- "Chinese words are people, and English definitions are their names. You don’t know someone because you know their name" t.co/SwXhYy8z #
- Google image search is your friend. Google image search is…the ultimate illustrated dictionary 😀 #SRS #MCDs #word #lookup #
- "If you can understand Harry Potter – or Dragonball Z – you can understand Japanese." t.co/4uds6lOf #
- 13 ways I used to get my Mandarin to Native Level « Learn Languages the fast way "Ignored grammar" t.co/O9Ln4J9K #
- "If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, don’t do it at all, you’ll just be wasting your time." t.co/O9Ln4J9K #
- ARES-3: The Science-Fiction Sentence Pack, Part 8 of 10 | AJATT Plus "俺は、ユーザーの為に戦う!
I fight for the users!" t.co/mdeqxPJP #tronlegacy # - 首頁 | 壹電視 Next TV t.co/oSr9fjdQ #
- Duck Tales Theme Song in Japanese | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time
t.co/ubRnxsp2 # - 來た、見た、勝った – Wikipedia "「來た、見た、勝った」(羅: VENI·VIDI·VICI, " t.co/JvWdqiGk #
- Babies understand grammar long before they learn how to speak t.co/5Fw1yhwP #
- "…babies are listening to speech from the time that they're born; they really love to listen to it…"
t.co/5Fw1yhwP #immersion # - Competition is for pawns playing on other people’s chessboards.
t.co/mAqGTvCd # - "in order to sound like an anime seiyuu, you actually need to be fluent in the language" t.co/tMMI53cL #
- "I literally cut my linguistic teeth on American cartoons…yet, I sound nothing like Elmer Effing Fudd" t.co/tMMI53cL #
- サロゲート(SURROGATES)/世界を救わないブルース・ウィリス | 映畫感想 * FRAGILE t.co/xUqQZCdE #
- Under my 傘(傘 傘 えい えい えい)
Under my 傘(傘 傘 えい えい えい) #random # - Pure genius. A 1-hour long Japanese infomercial spoof. Much laughter occurred @ Khatz residence. #ダイナミック通販
t.co/GNZYsdzd # - ダイナミック通販 – 見つけて桃ちゃん – YouTube "峰竜太「形を見れば分かるじゃないか・・・」" t.co/X8t0pEhC #
- t.co/4iXuc5M8: 永遠の詩: 上妻宏光: DVD t.co/h4VfhKIq #shamisen #津軽三味線 #mp3 #ablum
Best track: 「刹那」 😀 # - L-VOKAL / STEP UP feat.KREVA – YouTube t.co/DJyBXYHt #
- Unicage Development Method – Its Philosophy and Technologies (Japanese Audio) – YouTube "GoogleTechTalks" t.co/C0E0Gvbg #
- InfiniteLooper – Loop YouTube Videos t.co/VydAL5dP #
- "get my eyes accustomed to seeing kanji" t.co/rGKOYgcb #
- L-vokal – STEP UP Feat.KREVA 歌詞 Lyrics on t.co/mMjVjAJ7 J-POP Songs! t.co/qU0yK6W9 #copypastable #lyrics #FTW #SRS #
- ダブステップ – Wikipedia "ダブステップ(英語: dubstep)は2000年代前半にイギリスのロンドンで誕生したエレクトロニック・ダンス・ミュージックの一種。" t.co/rU9twCXW #
- Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead|セビ丸の獨り言 ~in アメリカ・フロリダ~ "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (邦題はちょっと分ã #
- Rejoice. There is, in fact, egg nog in Japan.
オーガニックフーズライフ t.co/BaWqMGVA
Nissin World Delicatessen日進ワã # - Come on, Toshi! #
- 四字熟語問題1|漢字検定対策!完全無料の漢字練習問題集 t.co/njzYp5Fg #
- YouTube XL "超好笑的補習班老師–家族詐騙實錄" t.co/J8nJQ8QQ #funny #cramschool #teacher #mandarin #
- 【行動補習網】《基測英文如何滿分》- Janice老師 – YouTube t.co/QWxwvli2 #highschool #english #taiwan #
- 國中 英文 行動補習網 – YouTube t.co/SxQNodGj #cramschool #english #taiwan #
- "George has two cars"
★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "【行動補習網】《國中總複習》基測英文- Michelle老師" t.co/NkNoQwSM #highschool #english #taiwan # - ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "國中 數學 補習班" t.co/hTk2HkAI #mathematics #cramschool #in #mandarin #
- no-1chineselearning: how to improve chinese listening? ""Listen a lot!"
