- "ゲオルク・クリストフ・リヒテンベルクの名言:
bit.ly/mHW8TI # - 心靈小憩的藝文與科技生活園地 • 檢視主題 – 星際爭霸──Star Trek的過去與新生 #
- Myth #1 "The best way to learn a foreign language is to go to a foreign country" | Antimoon.com #
- Telling yourself to do something hard is the same thing as telling yourself to do nothing
bit.ly/kEXIhd # - "I've spent wayyy too much time SRSing and not enough reading comics and watching anime" t.co/OkGkUg8 #
- Is it more than nothing? Then it counts. Yes, that too. #something #anything #immersion #
- ハリウッド映畫名台詞 – Google 検索 bit.ly/iedcON #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【アウトレイジ】コノヤロー特集" bit.ly/lX5BXf #
- It's a (Japanese) Sign bit.ly/6bcpgT #
- It's not a "foreign" language. The instant you chose it, it became *your* language. #
- New at AJATT Plus: Announcing meeRee: The AJATT Mixed Graded Reader plus.ajatt.com/announcing-meeree-the-ajatt-mixed-graded-reader #
- "We humans know a lot about what is impossible until it becomes possible" — Peter Diamandis #
- "Have you got a deck with thousands and thousands of cards that you only half give a **** about? This is not good…" bit.ly/jinq84 #
- You don't have to control all the variables in order to achieve effective control of the entire situation.
bit.ly/ck8Lh3 #8020 # - "spreading your efforts too wide, and are hence not sufficiently used to the core 型, or 'moves' of the language…" bit.ly/jinq84 #
- "you need to find the basic, core 型="moves" of Japanese, and focus as much effort as possible on getting used to them" bit.ly/jinq84 #
- "[keep it] unrelentingly real" bit.ly/maaR7x #immersion #native #media #funbun #
- Noticing in language learning. – The Linguist On Language – Having Fun Learning Languages bit.ly/k0awid #
- "Search for something that is interesting enough to watch even without subs." bit.ly/jinq84 #YES #
- "Don't give up on yourself, just give up on the methods you have been using. Toss 'em out the window and keep Japanese" bit.ly/jinq84 #
- At least in this game, low standards kept consistently are better than high standards never met. #immersion #
- Make your standards so low that you can always win. Cheap wins → confidence → repetition → skill. #immersion #
- "the rules become too cumbersome…They end up just being a list of exceptions." bit.ly/k9hkq8 #grammar #
- "This book is great, if you want to speak sucky Gaijin Japanese for the rest of your life, that is" bit.ly/bhTl9W #
- How to Beat Procrastination – Less Wrong "The Procrastination Equation" bit.ly/hQfG4B @pierssteel #
- "just procrastinate, and do it in your L2" bit.ly/ckpngV #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "Sabado Gigante, Don Francisco con los niños.mpg" bit.ly/mgZEaX #
- Outside of actual long-term planning sessions, don't let your mind bite off more than your body can chew. #timeboxing #
- "Your True Priorities = Time Visibly Spent" @tom_peters #
- Play and games distract us not because something is wrong with us, but because something is right with them
j.mp/iwb3qj # - We need to cut up our work into pieces so tiny and so easy that we don't even know or feel that we're working any more
j.mp/iwb3qj # - "a foreigner could very well learn an L2 better than a person who has spoken this language as their L1 their whole lives" j.mp/iwb3qj #
- "a significant proportion of native English speakers are unable to understand some basic sentences" j.mp/bRS0Eg #
- work and play are actually the same. The primary difference between work and play is not content, but form
j.mp/iwb3qj # - ジェーン・マゴニガル 「ゲームで築くより良い世界」
Gaming can make a better world
j.mp/jNcWu9 # - reality-worst-game-ever.jpg (750×600) j.mp/m9oPzx #
- DICE 2010: "Design Outside the Box" Presentation Videos – G4tv.com j.mp/lic1j8 #
- Read More or Die j.mp/jVIZ9F #
- "Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly."
