- works – DentsuY&R bit.ly/jKeoBi | Sweet bilingual two-column text via #silverspoon #
- New at AJATT Plus: The AJATT Quick Reference Guide (QR… plus.ajatt.com/the-ajatt-quick-reference-guide-qrg-mandarin-edition-part-0 #
- スーパー!ドラマTV : THE WIRE/ザ・ワイヤー bit.ly/l6WrSR #
- YouTube – ノーベル平和賞受賞者・ワンガリ・マータイさん 2010.2.19 bit.ly/mtAhIm #
- "吹波糖MV〈愛麗斯夢遊〉" bit.ly/ljDiIb #Cantonese #emo (?) kinda…I'm not a definitions man 😀 #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "每朝健康茶女殺手「廖心瑜」 讓男人們噴鼻血~~~" bit.ly/iVNTGJ #
- "the approval of every person in the entire world doesn't need to be the goal of your work" bit.ly/mf8aBk #
- "To succeed, one cannot afford to be a realist." / Albert Bandura bit.ly/lZyHHu #
- YouTube – 吹波糖 最新MV〈Take my hand〉2010 [HQ高清] bit.ly/lkRToX / More #Cantonese #emo for you 😀 #cheuibotong #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "吹波糖最新MV〈日落後〉2010 [HQ高清]" bit.ly/jyaqdp #
- You don't speak a language, you sing it. The rhythm matters almost more than the lyrics. #prosody #shadowing #
- "If people knew how hard I worked to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem that wonderful after all." bit.ly/kKNEIb #
- Gmailに「送信日時指定」機能を追加するFirefox/Chrome用アドオン『Boomerang'をレビューしてみたよ・・・ | IDEA*IDEA bit.ly/jZ21k3 #
- Don't try to succeed. Don't try to get it right. Don't try to not mess up. Just try to try. Try for curiosity's sake. #
- Don't do things right retroactively. Don't shoulda woulda coulda. Just ((((((DO SOMETHING!) SMALL) FUN) EASY) USEFUL) NOW!) #
- "中國大陸から飛來する黃砂が2日午前、近畿地方で今年初めて観測された。" bit.ly/iriIru | It's all Chi #
- 読書の楽しさを知る新書 "日本は「読書立國」だ、と斎藤は言う。" bit.ly/mcnZRJ #
- Star Trek: U.S.S. Kyushu – Voyager Episode Guide (No.147 "Unimatrix Zero, Part II") bit.ly/9tFeRW #japanese #
- 読書の重要性について:沖縄翻訳ノート bit.ly/lkOk0g #
- "「最近の日本語は亂れている!」とか主張すると、なぜ國語學者はニヤニヤするのか。" bit.ly/cwojhW #
- "【韓國/教育】漢字教育は國語語彙力向上に効果あり" bit.ly/mGoLrx #
- No more screwing around. It's time for fun and games! 😛 #immersion #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "Japanese Pranks in Huge Group" bit.ly/mvBYg4 #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "ドナルドの夢の聲 日本語吹き替え版" bit.ly/lCT7Mo #
- "スーパーサイズ・ミー (日本語吹き替え版) 1/13" bit.ly/l8IIjz #
- "なんで知らないんだ
bit.ly/dGuGHE # - ウィリアム・スミス・クラーク – Wikipedia "少年よ、大志を抱け" bit.ly/mE9avU #
- New at AJATT Plus: The AJATT Quick Reference Guide (QR… plus.ajatt.com/the-ajatt-quick-reference-guide-qrg-mandarin-edition-part-5 #
- Korean Audio Books -Iphone Apps & Korean Reading – Learn Korean bit.ly/iz6SXK #
- YouTube – ホリエモン「國益とか言ってる奴のほとんどは稅金払ってない」 bit.ly/lLJXRZ #
- 「マスメディアなんかに社会を観察する資格があると思ってる時点で大間違いで、マスメディア自身が観察されるべき社会現象だからね。だから社会の病理をマスメディアが解説するとかって思ったら間違い。マスメディアが最大の病理ですから」宮台真司
bit.ly/luKqrr # - Link Leecher – "a free online utility to grab all the links from a web page" bit.ly/lVH9oB #
- 염라공주 모모레 116. 탈옥(2) | Daum 만화속세상 bit.ly/lsPCk2 | Korean webcomic. Uses whitespace and ∞canvas like a baller 😀 #
- ドニー・ダーコ "Donnie Darko" bit.ly/l4eUm4 #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "Funny commercials Funny Japanese commercial Scafy dot com" bit.ly/j3O4Uh #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "24: I am Jack Bauer (subtitled Japanese commercial)" bit.ly/kaDZzX #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "Carjam: P2/8 2011 Subaru Forester Donuts Commercial Funny Lol Dogs Ad" bit.ly/maheBR #
- Don't be ashamed of your dedication to your L2; you're not a freaking drug dealer or murderer. Read, watch and listen with pride #
- One doesn't "succeed" as such. One fails at quitting. #
- Can't learn a foreign language? Not true, say scientists – Telegraph bit.ly/ivlrLT (Thanks, A-star!) #
- "the brain learned best when it was relaxed and not trying to remember anything at all" bit.ly/ivlrLT #
- "Just perception – listening – is helpful." bit.ly/ivlrLT #
- YouTube – 搞笑漫畫日和 世界末日Doom Day "搞笑漫畫日和 世界末日Doom Day" bit.ly/iL7sIz #Cantonese #gagmangabiyori #
- YouTube – JAPANESE KIDS VS ZOMBIE PRANK (ENG SUBS) bit.ly/m54qzd #
- GyaO!內「吹替」の検索結果|無料動畫 GyaO![ギャオ] bit.ly/mdutp4 | Dubbed TV shows on GyaO… #japanese #
- 無料インターネットテレビ視聴ソフト一覧 – フリーソフト100 bit.ly/mlQ3Cf #
- 無料インターネットテレビ視聴ソフト一覧 – フリーソフト100 " ■ TVUPlayer [海外:日本語対応]
世界400以上のチャンネルを閲覧できるテレビプレイヤー" bit.ly/mlQ3Cf #
- TVU networks | Watch TV | 10117 Zhong Shi | Zhong Shi bit.ly/jGXJhI #online #Chinese #TV #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "マル激500回放送記念イベント『ただ今、一合目通過』" bit.ly/mz0nlE #
- It doesn't cost you money to say the other person is right. Even if you know they're not, give it a try. They don't want the truth anyhow 😛 #
- People don't want the truth: they want to be right. So just tell them they are. Meanwhile, you go monopolize the truth. #arguments #
- NBC長崎放送 – 長崎デジタル街道HOME PAGE – bit.ly/jnaPbA via #ajattplus #
- get used to 「慣れる」 bit.ly/ioaFp2 #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "中谷彰宏セミナー「講師の達人 スピード発想力」その2" bit.ly/lOHZCS 「一番ベスト」w #
- New at AJATT Plus: The AJATT Quick Reference Guide (QR… plus.ajatt.com/the-ajatt-quick-reference-guide-qrg-mandarin-edition-part-6 #
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