- Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese j.mp/cA5CK0 #
- YouTube – 共に行こう (Version Pure) / SHAKKAZOMBIE feat GORE-TEX, SUIKEN, DABO, MACKA-CHIN j.mp/9tF6Pk #
- 早稲田大學高等學院 "Waseda University Senior High School" j.mp/kkUCfd #
- 思考実験 – Wikipedia j.mp/klNr2M #
- @Pandakittynya apparently… 🙂 #
- YouTube – 超可愛小妹妹的翻譯
j.mp/lVrON0 # - YouTube – 日本小妹妹學英文,笑死人啦 j.mp/jGTzJB #
- YouTube – 日本人的破英文 j.mp/mq1602 #
- YouTube – 日式英文 j.mp/k2H78K #
- Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say – NYTimes.com j.mp/mOqLMo #
- I guess #SRS is +/- like this in a way: it tears your self-confidence to shreds, but your knowledge goes thru the roof 😀 j.mp/mOqLMo #
- Almost by definition, the #SRS is going to make you feel bad about yourself, because stuff you still suck at comes up most frequently. #
- "people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks." j.mp/j9ImmO #MCDs #clozedeletions #
- One-liners from people you neither know nor like are as valuable as…
one-liners from people you neither know nor like. # - 「ヱヴァ新劇場版:破」が8月26日にTV初放送 -AV Watch j.mp/l49xOb #
- YouTube – t-Ace / 日陰のヒーロー feat. KEN-U j.mp/kRdNU7 #
- Enterprise j.mp/iAGpjs #
- blog版 『ビールの友』:宇宙大作戦 第300話 『美々川下り』 j.mp/mncGtR #
- 【フィギュア】荒川さんが市長を表敬訪問 福岡開催のアイスショーで – MSN產経ニュース j.mp/lqJ7lN #
- ホーム, キッチン, 家具, ワードローブ, 椅子, ソファ, ベッド, テーブル, IKEA, イケア – IKEA j.mp/ii7Xf1 #
- Learn furniture vocabulary 😛 家具・収納 通販 – ディノス j.mp/jWTJ1J #
- Learn yet more furniture vocabulary 😀 インテリアの総合企業 IDC大塚家具 j.mp/iGYzIg #
- YouTube – 食屎學位 j.mp/kQp41t #ohdear #
- YouTube – 我叫你做食屎狗~食屎狗 監獄風雲 j.mp/j13KsT #
- Noelog のえろぐ : 言いまつがい "昔、「殺気」を「コロッケ」と読んだ人がいました。" j.mp/kMfAb0 #majikayo #
- #Shazam を使って 弦子 の 醉清風 という曲を発見しました。 #
- #Shazam を使って Jolin Tsai の Du Zhan Shen Hua という曲を発見しました。 #
- #Shazam を使って 房祖名 の 03.最動聽 という曲を発見しました。 #
- #Shazam を使って Fish Leong の Yi Dui Yi という曲を発見しました。 #
- #Shazam を使って Fish Leong の Xia Yi Miao Zhong という曲を発見しました。 #
- #Shazam を使って 李泉 の 流浪狗 という曲を発見しました。 #
- Sorry about all the #Shazam spam 😀 #
- YouTube – 蔡依林 (Jolin Tsai) – 獨佔神話 (Du Zhan Shen Hua) j.mp/mdvvh3 #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "元気なウンチ体操" j.mp/moTcr0 #
- Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days | Video on TED.com j.mp/kTBoDD | Thx to Jonathan of StudyShack #
- AJATT SilverSpoon: An Introduction « The Zen of Language Learning j.mp/j5GsVH #
- Don't let obedience get between you and the language. Anything that prevents direct access to the language must give way. #
- If faced with the choice between obedience and direct contact with the language, chose contact every time. #
- Anything > Nothing. Soon > Later. Now > Soon. Little & Often > Anything. #SRS #
- 決定理論 – Wikipedia j.mp/mA6WP2 #
- 決策論 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 j.mp/m3heIc #
- アメリカの政治風刺番組 『ザ・デイリーショー』はおもしろい。: 英語とパソコン j.mp/aNWBBw #
- New at AJATT Plus: The AJATT Quick Reference Guide (QR… plus.ajatt.com/the-ajatt-quick-reference-guide-qrg-mandarin-edition-part-9 #
- 博客來書籍館>古市幸雄超強時間術:學習力多10倍的59秘訣 j.mp/rfsEoE #
- 博客來書籍館>我為什麼開始30分鐘學習法? j.mp/pwAHT5 #
- 博客來書籍館>每天只要30分鐘 j.mp/roPxuv #
- Don't bother trying to do your best, just try to not do nothing 😀 #immersion #
- In fact, the best thing you can do is not do nothing 😛 #immersion #SRS #
