgm #
- やっぱAKBって、秋元に限るよね(^^) #akb48 #
- エルロンドの御前会議 bit.ly/h413Pw #LOTR #
- ニコラ・テスラ – Wikipedia bit.ly/hyqFxo #
- 発明超人ニコラ・テスラ bit.ly/h0jziL #
- ラリー・ペイジ – Wikipedia bit.ly/htL4Xh #
- YouTube – (Сергей Михайлович Брин) bit.ly/hw2o9U #google #
- YouTube – なるほど!英熟語1 bit.ly/gj2qqz #
- "adults are [good] at avoiding hazing" bit.ly/aRiDTb #immersion #
- If you have to walk to get to the nearest L2 book, it's too far away. #immersion #
- If you're not sure whether it's fun or not…it's not fun. #immersion #fun #ruleofthumb #
- If you're not sure what fun is any more…you need more help than I can give you 😛 #immersion #fun #
- Your serious plan and furrowed brow will not help you. A bit of YouTube, though, definitely will. #fluency #immersion #
- "it’s less “All Japanese All the Time” than “Lots of Fun Japanese Everywhere You Go”" bit.ly/fUl67R #
- 例のアレ #
- Don't manage your time. Manage your space. If Japanese stuff is all up in your grill, it'll eat your time on its own. #immersion #
- YouTube – おかえりなさい bit.ly/dU6UwY #
- "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."
Michael Altshuler bit.ly/h9ma2d # - You never seem to meet people who are like: "Guess what?! I was just doing my genealogy and I'm cousins with Jeffrey Dahmer!" Pity… #
- @cosleia LoL 😀 #
- Defending a method is like defending a recipe. You either eat the food or you don't; there's nothing to defend. #
- YouTube – Google で、もっと。トップページに、思い出を。 bit.ly/e9r6AY #
- New at AJATT Plus: Real Japanese Email: Did You Get My Email? plus.ajatt.com/real-japanese-email-did-you-get-my-email #
- YouTube – 日本之形 寿司篇 "外国人が本気で誤解しそうwww保護動物オススメにだされてたのかwww" bit.ly/fPGjuM via #ajattplus #
- "if you want to learn Japanese or any other language, you’ll only get what you put into it." bit.ly/fUl67R #
- A token action is better than a token resolution. And all resolutions are token resolutions. 😛 #conditioning #
- YouTube – Intervista Kobe Bryant in italiano su Sportitalia 1^PARTE bit.ly/a0lOaN #
- corredor: 今日は一日、雪 bit.ly/hDh7W5 #
- ノーマン・ボーローグ – Wikipedia bit.ly/hsWB9u #
- "しかも主人公が、黒い超ミニのセーラー服にニーソックス、武器は日本刀と銃という、日本のアニメの見過ぎだろって言いたくなるような素敵な格好してますから(笑)。" bit.ly/ibXDm4 #
- 復習が大切な理由 "「忘却曲線」" bit.ly/i65el3 #
- "You’ll get to complete immersion through the little things." bit.ly/fUl67R #
- YouTube – 學生MV作品《一個人的行李》戴佩妮
bit.ly/edpzbL # - 2008年12月のブログ|中川翔子 オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba amba.to/ftRtsk #
- "If you will face the direction of San Diego, and continue to move in the direction of San Diego, then you must reach San Diego" ~ Hicks #
- YouTube – edison chen 陳冠希 – 嘥氣 bit.ly/hyuWzy
"有冇有冇搞錯?!" (^^) # - YouTube – edison chen – sigh hei bit.ly/hyuWzy "因乜鬼發晒脾氣?其實講乜都嘥氣!" #
- YouTube – RIP SLYME 楽園ベイベー bit.ly/hJsxLT #
- YouTube – eason chan 陳奕迅 愛是懷疑 bit.ly/hxMxGh #
- YouTube – 劉德華-一起嗌MV bit.ly/dWVqfj #
- "艾賓浩斯記憶遺忘曲線(The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve)" bit.ly/gHUNAw #SRS #
- "帕金森定律(Parkinson's Law)" bit.ly/dVG5he #
- 帕金森定律 Parkinson’s Law – 管理拾穗 – udn部落格
bit.ly/gCXsHs # - 国語力をつける勉強法, 和田秀樹 の感想 – ブクログ "聞くはコミュニケーションの基本。" bit.ly/cTC1Sp #
- "英語を日常的に使っているアメリカ人でも日常会話に加えて読み、書きがまともにできるというのはじつは一部のインテリのみ。" bit.ly/cTC1Sp #
- There is no critical period. There's just a period where no one attempts to use boring (=doomed) methods on you. #
- The "critical period" is a socio-economic phenomenon, not a biological one. Give adults a real chance and they will pwn kids. #