Robert Schuller # - 勝間和代オフィシャルサイト j.mp/m4gLfx #
- Pubu電子書城 – ABC互動英語雜誌2011年5月號NO.107:怎麼用英語給建議?/圖解樂器/不定詞與動名詞的用法 j.mp/jcnbv3 #
- Engadget 中文版 j.mp/cejhTn #
- YouTube – 鄭秀文【捉迷藏】 j.mp/jpV5hf #
- アクア・ティーン・ハンガー・フォース – Wikipedia j.mp/kdomy4 #
- YouTube – Japonistyka warszawska ワルシャワ大學 日本學科 2/2 j.mp/lftdge #
- "スーパー・ハンス
ジェレミーのバンド「ママズ・カンクワット(ママのキンカン)」のメンバー。バンド名に不服で本人的には「ヘア・ブレア・バンチ」か「スパンク・バブル」にしたがっている。ダメ人間とは彼のための言葉。" j.mp/ml49Yv # - The Awesome Language-Learning Resource that is Children’s Books j.mp/kakrD5 #
- YouTube – Jolin 馬德里不思議mv j.mp/jpaIlS #
- Illustrated South Park episode synopses in #Japanese subuta j.mp/mwRk9X #southpark #
- NHKの不祥事 – Wikipedia "NHKは激しい批判にさらされ、受信料の不払いが続発した。" j.mp/lL5rJD #
- The #SRS process itself is more valuable than any single card. #delete #
- YouTube – 新紮兇判官:我係差人我話事 j.mp/jG7yvX #
- YouTube – 地上の星 / 中島みゆき [公式] "NHK総合テレビ「プロジェクトX 挑戦者たち」の主題歌。" j.mp/jiAs4q #
- ツイキャス – 友達とライブでつながるコミュニケーション・サービス – TwitCasting j.mp/lRn7j5 #
- Don't believe in the method. Believe in you. #LackOfReflexivePronounsAddsImpact #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "BONNIE PINK – So Wonderful" j.mp/m46x76 #bonnie #pink #must #not #be #left #dry #PV #conspiracy #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "BONNIE PINK – カイト" j.mp/j9IxQc #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "BONNIE PINK – A Perfect Sky" j.mp/jQ7c3u #
- ★"BONNIE PINK – カイト" j.mp/j9IxQc | The basic plan in the Japanese music industry is "get Bonnie Pink wet" 😛 #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "少女時代Gee 日本語版" j.mp/jOvRE1 #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【MV】少女時代run devil run 日本語版" j.mp/m0CPM5 #
- ジブリ作品字幕COLLECTION j.mp/ekKzm4 #
- Anime Transcripts@アニメで英語 – アニメ評価 – 英語吹替えと英語字幕 j.mp/iRNHcA #
- FF7完全セリフチャート インデックス j.mp/dKE0qT #
- JBpress(日本ビジネスプレス) "ベルリンの壁を壊した解體機は千葉生まれ、" j.mp/kc9ysk #
- #Shazam を使って Flower の Xi Shua Shua という曲を発見しました。 #
- #Shazam を使って 魏如昀 の 蝶戀 という曲を発見しました。 #
- YouTube – Xi Shua Shua-Hua Er Yue Dui 花兒樂隊–嘻唰唰 j.mp/lEcopp #
- YouTube – 魏如昀-蝶戀(完整版 MV) j.mp/jCmdnZ #
- As Steve Kauffmann and others have suggested, the point in the early stages of #immersion isn't to understand but to #observe to #notice #
- 『Self-Made Man' Norah Vincent著 アメリカで1年間男のふりをした女|舊館:物語三昧~できればより深く物語を楽しむために j.mp/lGmZ1K #
- Don't bore yourself. Don't hurt yourself. Do have fun. Do mess around. Do run experiments. #immersion #SRS #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "ベビモ2011年4月號 手遊び歌「頭、肩、ひざ ポン」【主婦の友社】" j.mp/jPGVvY #head #shoulders #knees #
- YouTube – ホリエモン「國益とか言ってる奴のほとんどは稅金払ってない」 j.mp/lLJXRZ #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "自主製作アニメ" j.mp/jpSSvb #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "1分間勉強法" j.mp/isBwAO #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "2/3 朝までニコニコ生激論 「民主主義 2.1 (夏)」 H.22-05-21" j.mp/lKFVh6 #
- YouTube – jetdaisuke 的頻道 j.mp/jNJp45 #
- Bonnie Pink. Wet. Again. I am not making this up! 😛
YouTube – BONNIE PINK – 鐘を鳴らして j.mp/iDL1q2 # - リチャード・ローティ – Wikipedia j.mp/m0Ae1f #
- hares self-flagellate to the point of burnout" j.mp/97oT5y #
- YouTube – 2NE1 – LONELY [HD] j.mp/mo9zMF #
- YouTube – 2NE1 – CLAP YOUR HANDS (박수쳐) [HD] j.mp/jrpmGx #
- YouTube – Kara – Mister(MV).avi j.mp/j7fBl5 #
- 文藝春秋編 日本の論點PLUS j.mp/dBHHt1 #
- YouTube – 東方神起 Keep Your Head Down (Japanese CC) Why 日本語訳 j.mp/jNxLc8 #
- YouTube – Japanese version of TVXQ's "Keep Your Head Down" PV j.mp/l0v5ld #
