- ""strong tea". While the same meaning could be conveyed by the roughly equivalent *powerful tea*…" t.co/R9rHJ2xD #
- Everywhere you look: Anything But Ordinary "「エヴリウェア ユー ルック」 " t.co/iPyL8Ft8 #fullhouse #theme #song #Japanese #translation #
- Everywhere You Look いろいろな歌詞 | FullerHouse t.co/WStz3v0z #
- ecosystem 『ジレンマ』 – YouTube t.co/5GhrLM2S
#銀魂 #OP # - "fools who learned Japanese at university and can’t deal with the unsanitized Japanese found in the Real World…" t.co/IGexMaEj #
- "Keep this hard work quarantined to a reasonable number of focused [minutes] each day" t.co/jHfZKGnq #
- SBL Byron Allen #33 Highlights 2009 – YouTube t.co/6aSnKH1m #mandarin #chinese #basketball #commentary #
- Japanese Talking Cantonese: My Learning Methods 我的粵語學習方法 – YouTube t.co/98noRl0x #
- [aTV 粵語] 吉永家的神奇石像第12話 [夫妻爭吵也可點綴節日] (PART 1 of 2) – YouTube t.co/XLIovnx2 #
- 鍾嘉欣 ft 韋雄-愛得起MV (畫沙 粵語版) – YouTube t.co/zPvpkeMs #Cantonese #RnB #
- "Play now, perfect later." t.co/tMMI53cL #
- "Anime is bad for your Japanese" = "Futsal is bad for your soccer" #bollocks #
- Never let people scare you into doing boring things. Watch that anime. #immersion 😛 #
- マヌート・ボル – Wikipedia t.co/tZT4Hg5v #
- So ur liking these readers huh ( @hanayanaa ライブ t.co/qlbZiXy4 ) #
- Are they entertaining as well as easy? ( @hanayanaa ライブ t.co/qlbZiXy4 ) #
- Answer jade first! ( @hanayanaa ライブ t.co/qlbZiXy4 ) #
- I saw that play, it's called DEATH NOTE!!! ( @hanayanaa ライブ t.co/qlbZiXy4 ) #
- 増山和恵 の '英語圏版 マンガ 坊っちゃん (Learning Language Through Literature 1)' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/WyUHWj8U via @ #
- 鈴木 孝夫 の 'あなたは英語で戦えますか: 國際英語とは自分英語である' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/sowweLu3 via @ #
- NPO法人日本語多読研究會 の 'レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー にほんごよむよむ文庫 レベル1 vol.2' を Amazon でチェック! t.co/on2ZQG2V via @ #
- 'うんこ!' t.co/Y6taLhC7 via @ #
- 'ウンココロ ~しあわせウンコ生活のススメ'
t.co/uzi9b5mN v # - "by their logic, I should talk like Spongebob Squarepants because that is the show I watched the most" t.co/tMMI53cL #
- "Being able to imitate anime characters…is a powerful skill that will get your
Japanese up to speed in no time." t.co/tMMI53cL # - "Learning from anime is cool and is a great first step. " t.co/tMMI53cL #
- #Shazam を使って GReeeeN の Ai Uta という曲を発見しました。 t.co/exfTreeY #
- "It doesn’t matter who’s the best the first day" t.co/wM34IGw1 #
- アレステッド・ディベロプメント (テレビドラマ) – Wikipedia t.co/6dQpsFtc #
- New at AJATT Plus: AJATT.talk | Volume 1 | Track 12 of 15 | 「究極の鍛錬」史上最低の朗読 t.co/eOPfoOJI #
- Getting used to a language is not all or nothing. It's all or something. #
- ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "《雙河彎生活閱讀誌》43期有聲書評《賈伯斯憑什麼領導世界》.wmv" t.co/uMh25IDa #
- #Shazam を使って THE MODS の 壊れたエンジン という曲を発見しました。 t.co/xM8MVjaY #
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