- 英語 – ことわざ(諺) 2/2
bit.ly/fUFXwc # - 【国際】「ウィキリークス」のアサンジ容疑者、世界のハッカーら熱狂的支援[10/12/08] bit.ly/e82oIi #
- YouTube – 3台のマルチモニタ (IBM T221 9503-DGP, Dell 3007, Viewsonic VP2290b) bit.ly/hWDsLp #
- You'll never win at a game where all you want to do is win. You always win games where all you want to do is play. #fun #
- 無名小站 網誌首頁 bit.ly/hTJ35J #
- The amount you learn is directly proportional to how relentless you are but inversely proportional to how serious you are. #
- "If you want to become a native speaker, you simply have to do what a native speaker DOES." bit.ly/h5WisC #
- If in doubt, screw everybody else’s advice and just go straight for the language. bit.ly/fw5UlS #
- "You need Japanese stuff MADE FOR Japanese people. Not foreigners." bit.ly/fw5UlS #funbun #
- "Whether or not it works is all the validation you need." bit.ly/fw5UlS #
- 【集英社】ジャンプスクエア -ジャンプが放つ全く新しいコミック誌!!- bit.ly/hR6DiJ #
- Your job isn't to learn Japanese. Your job is to make Japanese appear in your life frequently. Japanese will learn itself. #
- Is your life so easy that you need the drama of attempting to learn Japanese by boring yourself to death? #
- YouTube – Jin – Ape Shall Never Kill Ape bit.ly/dWqPmK #cantonese #
- "Photographic memory is a detestable myth. Doesn’t exist. " nyti.ms/i2WDtq #
- "Only through memorizing, the thinking went, could ideas be incorporated into your psyche and their values absorbed." nyti.ms/i2WDtq #
- "brains of…mental athletes appear anatomically indistinguishable from those of…control subjects" nyti.ms/i2WDtq #
- Blame It On The Boogie (今夜はブギーナイト)
ブギ万歳~、Hoooow /(^o^)/"
bit.ly/fYbQbz # - "Don't blame it on sunshine お日サマのせいじゃないよ
Don't blame it on moonlight お月サマのせいでもない" bit.ly/fYbQbz # - YouTube – [3of3]テレビゲームの歴史「日本語吹替え」 bit.ly/fM4itU #
- YouTube – [3of3]テレビゲームの歴史「日本語吹替え」 bit.ly/fM4itU | The History of Video Games #
- "develop hypotheses about their limitations; they conduct experiments" nyti.ms/gzmjdD #trystuffoutmofo #
- "Before long, I was committing entire decks to memory in just a few minutes." nyti.ms/gzmjdD #
- YouTube – 鄧麗欣-中華冷面(原裝MV)高畫質立體 聲版 bit.ly/b5ZWa8 | Where did you get your noodles? #
- YouTube – BONNIE PINK – Thinking Of You bit.ly/fLXbBw #
- YouTube COLOR – Miss You PV bit.ly/b44o6U | That is some R&B… 😀 #
- YouTube – UVERworld – Roots bit.ly/hX4r6T #
- YouTube – Max Boublil clash Alibi Montana bit.ly/faWcoM #
- YouTube – St1m — Шанс (OST "Краповый берет") bit.ly/g1e8K3 #russian #hiphop #
- YouTube – SIDO – MEIN BLOCK (OFFICIAL HD VIDEO) bit.ly/gk2v4n #german #hiphop #mask #
- YouTube – FLER – NDW 2005 – NEUE DEUTSCHE WELLE (OFFICIAL HD VIDEO) bit.ly/hdhyFQ #german #hiphop #
- YouTube – Bushido (武士道) – Alles wird gut bit.ly/fWtDl1 #german #hiphop #
bit.ly/hLQVPQ "Ich bin nur ein junge von der straße" bit.ly/g362ww # - デヴィッド・マメット – Wikipedia bit.ly/ed5VFu #
- It's not discipline if someone else forces you to do it. It's just coercion. #
- YouTube – ジャングルポケット こんと01.avi bit.ly/ecn4Xf #
- 人造人間クエスター その2/3 ‐ ニコニコ動画(原宿) bit.ly/dMJeJk #
- 身近な事柄英単語~南カリフォルニアより 待ち時間はおよそ・・・ *** approximately, equal *** bit.ly/f2rZSk "≈" vs. "≒" #
- @heibon_akuta あら、存じ上げませんでした(^^)。面白いリンク、ありがとうございます! #
- Your plan may have sucked, but that doesn't mean that you suck. #
- "It's not about doing it better, it's about making it easier to do." | Momoko #
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