- Something is better than nothing. Just move. Any motion into Japanese is motion forward. #contact #immersion #
- No guilt. Just action. You don't have enough time to feel guilty. Spend those 3 minutes hearing a song. #immersion #
- Busy. On the move. The worst day. The worst time. The worst situation. This is exactly when to do something…anything…in Japanese. #
- @revenantkioku "案(あん)ずるより產むが易(やす)し
物事はあれこれ心配するより実行してみれば案外たやすいものだ。" t.co/NuX0hKi # - @revenantkioku OR…「自分を責める暇があったら好きな曲でも流せコラ。」・・・Depends on your level of 品格, I guess 😛 #
- You start wearing skates before you know how to skate. You start watching (L2) without (L1) subs before you understand. #
- They're just sounds and symbols. You manipulate them according to certain patterns. End of story. #
- YouTube – SPACE@NAVI-Kibo WEEKLY NEWS 第136號 j.mp/msxpWF via #ajattplus #
- It's not a question of whether you can or can't. Of course you can. The real question is: do you *want* to? #
- "Two wrongs don't make a right but two halves make a whole" — Jang Mi #timeboxing #immersion #halfa $ + #halfa $ = #rounda $ #
- Only read about Japanese grammar in Japanese. #ruleofthumb #
- 小濱市 「夢、無限大」感動おばま j.mp/mFwnhq #
- Explicitly learning "grammar" is just premature optimization. When you can read about Japanese in Japanese, THEN learn about grammar. #
- The Future of Reading "Pick Books You Like" j.mp/kq6m0G #
- 読んでいない本について堂々と語る方法 by ピエール・バイヤール t.co/lwQht5m #
- BSジャパン 勝間和代#デキビジ j.mp/l2vd4K #
- "To understand literature, Moretti argues, we must stop reading books." j.mp/iy7a5M #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "東方神起 / Why? (Keep Your Head Down) フル ver." j.mp/jF1vgK #Japanese #
- YouTube – HEIWA (ver. 2) – RIZE j.mp/czxgUA #
- YouTube – Bibliobattle 読んでいない本について堂々と語る方法(築摩書房) j.mp/jRAnCf #
- Don't let go of a chance to move one inch forward just because you wanted to move one mile forward. #immersion #SRS #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "ビブリオバトル 2010/02/22 「影響力の武器」" j.mp/jP32Ih #
- YouTube – 哥倫布2 j.mp/kEwm0o #
- YouTube – 哥倫布2 j.mp/kEwm0o #pirates #cartoon #mandarin #
- OK, so…Columbus rather than pirates…same diff, really 😛
YouTube – 哥倫布2 j.mp/kEwm0o #pirates #cartoon #mandarin # - #Shazam を使って Ultrasound の Shanghaied という曲を発見しました。 #
- YouTube – David Tao 陶喆 – Shanghaied (今天沒回家) j.mp/lbBTFn #
- YouTube – 陶喆 – 討厭紅樓夢 j.mp/loo88D #
- You're not old. You're weak from lack of practice. #useitorloseit #stevechandler #
- "If I only know the reading of a word in context…I mean, I'm never going to see it out of context, am I?" j.mp/jikbr9 #
- 全息資料室 — Star Trek 星球人介紹 j.mp/mkF1YP #
- There is always a legitimate reason to give up, to do nothing at all. The trick is to be…illegitimate? 😀 #immersion #
- Time and Tide (2000) j.mp/itkFOj 順流逆流 #
- 電影: 順流逆流 (2000) | 中文電影資料庫 j.mp/lkWOlG #
- 【透視911】陰謀論:美國政府摧毀世貿 _星島環球網_揭秘 j.mp/maK7Qt #conspiracytheory #
- 911陰謀論 – 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書 j.mp/kpg2TE #conspiracytheory #
- 九一一事件陰謀論 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 j.mp/jGm21T #conspiracytheory #
- GIRLS' GENERATION(通常盤) by 少女時代 t.co/Bfd3kPw #
- GIRLS' GENERATION(期間限定盤)(DVD付) by 少女時代 t.co/pdUaAH8 #
- ウィークリーワールドニュース・ジャパン | weeklyworldnews japan j.mp/97MJRP Big thanks to MD for this gem of trash! 😀 #
- YouTube – 偷野食啫,想嚇死人咩 j.mp/kp2RuH #
- YouTube – グラソー ビタミンウォーター glacéau vitaminwater j.mp/lFhfLK #
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