- You don't learn a language, you get used to it. #
- A language is a habit, not a skill. You don't "know" it, you live it. #
- The best way to fail at getting used to a language is to come into contact with it infrequently. #
- "どんなに悔いても過去は変わらない。どれほど心配した所で未来もどうなるものでもない。今、現在に最善を尽くす事である。" bit.ly/eassN2 #
- YouTube – スポルト アイスホッケー-1 bit.ly/eCjfPW #
- "the real purpose of running isn't to win a race. It's to test to the limits" imdb.to/fg6Yqy #
- You're not tired of Japanese, you're tired of studying. Quit studying and just play. #
- The language itself is neutral. It's your choices of things and people that makes it boring or fun. #
- You don't quit taking medicine because you're sick. Why quit listening because you suck? #immersion #
- Try out lots of stuff. Stop doing things you don't want to do. Keep doing things you do want to do. #fun #
- I love how bucolic Japanese surnames are. Chestnut meadow. Mmmm…栗原 #kurihara #
- Don't fix the past. Fix the future. You're going to live there for the rest of your life. #mindset #
- ホルミシス効果 #
- "Away with the world's opinion of you—it's always unsettled and divided." ~ Seneca #
- 「病は気から」 #
- Learning an Asian language can't be that hard. Most of the human beings who've ever lived have spoken Asian languages. #
- It's not hard, you're just doing it wrong. 🙂 #
- 「アルコールは依存性薬物。麻薬と同じです。
bit.ly/hf61M0 # - You're not a good person for suffering. You just chose to do it the hard way. The herd way. 😛 #
- @ebonifiyah わかる、わかる(^_^) #
- 腸にまで!!!!???? #
- YouTube – KFC Hong Kong – Barack Obama TV Commercial 2011 bit.ly/gM0vRT #
- New at AJATT Plus: How To Get Into The Japanese Tra… plus.ajatt.com/how-to-get-into-the-japanese-translation-industry-part-8-trial #
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