- 剪刀、石頭、布 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书 bit.ly/g6l7ch #
- El japonés mecánico: febrero 2011 "Como leer manga en el Kindle" bit.ly/fHROMi #
- El japonés mecánico: febrero 2011 bit.ly/fHROMi #
- 200811華流 チャイナ日和 (又名:華流的一天) bit.ly/dQsNU3 #
- "have Japanese in your ears and on your mind last thing before sleep and first thing after waking" bit.ly/g98Jwf #
- テンポラル・モティベーション理論 – 人事組織の研究ブログ by jinjisoshiki bit.ly/eqx3Xh #TMT @pierssteel #
- YouTube – 農夫 舉高隻手 MV 完整版! bit.ly/h1bxek #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "農夫舉高隻手MV 完整版!" bit.ly/gFWcmQ (Put Your Hands In The Air 😀 ) #
- "The entirety of the Heisig method is focused on learning as little as possible at a time." bit.ly/gaqony #
- "As long as you're having fun while contacting the language, the results are guaranteed" bit.ly/gaqony #
- "Obey the #1 rule: Fun" bit.ly/gaqony #
- "Minmi & Nujabes – Shiki No Uta Remix Rap" bit.ly/ftOeKY #
- "TVドキュメンタリー「フェルマーの最終定理」" bit.ly/gmigri #
- "二十一世紀の音霊 1of6" bit.ly/h9XrLe
Documentary about the last days of Kick The Can Crew 😀 # - マイ・モーニング・ジャケット – Wikipedia bit.ly/i0adfU #
- YouTube – ヒトラー総統がクリスマスについてお怒りのようです.flv bit.ly/gznzAW #hitler #christmas #rant #Japanese #MAD #
- 「『聖なる夜』とか言ってる癖して、いつの間にか『性なる夜』に変わってるじゃねーか」www |
YouTube – ヒトラー総統閣下がクリスマスについてお怒りのようです bit.ly/hpo7NM # - "青春とは心の若さである。
青春は永遠にその人のものである。" bit.ly/dMMBFW # - Japanese Listening (Advanced) bit.ly/f4UGBl #
- "とにかく・・・やってみることである。失敗すればやり直せばいい。"
bit.ly/e1V8GZ # - 太陽系外行星 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 bit.ly/fm4Cri #
- 太陽系外惑星 – Wikipedia bit.ly/dEPrwt #
- "Don’t associate Kanji with ‘study’ or ‘learning’…keep it light…Do it in little bursts here and there." bit.ly/h2qDXh #
- "文部省の教育が原因であまりにも従順な国民性になりすぎ、
だが日本が豊かで暮らしやすいのも事実。 " bit.ly/h9erGS # - 勝利の方程式:スパゲティ+振り掛け #
- Six months from now, you'll wish you had started today. #immersion #mindset #kanji #
- Six months from now, you'll thank yourself for starting today 🙂 . #immersion #mindset #kanji #
- GlobeFeed Online TV
bit.ly/hOO805 #Chinese # - Globefeed TV – Free streaming television from around the World bit.ly/e58gfH #
- スティーヴ・ビコ – Wikipedia bit.ly/hJEYnN #
- New at AJATT Plus: The AJATT Quick Reference Guide (QR… plus.ajatt.com/the-ajatt-quick-reference-guide-qrg-mandarin-edition-part-2 #
- Bad: Pause, Mute, Stop.
Good: Volume down, A-B repeat #immersion # - "top performers…learn no faster than those who reach lower levels of attainment" bbc.in/hqi94G #
- "The difference is simply that high achievers practise for more hours." bbc.in/hqi94G #
- "when students seem to possess a particular gift, it is often because they have been given extra tuition at home" bbc.in/hqi94G #
- "I may not be good at [X] now, but if I work hard, I will be really good in the future!" bbc.in/hqi94G #
- "日本人は、やはり休むのが下手ですね。" bit.ly/eo6uxt #
- You don't have to invent /anything/ new. Just mimic. #shadowing #
- Cartoon Network…probably the single greatest language learning tool in existence 😀 #
- ドームふじ基地 – Wikipedia bit.ly/hAzHIM #
- 池田信夫 blog : 「バカの壁」は論理で崩せない – ライブドアブログ bit.ly/hgIjxp #
- Studying grammar is like studying etymology. Fun iff done right ("Oh, look! A pattern!"), but generally unnecessary. #
- You need to know the grammatical background of every word about as much as you need to know the etymology of every word, i.e. you don't. #
- CAPCOM:MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 Fate of Two Worlds 公式サイト bit.ly/fA9dm6 #
- CAPCOM:MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 Fate of Two Worlds|TRAILER bit.ly/dQ51wk #
- 「FABLES」TVシリーズ化? » KingInK bit.ly/h78o7M #
- 海外アニメ漫画のニッポン bit.ly/fofWNc #
- STOLEN MOMENTS: Y: THE LAST MAN "「Y: The Last Man」というグラフィック・ノベルを読み始めた。" bit.ly/hegU4l #
- アメコミ » KingInK bit.ly/f41oDV #
- "If you learn a language simply because others tell you to, you will fail.
