- You never have to suffer to succeed. You just have to do what you can; this tends to be a lot more (and a lot easier) than most of us think. #
- “[Useless! All he did was]…practice…a series of moves over and over until he got fast”
Hello? That’s the *point*.
bit.ly/z821k # - Bad SRS cards = bad apples. Discard them before they spread the rot to the rest of your deck. #
- 『「漢字」は・・・東洋文明の共有財産であって外国の文字ではない』
bit.ly/129mYi # - The key to success with goals is to use them rather than be used by them. #
- “You don’t have to speak, you just have to sing!”
bit.ly/Af1tY # - “School is tests and credits and notetaking and meeting standards. Learning, on the other hand, is ‘getting it’. ”
bit.ly/29aqdP # - Illiteracy basically sucks chocolate salty balls.
bit.ly/uciKy # - Yahoo HK/Japan/wherever makes a great home page — there’s always new content from a variety of sources… #
- “it 皆ll starts with language. Languages are the key that opens the 戸oor to 他ther worlds.”
bit.ly/S2Fz5 # - Having too many rules can get in the way of reading. If in doubt, just open the book and look at it. Screw everything else… #
- Trouble deciding what to learn next SRS/sentence-wise? A word frequency is always a good starting point.
bit.ly/45iht # - Surusu: Backup in progress #
- Wanna see my handwriting from SRS sentence reps today? I only write down characters where I get a reading wrong…
bit.ly/tUlen # - Yes, it’s messy. Deal :D.
bit.ly/tUlen # - Don’t know how much listening in your sleep helps. But at the very least it’s like sleeping with your shoes on, all ready for the morning. #
- ‘”Where we are today is [like] a flower,” … “You’d have had to plant a seed long ago to get where we are today.”‘
- bit.ly/ej6mJ #
- BD recommends Japanese news with flava:
www.news.janjan.jp/ #
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