- Important things: O-rings on the space shuttle 😛 (?). Unimportant things: the neatness of your #SRS deck. #delete #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "塾" j.mp/qsX5mY #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "はねるのとびら お台場合眾國CM 東進CM編" j.mp/ogtczX #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "東進" j.mp/ogtczX #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "代ゼミ" j.mp/rslRyq #
- You've probably severely overestimated the best/most you can do and underestimated the least you can do. Just don't do nothing. #immersion #
- Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John J. Ratey t.co/bH2iPmx via @amazon #
- Never Too Late: My Musical Life Story by John Caldwell Holt t.co/g1q2F3Z via @amazon #
- ナショナルジオグラフィックチャンネル びっくり! ギガ建造物 世界最大の水力発電ダム|無料動画 GyaO![ギャオ]|ナショナルジオグラフィックチャンネル|バラエティ・スポーツ #
- Don't try to fix their eyes: you don't have the skill — and even if you did, they're not paying you enough j.mp/apVhzh #
- "Internet arguments are like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still a retard." j.mp/apVhzh #offensivewordchoice #
- 「快下來! 我帶你去看眼睛! 別擔心!」"Look, come on down and we'll get those eyes fixed. Don't even worry about it." t.co/Kk6kJnY #
- 「快下來! 我帶你去看眼睛! 別擔心!」"Look, come on down and we'll get those eyes fixed. Don't even worry about it." t.co/48ghu1N #MIB #
- If you have time to come up with theories about why you suck then you have time to STFU and train. #immersion #SRS #
- "if you do this you'll have the same advantage as a Chinese person has going into Japanese" j.mp/qj0Mhb #
- "Kanji was the one part of Japanese that, after I discovered AJATT, was just smooth for me." j.mp/qj0Mhb #
- "here I am, correcting my (native) Japanese teacher on how to write 彙." j.mp/qj0Mhb #
- ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞 – 言いまつがい j.mp/qTBjsX via #ajattplus #
- 姫のお楽しみ袋 『Good Hair'-アフロの黒人って最近見ないもんね j.mp/neJ63f #
- 姫のお楽しみ袋 『Good Hair'-アフロの黒人って最近見ないもんね "これ観たので、久々にクリス・ロックのスタンダップ・コメディを見たくてちゅ~ぶしたんですけど、面白いよ、この人。" j.mp/neJ63f #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "往復ビンタ" j.mp/n79bZn #
- You will never stop learning, but you can and will stop sucking. #immersion #SRS #
- Don't do a good job, just do. #immersion #
- Don't do it well, just do…it. Period. Do it badly. Do it sloppily. It's not surgery. #immersion #
- 學習法 艾賓浩斯的遺忘曲線 記憶曲線 記憶術 (達飛戰記激戰篇 卷一) j.mp/k7uzml #
- ニッキー・ミナージュ | Nicki Minaj j.mp/rr2lYf #
- ニッキー・ミナージュ – Wikipedia j.mp/r3BBem #
- Nicki Minaj/ニッキー・ミナージュ|bmr.jp _ One & Only for Urban Music Lovers _ j.mp/pxKXEv #
- "Mandarin…is not as difficult as you might think. There's a reason why it's the world's most spoken language!" j.mp/qqpDHz #
- 用Flashcard學外文 (2) « HKLinguists j.mp/fThseM #
- Slow progress > no progress. "Slow" is relative. The presence/absence of progress is absolute. Move. Do anything. #immersion #
- It's a very binary process. You're either touching Japanese or you're not. If you are, you're winning. Case closed. #immersion #
- Feel good about yourself. Don't nitpick your progress. Progress is progress. 0 or 1. Anything that's not 0 is 1. #binary #
- ハリウッド・セレブ・ニュース j.mp/cdDPsh #
- "Don’t plan, or plan smaller." bit.ly/buevG7 #
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