Simple as that." bit.ly/hVd40t #
- 恋するマンハッタン "What I like about you" bit.ly/eHJYvB #
- "恋するマンハッタン(S01EP13) – アマンダ・バインズ" bit.ly/dP59jW #What I-Like-About-You #
- ウィリアム・ジェイムズ・サイディズ – Wikipedia bit.ly/fRprUF #
- "No one is genetically doomed to mediocrity."
amzn.to/fP8bmn # - "plasticity makes it virtually impossible to determine any individual’s true intellectual limitations, at any age."
amzn.to/fP8bmn # - "[People] develop only as the environment demands development."
amzn.to/fP8bmn #immersion # - "KICK THE CAN CREW feat. CASSETTE VISION「TORIIIIIICO !」【【PV】" bit.ly/eNmonW #
- "行こうぜ乱打乱打乱打乱打こんなRAPだ 次いこうか新たな門叩くか" bit.ly/iha2pT
bit.ly/fLbOPV # - "「人生、すべては実験だ。実験をすればするほど良い!」" bit.ly/e5YRjr #
- "All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." bit.ly/hHsBC7 #
- "move / 創聖のアクエリオ" bit.ly/gp8yMm #
- YouTube – NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND – Nitro Microphone Underground bit.ly/gI6GAy #
- YouTube – 共に行こう (Version Pure) / SHAKKAZOMBIE feat GORE-TEX, SUIKEN, DABO, MACKA-CHIN bit.ly/9tF6Pk #
- "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." ~ Albert Einstein #
- 記号の読み方辞典(音訳の部屋) bit.ly/5JhtD0 #
- YouTube – A Whole New World (Chinese-Cantonese) bit.ly/ijQvNX
bit.ly/fRFMZB #disney #aladdin # - YouTube – Pocahontas-Colours of the wind(Cantonese) bit.ly/e7zQTl #
- Large files get downloaded because you keep the connection on long enough. Stay connected to Japanese. It'll D/L eventually 😀 #
- "Level of 'difficulty'" is not the most important attribute of an L2 text. "Level of interest" is. #fun #
- It's not always about looking for a challenge. Doing very easy, basic things can be highly valuable. Think of it as grinding/leveling up 🙂 #
- "HD 搞笑漫画日和家庭教师(中文配音)" bit.ly/eadE30 #
- "Disney Japanese Song – Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" bit.ly/eM502E #
- "創聖のアクエリオン ライブ版 at 宇都宮 コダマセントラルステーション" bit.ly/gJhUd4 #
- YouTube – m-flo / Hands bit.ly/fG9NAX #
- "Pretty much everybody has the ability to learn languages easily. " bit.ly/ckpngV #
- [3131.INFO] bit.ly/dUhqfo | This place seems to have lyrics you can actually copy and paste, and ∴ use for learning #
- "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument is an exchange of ignorance." bit.ly/el6D7x #
- "話し合いは知恵の交換、言い争いは無知の交換。" bit.ly/el6D7x #
- "What devotion. I’m inspired yet again." bit.ly/fvP9rT #
- "nothing is hard if it’s fun" bit.ly/f8mRN8 #
- 科學人雜誌網站 bit.ly/gKi9cd #
- "premature optimization is the root of all evil" bit.ly/ghv1fT #
- "早すぎる最適化は諸悪の根源" bit.ly/ghv1fT #
- Don’t ever stop learning Chinese, ever | WooChinese bit.ly/cckd6d #
- 雄はいらない bit.ly/e78AZO #
- YouTube – 中川家 塾講師 bit.ly/hS5I3h #
- 良い習慣は素晴らしい資産 – 早稲田を目指す愚直日記 bit.ly/hiVXt9 #
- レバレッジシンキング "よい習慣はすばらしい資産である。" bit.ly/bebGEO #
- サウスパーク 013 s01e13 ママはヤリたガール(勃発!編) – ひまわり動画 bit.ly/gPQgYC #
- ドコモ、SIMロック解除できる携帯発売へ : ニュース : ネット&デジタル : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) bit.ly/fANoFQ #
- 競合状態 – Wikipedia "Race Condition" bit.ly/eRthW6 #
- 競爭危害 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 "race condition" bit.ly/fCwyNG #
- New at AJATT Plus: The Moë Sentence Pack plus.ajatt.com/the-moe-sentence-pack #
- YouTube – 麥克邁:超能壞蛋 中文版配音明星花絮 口碑場:11月26日、27日、28日 bit.ly/gBOGdU #
- "Gigli" in Japanese, baby. You know you want it. amzn.to/h2gfsx #
- 【コマンドプロンプトで一発】複数テキストファイルの結合 – La Faience bit.ly/gDcV6e #
- 【解説】C言語を自信ないがわかりやすく解説していこう。Part.5 ‐ ニコニコ動画(原宿) bit.ly/hxvy75 | via #ajattplus #
- "C言語、DXライブラリ教育コンピュータ~エクスロイド~" bit.ly/dQIl3d #
- "C++プログラミング言語解説〝第1章 C++プログラミング〟" bit.ly/faIgYi #
- "Microsoft Access2003使い方〝Accessのデータベースとは〟" bit.ly/gNzacF #
- "片手でサッサッと調べながら
原書をどんどん読み進めていく" amzn.to/eJlXlh # - "If we want to learn like kids again, we have to start thinking like they do…again." bit.ly/iaBd1c #
- The Moë Sentence Pack | AJATT Plus "いけない女のコにして下さい♡" bit.ly/g8Ezm2 #
- The Moë Sentence Pack | AJATT Plus "キタ――――(゚∀゚)―――― !!!!" bit.ly/g8Ezm2 #
- "giving up is a more advanced skill that children take a while to master." bit.ly/etjhY5 #
- "if something is "nearly impossible" that still means it's possible" bit.ly/etjhY5 #
- "You don’t play because you’re good. You’re good because you play." bit.ly/ajslAF #
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