"React to what you hear" " t.co/B8PX0K9U #shadowing # - "People stay with the beginner book or course too long." t.co/bh76BVik #
- "You will need to keep on going back to the beginner book. In the meantime, get into interesting authentic content." t.co/bh76BVik #
- "get into interesting authentic content. Do it as soon as possible, even if you don't understand it very well. " t.co/bh76BVik #
- "Set Google to search only for materials in the language you want to learn and go nuts." t.co/v6d6rLei #
- ニュースな英語 – goo辭書 "「ピーナッツバターとジャムのサンドイッチ(peanut butter and jelly sandwich)」というアメリカ人にとってのソウルフード。" t.co/EcPniRp4 #
- [Ktv] Cookies- 親朋勿友 – YouTube t.co/Wj77IXNf #sappy #ballad #cantonese #
- My Japanese is AWESOME – Reviewing the Kanji – Learning Japanese "AJATT WORKS!" t.co/uWZ6xYob #
- "I keep my Mac, Linux…Windows machines…iPhone [i]n Japanese; everything I listen to at work is Japanese" t.co/hlmAt5Uh #
- Don't be too smart to use good advice. Don't be too humble to ignore bad advice. Don't be too uninformed to see the difference. #
- Don't score. Take shots. #SRS #showingup #timeboxing #
- STAR TREK CHRONOLOGY "簡易スタートレック年表" t.co/0zYXqBMS #
- Games ARE Japanese culture and Japan IS Akihabara. More Japanese people have been to Akihabara than were ever samurai. Just sayin. #minirant #
- "Doing all your management up front, and then letting go and not micro-managing yourself to death. " t.co/3okj2hQR #
- "that energy we normally waste on feeling guilty, we can now apply to doing some SRS reps or something." t.co/3okj2hQR #
- "Pop culture is often the best choice… there's a reason pop culture is popular: it's easy to digest." t.co/KYeAYiC0 #
- When do people learn languages? "For your reading, read things you're interested in." t.co/KYeAYiC0 #
- "For your reading, read things you're interested in." t.co/KYeAYiC0 #
- When do people learn languages? "Read books in the target language.
Better yet, read comics and magazines." t.co/KYeAYiC0 # - When do people learn languages? "Buy music that's sung in it; play it while you're doing other things." t.co/KYeAYiC0 #
- When do people learn languages? "Take notes in your classes or at meetings in the language." t.co/KYeAYiC0 #
- When do people learn languages? "memorizing vocabulary lists is not likely to be effective" t.co/KYeAYiC0 #
- ""But they're still native speakers." Sure, but they have a lousy command of the written standard." t.co/KYeAYiC0 #
- "the desire for more manga and anime has led a surprising number of fans to try to learn Japanese." t.co/KYeAYiC0 #
- 生化危機3:絕種生還者 » 留聲館藏 t.co/ATsTrgGj #residentevil #cantonese #dub #info #
- New at AJATT Plus: ARES-3: The Science-Fiction Sentence Pack… t.co/uJTbXUeL #
- "Textbooks are great, but if that’s the only resource you use, you’re screwed" t.co/XSH2GMvB #
- "Across experiments, spacing was more effective than massing for 90% of the participants" t.co/zkrjeeAp #SRS #
- "You would be surprised, Hamming, how much you would know if you worked as hard as he did that many years." t.co/zkrjeeAp #
- "Knowledge and productivity are like compound interest." t.co/zkrjeeAp #
- "Knowledge needs to accumulate, and flashcards with spaced repetition can aid in just that accumulation" t.co/zkrjeeAp #
- "the mere act of testing someone’s memory will strengthen the memory, regardless of whether there is feedback." t.co/zkrjeeAp #SRS #
- "two spaced presentations are about twice as effective as two massed presentations" t.co/zkrjeeAp #SRS #
- "Robert Craig set multiple records on the quiz show Jeopardy! in part thanks to using Anki" t.co/zkrjeeAp #SRS #
- Spaced repetition "the retention of new information degrades rapidly unless it is reviewed in some manner" t.co/zkrjeeAp #
- Cantonese Evangelion in 5 words: Every voice perfect, except Shinji. Voice is too deep and has all the emotional intensity of…Garfield. 😀 #
- "Some are cool; some are not. Focus only on the cool people" t.co/I82TgYaK #
- ARES-3: The Science-Fiction Sentence Pack
Hey, boys. Is that any way to treat a lady?" t.co/ZAAORToT #
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